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Update localization guidelines (#10485) * Update localization guidelines for language labels Continuing work Continuing work Continuing work More work in progress Add local OWNERS folders Add an OWNERS file to Chinese Remove shortcode for repos Add Japanese Alphabetize languages, change weights accordingly More updates Add Korean in Korean Add English to languageName Feedback from gochist Move Chinese content from cn/ to zh/ Move OWNERS from cn/ to zh/ Resolve merge conflicts by updating from master Add files back in to prep for resolution After rebase on upstream/master, remove files Review and update localization guidelines Feedback from gochist, tnir, cstoku Add a trailing newline to content/ja/OWNERS Add a trailing newline to content/zh/OWNERS Drop requirement for GH repo project Clarify language about forks/branches Edits and typos Remove a shortcode specific to a multi-repo language setup Update aliases and owners Add explicit OWNERS for content/en Migrate content from Chinese repo, update regex in config.toml Remove untranslated strings Add trailing newline to content/en/OWNERS Add trailing newlines to OWNERS files add Jaguar project description (#10433) * add Jaguar project description [Jaguar]( is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight. Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod. * Minor newline tweak blog post for azure vmss (#10538) Add microk8s to (#10542) * Add microk8s to Microk8s is a single-command installation of upstream Kubernetes on any Linux and should be included in the list of local-machine solutions. * capitalized Istio Add microk8s to (#10543) * Add microk8s to Adding microk8s as credible and stable alternative to get started with Kubernetes on a local machine. This is especially attractive for those not wanting to incur the overhead of running a VM for a local cluster. * Update Thank you for your suggestions! LMK if this works now? * Rewrote first paragraph And included a bullet list of features of microk8s * Copyedit fix typo (#10545) Fix the kubectl subcommands links. (#10550) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Fix command issue (#10515) Signed-off-by: mooncake <> remove imported community files per issue 10184 (#10501) Markdown fix (#10498) Fix front matter, federation command-line tools (#10500) Clean up glossary entry (#10399) update slack link (#10536) typo in StatefulSet docs (#10558) fix discription about horizontal pod autoscale (#10557) Remove redundant symbols (#10556) Fix issue #10520 (#10554) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Update (#10534) Revert "Fix command issue (#10515)" This reverts commit c02a7fb9f9d19872d9227814b3e9ffaaa28d85f0. Update (#10530) update memory request to 100MiB corresponding the yaml content Blog: Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes (#10562) * blog post for azure vmss * snapshot blog post Resolve merge conflicts in OWNERS* Minor typo fix (#10567) Not sure what's supposed to be here, proposing removing it. * Feedback from gochist Tweaks to feedback * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang
2018-10-12 21:25:01 +00:00
<!-- ---
title: " How to deploy secure, auditable, and reproducible Kubernetes clusters on AWS "
date: 2016-04-15
slug: kubernetes-on-aws_15
url: /blog/2016/04/Kubernetes-On-Aws_15
--- -->
title: " 如何在AWS上部署安全可审计可复现的k8s集群 "
date: 2016-04-15
slug: kubernetes-on-aws_15
url: /blog/2016/04/Kubernetes-On-Aws_15
<!-- _Todays guest post is written by Colin Hom, infrastructure engineer at [CoreOS](, the company delivering Googles Infrastructure for Everyone Else (#GIFEE) and running the world's containers securely on CoreOS Linux, Tectonic and Quay._
_Join us at [CoreOS Fest Berlin](, the Open Source Distributed Systems Conference, and learn more about CoreOS and Kubernetes._ -->
_今天的客座文章是由Colin Hom撰写[CoreOS](的基础架构工程师。CoreOS致力于推广谷歌的基础架构模式Googles Infrastructure for Everyone Else #GIFEE让全世界的容器都能在CoreOS Linux, Tectonic 和 Quay上安全运行。_
<!-- At CoreOS, we're all about deploying Kubernetes in production at scale. Today we are excited to share a tool that makes deploying Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) a breeze. Kube-aws is a tool for deploying auditable and reproducible Kubernetes clusters to AWS, currently used by CoreOS to spin up production clusters. -->
在CoreOS, 我们一直都是在生产环境中大规模部署Kubernetes。今天我们非常兴奋地想分享一款工具它能让你的Kubernetes生产环境大规模部署更加的轻松。Kube-aws这个工具可以用来在AWS上部署可审计可复现的k8s集群而CoreOS本身就在生产环境中使用它。
<!-- Today you might be putting the Kubernetes components together in a more manual way. With this helpful tool, Kubernetes is delivered in a streamlined package to save time, minimize interdependencies and quickly create production-ready deployments. -->
<!-- A simple templating system is leveraged to generate cluster configuration as a set of declarative configuration templates that can be version controlled, audited and re-deployed. Since the entirety of the provisioning is by [AWS CloudFormation]( and cloud-init, theres no need for external configuration management tools on your end. Batteries included! -->
借助于一个简单的模板系统,来生成集群配置,这么做是因为一套声明式的配置模板可以版本控制,审计以及重复部署。而且,由于整个创建过程只用到了[AWS CloudFormation]( 和 cloud-init你也就不需要额外用到其它的配置管理工具。开箱即用
<!-- To skip the talk and go straight to the project, check out [the latest release of kube-aws](, which supports Kubernetes 1.2.x. To get your cluster running, [check out the documentation]( -->
如果要跳过演讲,直接了解这个项目,可以看看[kube-aws的最新发布](支持Kubernetes 1.2.x。如果要部署集群可以参考[文档]](
<!-- **Why kube-aws? Security, auditability and reproducibility** -->
<!-- Kube-aws is designed with three central goals in mind. -->
<!-- **Secure** : TLS assets are encrypted via the [AWS Key Management Service (KMS)]( before being embedded in the CloudFormation JSON. By managing [IAM policy]( for the KMS key independently, an operator can decouple operational access to the CloudFormation stack from access to the TLS secrets. -->
**安全** : TLS 资源在嵌入到CloudFormation JSON之前通过[AWS 秘钥管理服务](加密。通过单独管理KMS密钥的[IAM 策略](可以将CloudFormation栈的访问与TLS秘钥的访问分离开。
<!-- **Auditable** : kube-aws is built around the concept of cluster assets. These configuration and credential assets represent the complete description of the cluster. Since KMS is used to encrypt TLS assets, you can feel free to check your unencrypted stack JSON into version control as well! -->
**可审计** : kube-aws是围绕集群资产的概念来创建。这些配置和账户资产是对集群的完全描述。由于KMS被用来加密TLS资产因而可以无所顾忌地将未加密的CloudFormation栈 JSON签入到版本控制服务中。
<!-- **Reproducible** : The _--export_ option packs your parameterized cluster definition into a single JSON file which defines a CloudFormation stack. This file can be version controlled and submitted directly to the CloudFormation API via existing deployment tooling, if desired. -->
**可重复** : _--export_ 选项将参数化的集群定义打包成一整个JSON文件对应一个CloudFormation栈。这个文件可以版本控制然后如果需要的话通过现有的部署工具直接提交给CloudFormation API。
<!-- **How to get started with kube-aws** -->
<!-- On top of this foundation, kube-aws implements features that make Kubernetes deployments on AWS easier to manage and more flexible. Here are some examples. -->
<!-- **Route53 Integration** : Kube-aws can manage your cluster DNS records as part of the provisioning process. -->
**Route53集成** : Kube-aws 可以管理你的集群DNS记录作为配置过程的一部分。
createRecordSet: true
recordSetTTL: 300
<!-- **Existing VPC Support** : Deploy your cluster to an existing VPC. -->
**现有VPC支持** : 将集群部署到现有的VPC上。
vpcId: vpc-xxxxx
routeTableId: rtb-xxxxx
<!-- **Validation** : Kube-aws supports validation of cloud-init and CloudFormation definitions, along with any external resources that the cluster stack will integrate with. For example, heres a cloud-config with a misspelled parameter: -->
**验证** : kube-aws 支持验证 cloud-init 和 CloudFormation定义以及集群栈会集成用到的外部资源。例如下面就是一个cloud-config外带一个拼写错误的参数
interrface: $private\_ipv4
etcd\_endpoints: {{ .ETCDEndpoints }}
$ kube-aws validate
\> Validating UserData...
Error: cloud-config validation errors:
UserDataWorker: line 4: warning: unrecognized key "interrface"
<!-- To get started, check out the [kube-aws documentation]( -->
考虑如何起步?看看[kube-aws 文档](
<!-- **Future Work** -->
<!-- As always, the goal with kube-aws is to make deployments that are production ready. While we use kube-aws in production on AWS today, this project is pre-1.0 and there are a number of areas in which kube-aws needs to evolve. -->
<!-- **Fault tolerance** : At CoreOS we believe Kubernetes on AWS is a potent platform for fault-tolerant and self-healing deployments. In the upcoming weeks, kube-aws will be rising to a new challenge: surviving the [Chaos Monkey]( control plane and all! -->
**容错** : CoreOS坚信 Kubernetes on AWS是强健的平台适于容错、自恢复部署。在接下来的几个星期kube-aws将会迎接新的考验混世猴子[Chaos Monkey](测试 - 控制平面以及全部!
<!-- **Zero-downtime updates** : Updating CoreOS nodes and Kubernetes components can be done without downtime and without interdependency with the correct instance replacement strategy. -->
**零停机更新** : 更新CoreOS节点和Kubernetes组件不需要停机也不需要考虑实例更新策略instance replacement strategy的影响。
<!-- A [github issue]( tracks the work towards this goal. We look forward to seeing you get involved with the project by filing issues or contributing directly. -->
有一个[github issue](来追踪这些工作进展。我们期待你的参与提交issue或是直接贡献。
<!-- _Learn more about Kubernetes and meet the community at [CoreOS Fest Berlin]( - May 9-10, 2016_ -->
_想要更多地了解Kubernetes来[柏林CoreOS盛宴](看看,- 五月 9-10, 2016_
<!-- _ Colin Hom, infrastructure engineer, CoreOS_ -->
_ Colin Hom, 基础架构工程师, CoreOS_