
114 lines
5.7 KiB
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2023-12-19 15:04:21 +00:00
{{- $featureDataFiles := .Site.GetPage "page" "docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates" -}}
<!-- Check if 'show-removed' is passed to the shortcode to display only 'removed' feature gates -->
{{- $removedFeatureGateRequested := .Get "show-removed" -}}
<!-- Extract value for the 'include' parameter passed to the shortcode -->
{{- $includeValues := .Get "include" -}}
<!-- Sort Feature gate pages list -->
{{- $sortedFeatureGates := sort ($featureDataFiles.Resources.ByType "page") -}}
<table class="sortable-table">
<caption style="display:none">
{{- .Get "caption" -}}
<th>{{- T "feature_gate_table_header_feature" -}}</th>
<th>{{- T "feature_gate_table_header_default" -}}</th>
<th>{{- T "feature_gate_table_header_stage" -}}</th>
{{- if $removedFeatureGateRequested -}}
{{- T "feature_gate_table_header_from" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- T "feature_gate_table_header_since" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $removedFeatureGateRequested -}}
{{- T "feature_gate_table_header_to" -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- T "feature_gate_table_header_until" -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $featureGateFile := $sortedFeatureGates -}}
<!-- Extract the feature gate name from the "Title" parameter in file -->
{{- $featureGateName := $featureGateFile.Params.Title -}}
<!-- Extract the feature gate status (i.e. removed or not) from the "Removed" parameter in file -->
{{- $removedStatusForFeature := index $featureGateFile.Params.Removed -}}
<!-- Check if 'stages' parameter is missing in the front matter -->
{{- if not (isSet $featureGateFile.Params "stages") -}}
{{- warnf "Stages parameter is missing in the front matter for %s in %s" $featureGateName (print $featureGateFile.File.Lang "/" $featureGateFile.File.Path) -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- if not $removedFeatureGateRequested -}}
<!-- Check if the feature gate should be included based on the 'include' parameter -->
{{- if $removedStatusForFeature -}}
{{- continue -}}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Check if 'alpha' or 'beta' is specified in 'include' values, set flag accordingly -->
{{- $onlyDisplayAlphaBetaFeature := or (in $includeValues "alpha") (in $includeValues "beta") -}}
{{- $graduatedOrDeprecatedFlag := false -}}
<!-- Iterate through stages for current Feature gate to check for "stable" or "deprecated" stage -->
{{- range $stage := $featureGateFile.Params.stages -}}
{{- if or (eq ($stage).stage "stable") (eq ($stage).stage "deprecated") -}}
{{- $graduatedOrDeprecatedFlag = true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if eq $onlyDisplayAlphaBetaFeature $graduatedOrDeprecatedFlag -}}
{{- continue -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
<!-- Check if 'removed' parameter is not specified, continue to the next iteration -->
{{- if not $removedStatusForFeature -}}
{{- continue -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $featureGate := $featureGateFile.Params.stages -}}
<!-- Check if the 'stage' value is valid -->
{{- $validStages := slice "alpha" "beta" "stable" "deprecated" -}}
{{- $isValidStage := in $validStages $featureGate.stage -}}
{{- if not $isValidStage -}}
{{- errorf "Invalid 'stage' value '%s' specified for feature gate '%s' in %s (Valid values are: %s)" $featureGate.stage $featureGateName (print $featureGateFile.File.Lang "/" $featureGateFile.File.Path) $validStages -}}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Parse and extract the numeric values in format x.y or x.y.z for comparison -->
{{- $formattedFromVersion := printf "%s" $featureGate.fromVersion | replaceRE "(\\d+\\.\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)?.*" "$1" -}}
{{- $formattedToVersion := printf "%s" $featureGate.toVersion | replaceRE "(\\d+\\.\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)?.*" "$1" -}}
<!-- Check for invalid 'fromVersion' value -->
{{- if not (eq (printf "%s" $featureGate.fromVersion) $formattedFromVersion) -}}
{{- errorf "Invalid 'fromVersion' value '%s' specified for feature gate '%s' in %s" $featureGate.fromVersion $featureGateName (print $featureGateFile.File.Lang "/" $featureGateFile.File.Path) -}}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Check for invalid 'toVersion' value -->
{{- if and $featureGate.toVersion (not (eq (printf "%s" $featureGate.toVersion) $formattedToVersion)) -}}
{{- errorf "Invalid 'toVersion' value '%s' specified for feature gate '%s' in %s" $featureGate.toVersion $featureGateName (print $featureGateFile.File.Lang "/" $featureGateFile.File.Path) -}}
{{- end -}}
<!-- Display feature gate information in table rows -->
<td><code>{{- $featureGateName -}}</code></td>
<td>{{- if isSet $featureGate "defaultValue" -}}<code>{{- $featureGate.defaultValue -}}</code>{{- else -}}{{- end -}}</td>
<td>{{- T (printf "feature_gate_stage_%s" $featureGate.stage) -}}</td>
<td>{{- $featureGate.fromVersion -}}</td>
<td>{{- if isSet $featureGate "toVersion" -}}{{- $featureGate.toVersion -}}{{- else -}}{{- end -}}</td>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}