Not running Linux? Consider running Linux in a local virtual machine with [Vagrant](/docs/getting-started-guides/vagrant), or on a cloud provider like [Google Compute Engine](/docs/getting-started-guides/gce)
#### Docker
At least [Docker](
1.3+. Ensure the Docker daemon is running and can be contacted (try `docker
ps`). Some of the Kubernetes components need to run as root, which normally
works fine with docker.
#### etcd
You need an [etcd]( in your path, please make sure it is installed and in your ``$PATH``.
#### go
You need [go]( at least 1.3+ in your path, please make sure it is installed and in your ``$PATH``.
Note the difference between a [container](/docs/user-guide/containers)
and a [pod](/docs/user-guide/pods). Since you only asked for the former, Kubernetes will create a wrapper pod for you.
However you cannot view the nginx start page on localhost. To verify that nginx is running you need to run `curl` within the docker container (try `docker exec`).
You can control the specifications of a pod via a user defined manifest, and reach nginx through your browser on the port specified therein:
The script doesn't start a DNS service. Similar situation can be found [here]( You can start a manually. Related documents can be found [here]({{page.githubbranch}}/cluster/addons/dns#how-do-i-configure-it)