Kubernetes 1.4 introduced an API for requesting certificates from a cluster-level Certificate Authority (CA). The original intent of this API is to enable provisioning of TLS client certificates for kubelets. The proposal can be found [here](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/20439)
and progress on the feature is being tracked as [feature #43](https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/43).
controller. As this feature matures, you should ensure tokens are bound to a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policy which limits requests
(using the bootstrap token) strictly to client requests related to certificate provisioning. With RBAC in place, scoping the tokens to a group allows for great flexibility (e.g. you could disable a particular bootstrap group's access when you are done provisioning the nodes).
The API for requesting certificates adds a certificate-issuing control loop to the Kubernetes Controller Manager. This takes the form of a
[cfssl](https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-cfssl/) local signer using assets on disk. Currently, all certificates issued have one year validity and a default set of key usages.
To request a client certificate from kube-apiserver, the kubelet first needs a path to a kubeconfig file that contains the
bootstrap authentication token. You can use `kubectl config set-cluster`, `set-credentials`, and `set-context` to build this kubeconfig. Provide the name `kubelet-bootstrap` to `kubectl config set-credentials` and include `--token=<token-value>` as follows:
When starting the kubelet, if the file specified by `--kubeconfig` does not exist, the bootstrap kubeconfig is used to request a client certificate from the API server. On approval of the certificate request and receipt back by the kubelet, a kubeconfig file referencing the generated key and obtained certificate is written to the path specified by `--kubeconfig`. The certificate and key file will be placed in the directory specified by `--cert-dir`.
The flag to enable this bootstrapping when starting the kubelet is:
approval controller, but for the alpha version of the API it can be done manually by a cluster administrator using kubectl.
An administrator can list CSRs with `kubectl get csr` and describe one in detail with `kubectl describe csr <name>`. Before the 1.6 release there were
[no direct approve/deny commands](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30163) so an approver had to update
the Status field directly ([rough how-to](https://github.com/gtank/csrctl)). Later versions of Kubernetes offer `kubectl certificate approve <name>` and `kubectl certificate deny <name>` commands.