CPU utilization is the recent CPU usage of a pod divided by the sum of CPU requested by the pod's containers.
Please note that if some of the pod's containers do not have CPU request set,
CPU utilization for the pod will not be defined and the autoscaler will not take any action.
Further details of the autoscaling algorithm are given [here](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/{{page.githubbranch}}/docs/design/horizontal-pod-autoscaler.md#autoscaling-algorithm).
Scale is an interface which allows to dynamically set the number of replicas and to learn the current state of them.
More details on scale sub-resource can be found [here](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/{{page.githubbranch}}/docs/design/horizontal-pod-autoscaler.md#scale-subresource).
In Kubernetes 1.2 HPA was graduated from beta to stable (more details about [api versioning](/docs/api/#api-versioning)) with compatibility between versions.
The stable version is available in the `autoscaling/v1` api group whereas the beta vesion is available in the `extensions/v1beta1` api group as before.
The transition plan is to deprecate beta version of HPA in Kubernetes 1.3, and get it rid off completely in Kubernetes 1.4.
Kubernetes 1.2 adds alpha support for scaling based on application-specific metrics like QPS (queries per second) or average request latency.
### Prerequisites
The cluster has to be started with `ENABLE_CUSTOM_METRICS` environment variable set to `true`.
### Pod configuration
The pods to be scaled must have cAdvisor-specific custom (aka application) metrics endpoint configured. The configuration format is described [here](https://github.com/google/cadvisor/blob/master/docs/application_metrics.md). Kubernetes expects the configuration to
be placed in `definition.json` mounted via a [configMap](/docs/user-guide/configmap/) in `/etc/custom-metrics`. A sample config map may look like this:
Due to the way cAdvisor currently works `localhost` refers to the node itself, not to the running pod. Thus the appropriate container in the pod must ask for a node port. Example:
- hostPort: 8080
containerPort: 8080
### Specifying target
HPA for custom metrics is configured via an annotation. The value in the annotation is interpreted as a target metric value averaged over
In this case, if there are four pods running and each pod reports a QPS metric of 15 or higher, horizontal pod autoscaling will start two additional pods (for a total of six pods running).
If you specify multiple metrics in your annotation or if you set a target CPU utilization, horizontal pod autoscaling will scale to according to the metric that requires the highest number of replicas.
If you do not specify a target for CPU utilization, Kubernetes defaults to an 80% utilization threshold for horizontal pod autoscaling.
If you want to ensure that horizontal pod autoscaling calculates the number of required replicas based only on custom metrics, you should set the CPU utilization target to a very large value (such as 100000%). As this level of CPU utilization isn't possible, horizontal pod autoscaling will calculate based only on the custom metrics (and min/max limits).