SIG Docs [approvers](/docs/contribute/participating/#approvers) take regular turns as the PR wrangler for the repository and are added to the [PR Wrangler rotation scheduler]( for weekly rotations.
- Review [open pull requests]( daily for quality and adherence to the [style guide](/docs/contribute/style/style-guide/).
- Help new contributors sign the [CLA](
- Use [this]( script to automatically remind contributors that haven’t signed the CLA to sign the CLA.
The following queries are helpful when wrangling. After working through these three queries, the remaining list of PRs to be
reviewed is usually small. These queries specifically exclude localization PRs, and only include the `master` branch (except for the last one).
- [No CLA, not eligible to merge](
Determine whether any additional changes or updates need to be made for the PR to be merged. If you think the PR is ready to be merged, comment `/approve`.
- [Not against master]( If it's against a `dev-` branch, it's for an upcoming release. Make sure the [release meister]( knows about it by adding a comment with `/assign @<meister's_github-username>`. If it's against an old branch, help the PR author figure out whether it's targeted against the best branch.
Reviews and approvals are one tool to keep our PR queue short and current. Another tool is closure.
- Close any PR where the CLA hasn’t been signed for two weeks.
PR authors can reopen the PR after signing the CLA, so this is a low-risk way to make sure nothing gets merged without a signed CLA.
- Close any PR where the author has not responded to comments or feedback in 2 or more weeks.
Don't be afraid to close pull requests. Contributors can easily reopen and resume works in progress. Oftentimes a closure notice is what spurs an author to resume and finish their contribution.
To close a pull request, leave a `/close` comment on the PR.
An automated service, [`fejta-bot`]( automatically marks issues as stale after 90 days of inactivity, then closes them after an additional 30 days of inactivity when they become rotten. PR wranglers should close issues after 14-30 days of inactivity.
- Understand SIG Docs workflows and tooling: git, Hugo, localization, blog subproject
- Understand how other Kubernetes SIGs and repositories affect the SIG Docs workflow, including: [teams in k/org](, [process in k/community](, plugins in [k/test-infra](, and the role of [SIG Architecture](
- Commit at least 5 hours per week (and often more) to the role for a minimum of 6 months
### Responsibilities
The role of co-chair is primarily one of service: co-chairs handle process and policy, schedule and run meetings, schedule PR wranglers, and generally do the things that no one else wants to do in order to build contributor capacity.
Responsibilities include:
- Keep SIG Docs focused on maximizing developer happiness through excellent documentation
- Exemplify the [community code of conduct]( and hold SIG members accountable to it
- Learn and set best practices for the SIG by updating contribution guidelines
- Schedule and run SIG meetings: weekly status updates, quarterly retro/planning sessions, and others as needed
- Schedule and run doc sprints at KubeCon events and other conferences
- Recruit for and advocate on behalf of SIG Docs with the {{<glossary_tooltiptext="CNCF"term_id="cncf">}} and its platinum partners, including Google, Oracle, Azure, IBM, and Huawei