To enable the Node authorizer, start the apiserver with `--authorization-mode=Node`.
To limit the API objects kubelets are able to write, enable the [NodeRestriction](/docs/admin/admission-controllers#NodeRestriction) admission plugin by starting the apiserver with `--admission-control=...,NodeRestriction,...`
## Migration considerations
### Kubelets outside the `system:nodes` group
Kubelets outside the `system:nodes` group would not be authorized by the `Node` authorization mode,
and would need to continue to be authorized via whatever mechanism currently authorizes them.
The node admission plugin would not restrict requests from these kubelets.
### Kubelets with undifferentiated usernames
In some deployments, kubelets have credentials that place them in the `system:nodes` group,
but do not identify the particular node they are associated with,
because they do not have a username in the `system:node:...` format.
These kubelets would not be authorized by the `Node` authorization mode,
and would need to continue to be authorized via whatever mechanism currently authorizes them.
The `NodeRestriction` admission plugin would ignore requests from these kubelets,
since the default node identifier implementation would not consider that a node identity.
### Upgrades from previous versions using RBAC
Upgraded pre-1.7 clusters using [RBAC](/docs/admin/authorization/rbac/) will continue functioning as-is because the `system:nodes` group binding will already exist.
If a cluster admin wishes to start using the `Node` authorizer and `NodeRestriction` admission plugin
to limit node access to the API, that can be done non-disruptively:
1. Enable the `Node` authorization mode (`--authorization-mode=Node,RBAC`) and the `NodeRestriction` admission plugin
2. Ensure all kubelets' credentials conform to the group/username requirements
3. Audit apiserver logs to ensure the `Node` authorizer is not rejecting requests from kubelets (no persistent `NODE DENY` messages logged)
4. Delete the `system:node` cluster role binding
### RBAC Node Permissions
In 1.6, the `system:node` cluster role was automatically bound to the `system:nodes` group when using the [RBAC Authorization mode](/docs/admin/authorization/rbac/).
In 1.7, the automatic binding of the `system:nodes` group to the `system:node` role is deprecated
because the node authorizer accomplishes the same purpose with the benefit of additional restrictions
on secret and configmap access. If the `Node` and `RBAC` authorization modes are both enabled,
the automatic binding of the `system:nodes` group to the `system:node` role is not created in 1.7.
In 1.8, the binding will not be created at all.
When using RBAC, the `system:node` cluster role will continue to be created,
for compatibility with deployment methods that bind other users or groups to that role.