Every week the Kubernetes contributing community meet virtually over Google Hangouts. We want anyone who's interested to know what's discussed in this forum.
\- Andy - demo remote execution and port forwarding
\- Quinton - Cluster federation - Postponed
\- Clayton - UI code sharing and collaboration around Kubernetes
\- Andy - 演示远程执行和端口转发
\- Quinton - 联邦集群 - 延迟
\- Clayton - 围绕 Kubernetes 的 UI 代码共享和协作
Notes from meeting:
1\. Andy from RedHat:
1\. Andy 从 RedHat:
* Demo remote execution
* 演示远程执行
* kubectl exec -p $POD -- $CMD
* Makes a connection to the master as proxy, figures out which node the pod is on, proxies connection to kubelet, which does the interesting bit. via nsenter.
* Multiplexed streaming over HTTP using SPDY
* Also interactive mode:
* Assumes first container. Can use -c $CONTAINER to pick a particular one.
* If have gdb pre-installed in container, then can interactively attach it to running process
* backtrace, symbol tbles, print, etc. Most things you can do with gdb.
* Can also with careful flag crafting run rsync over this or set up sshd inside container.