| `MemoryPressure` | `memory.available` | Available memory on the node has satisfied an eviction threshold |
| `DiskPressure` | `nodefs.available`, `nodefs.inodesFree`, `imagefs.available`, or `imagefs.inodesFree` | Available disk space and inodes on either the node's root filesytem or image filesystem has satisfied an eviction threshold |
The `kubelet` will continue to report node status updates at the frequency specified by
`--node-status-update-frequency` which defaults to `10s`.
### Oscillation of node conditions
If a node is oscillating above and below a soft eviction threshold, but not exceeding
its associated grace period, it would cause the corresponding node condition to
constantly oscillate between true and false, and could cause poor scheduling decisions
as a consequence.
To protect against this oscillation, the following flag is defined to control how
long the `kubelet` must wait before transitioning out of a pressure condition.
*`eviction-pressure-transition-period` is the duration for which the `kubelet` has
to wait before transitioning out of an eviction pressure condition.
The `kubelet` would ensure that it has not observed an eviction threshold being met
for the specified pressure condition for the period specified before toggling the
condition back to `false`.
### Reclaiming node level resources
If an eviction threshold has been met and the grace period has passed,
the `kubelet` will initiate the process of reclaiming the pressured resource
until it has observed the signal has gone below its defined threshold.
The `kubelet` attempts to reclaim node level resources prior to evicting end-user pods. If
disk pressure is observed, the `kubelet` reclaims node level resources differently if the
machine has a dedicated `imagefs` configured for the container runtime.
#### With Imagefs
If `nodefs` filesystem has met eviction thresholds, `kubelet` will free up disk space in the following order:
1. Delete dead pods/containers
If `imagefs` filesystem has met eviction thresholds, `kubelet` will free up disk space in the following order:
1. Delete all unused images
#### Without Imagefs
If `nodefs` filesystem has met eviction thresholds, `kubelet` will free up disk space in the following order:
1. Delete dead pods/containers
1. Delete all unused images
### Evicting end-user pods
If the `kubelet` is unable to reclaim sufficient resource on the node,
it will begin evicting pods.
The `kubelet` ranks pods for eviction as follows:
* by their quality of service
* by the consumption of the starved compute resource relative to the pods scheduling request.
As a result, pod eviction occurs in the following order:
*`BestEffort` pods that consume the most of the starved resource are failed
*`Burstable` pods that consume the greatest amount of the starved resource
relative to their request for that resource are killed first. If no pod
has exceeded its request, the strategy targets the largest consumer of the
starved resource.
*`Guaranteed` pods that consume the greatest amount of the starved resource
relative to their request are killed first. If no pod has exceeded its request,
the strategy targets the largest consumer of the starved resource.
A `Guaranteed` pod is guaranteed to never be evicted because of another pod's
resource consumption. If a system daemon (i.e. `kubelet`, `docker`, `journald`, etc.)
is consuming more resources than were reserved via `system-reserved` or `kube-reserved` allocations,
and the node only has `Guaranteed` pod(s) remaining, then the node must choose to evict a
`Guaranteed` pod in order to preserve node stability, and to limit the impact
of the unexpected consumption to other `Guaranteed` pod(s).
Local disk is a `BestEffort` resource. If necessary, `kubelet` will evict pods one at a time to reclaim
disk when `DiskPressure` is encountered. The `kubelet` will rank pods by quality of service. If the `kubelet`
is responding to `inode` starvation, it will reclaim `inodes` by evicting pods with the lowest quality of service
first. If the `kubelet` is responding to lack of available disk, it will rank pods within a quality of service
that consumes the largest amount of disk and kill those first.
#### With Imagefs
If `nodefs` is triggering evictions, `kubelet` will sort pods based on the usage on `nodefs`
- local volumes + logs of all its containers.
If `imagefs` is triggering evictions, `kubelet` will sort pods based on the writable layer usage of all its containers.
#### Without Imagefs
If `nodefs` is triggering evictions, `kubelet` will sort pods based on their total disk usage
- local volumes + logs & writable layer of all its containers.
### Minimum eviction reclaim
In certain scenarios, eviction of pods could result in reclamation of small amount of resources. This can result in
`kubelet` hitting eviction thresholds in repeated successions. In addition to that, eviction of resources like `disk`,
is time consuming.
To mitigate these issues, `kubelet` can have a per-resource `minimum-reclaim`. Whenever `kubelet` observes
resource pressure, `kubelet` will attempt to reclaim at least `minimum-reclaim` amount of resource below