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70 lines
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// The page and script is loaded successfully
$(document).ready(function() {
// Function to handle hover over <figure> elements
function handleFigureHover() {
// Only change cursor to zoom-in if figure has 'clickable-zoom' class
if ($(this).hasClass('clickable-zoom') && !$(this).hasClass('figure-fullscreen-content')) {
$(this).css('cursor', 'zoom-in');
// Attach hover event to <figure> elements with 'clickable-zoom' class
$('figure.clickable-zoom').hover(handleFigureHover, function() {
// Mouse out - revert cursor back to default
$(this).css('cursor', 'default');
// Attach click event to <figure> elements with 'clickable-zoom' class
$('figure.clickable-zoom').click(function() {
var $figure = $(this);
// Check if the figure has 'clickable-zoom' class
if ($figure.hasClass('clickable-zoom')) {
var $img = $figure.find('img'); // Get the <img> element within the clicked <figure>
// Toggle 'figure-zoomed' class to scale the image
// Create a full-screen overlay
var $fullscreenOverlay = $('<div class="figure-fullscreen-overlay"></div>');
// Clone the <img> element to display in full-screen
var $fullscreenImg = $img.clone();
// Append the full-screen image to the overlay
// Create a close button for the full-screen overlay
var $closeButton = $('<span class="figure-close-button">×</span>');
$closeButton.click(function() {
// Remove the full-screen overlay when close button is clicked
$('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); // Restore scrolling to the underlying page
// Remove 'figure-zoomed' class to reset image scale
// Append the overlay to the body
// Disable scrolling on the underlying page
$('body').css('overflow', 'hidden');
// Close full-screen figure when clicking outside of it (on the overlay)
$fullscreenOverlay.click(function(event) {
if (event.target === this) {
// Clicked on the overlay area (outside the full-screen image)
$('body').css('overflow', 'auto'); // Restore scrolling to the underlying page
// Remove 'figure-zoomed' class to reset image scale