In Kubernetes, you must be authenticated (logged in) before your request can be authorized (granted permission to access). For information about authentication, see [Accessing Control Overview](/docs/admin/accessing-the-api/).
Kubernetes expects attributes that are common to REST API requests. This means that Kubernetes authorization works with existing organization-wide or cloud-provider-wide access control systems which may handle other APIs besides the Kubernetes API.
## Determine Whether a Request is Allowed or Denied
Kubernetes authorizes API requests using the API server. It evaluates all of the request attributes against all policies and allows or denies the request. All parts of an API request must be allowed by some policy in order to proceed. This means that permissions are denied by default.
(Although Kubernetes uses the API server, access controls and policies that depend on specific fields of specific kinds of objects are handled by Admission Controllers.)
When multiple authorization modules are configured, each is checked in sequence, and if any module authorizes the request, then the request can proceed. If all modules deny the request, then the request is denied (HTTP status code 403).
* **API request verb** - API verbs `get`, `list`, `create`, `update`, `patch`, `watch`, `proxy`, `redirect`, `delete`, and `deletecollection` are used for resource requests. To determine the request verb for a resource API endpoint, see **Determine the request verb** below.
* **HTTP request verb** - HTTP verbs `get`, `post`, `put`, and `delete` are used for non-resource requests
* **Resource** - The ID or name of the resource that is being accessed (for resource requests only)
--* For resource requests using `get`, `update`, `patch`, and `delete` verbs, you must provide the resource name.
* **Subresource** - The subresource that is being accessed (for resource requests only)
* **Namespace** - The namespace of the object that is being accessed (for namespaced resource requests only)
* **API group** - The API group being accessed (for resource requests only). An empty string designates the [core API group](/docs/api/).
To determine the request verb for a resource API endpoint, review the HTTP verb used and whether or not the request acts on an individual resource or a collection of resources:
* [PodSecurityPolicy](/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/) checks for authorization of the `use` verb on `podsecuritypolicies` resources in the `extensions` API group.
* [Authentication](/docs/admin/authentication/) layer checks for authorization of the `impersonate` verb on `users`, `groups`, and `serviceaccounts` in the core API group, and the `userextras` in the `` API group.
* **Node** - A special-purpose authorizer that grants permissions to kubelets based on the pods they are scheduled to run. To learn more about using the Node authorization mode, see [Node Authorization](/docs/admin/authorization/node/)
* **ABAC** - Attribute-based access control (ABAC) defines an access control paradigm whereby access rights are granted to users through the use ofpolicieswhich combine attributes together. Thepoliciescan use any type of attributes (user attributes, resource attributes, object, environment attributes etc). To learn more about using the ABAC mode, see [ABAC Mode](/docs/admin/authorization/abac/)
* **RBAC** - Role-based access control(RBAC) is a method of regulating access to computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise. In this context, access is the ability of an individual user to perform a specific task, such as view, create, or modify a file. To learn more about using the RBAC mode, see [RBAC Mode](/docs/admin/authorization/rbac/)
..* When specified "RBAC" (Role-Based Access Control) uses the "" API group to drive authorization decisions, allowing admins to dynamically configure permission policies through the Kubernetes API.
..* As of 1.6 RBAC mode is in beta.
..* To enable RBAC, start the apiserver with `--authorization-mode=RBAC`.
* **Webhook** - AWebHookis an HTTP callback: an HTTP POST that occurs when something happens; a simple event-notification via HTTP POST. A web application implementingWebHookswill POST a message to a URL when certain things happen. To learn more about using the Webhook mode, see [Webhook Mode](/docs/admin/authorization/webhook/)
You must include a flag in your policy to indicate which authorization module your policies include:
The following flags can be used:
-`--authorization-mode=ABAC` Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) mode allows you to configure policies using local files.
-`--authorization-mode=RBAC` Role-based access control(RBAC) mode allows you to create and store policies using the Kubernetes API.
-`--authorization-mode=Webhook` WebHook is an HTTP callback mode that allows you to manage authorization using a remote REST.
-`--authorization-mode=AlwaysDeny` This flag blocks all requests. Use this flag only for testing.
-`--authorization-mode=AlwaysAllow` This flag allows all requests. Use this flag only if you do not require authorization for your API requests.
You can choose more than one authorization module. If one of the modes is `AlwaysAllow`, then it overrides the other modes and all API requests are allowed.
## Versioning
For version 1.2, clusters created bykube-up.share configured so that no authorization is required for any request.
As of version 1.3, clusters created bykube-up.share configured so that the ABAC authorization modules are enabled. However, its input file is initially set to allow all users to do all operations. The cluster administrator needs to edit that file, or configure a different authorizer to restrict what users can do.