Kubernetes documentation can help you set up Kubernetes, learn about the system, or get your applications and workloads running on Kubernetes. To learn the basics of what Kubernetes is and how it works, read "[What is Kubernetes](/docs/concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes/)".
The [Kubernetes Basics interactive tutorial](/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/) lets you try out Kubernetes right out of your web browser, using a virtual terminal. Learn about the Kubernetes system and deploy, expose, scale, and upgrade a containerized application in just a few minutes.
[Picking the Right Solution](/docs/getting-started-guides/) can help you get a Kubernetes cluster up and running, either for local development, or on your cloud provider of choice.
* [Minikube](/docs/getting-started-guides/minikube/): Install a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your local machine for development and testing.
* [Installing Kubernetes on AWS with kops](/docs/getting-started-guides/kops/): Bring up a complete Kubernetes cluster on Amazon Web Services, using a tool called `kops`.
* [Installing Kubernetes on Linux with kubeadm](/docs/getting-started-guides/kubeadm/) (Beta): Install a secure Kubernetes cluster on any pre-existing machines running Linux, using the built-in `kubeadm` tool.
* [Installing Kubernetes On-premise/Cloud Providers with Kargo](/docs/getting-started-guides/kargo/): Deploy a Kubernetes cluster on-premise baremetal or hosted on cloud providers, with Ansible and `kargo` tools.