2016-02-24 21:47:57 +00:00
2017-08-03 23:22:52 +00:00
2016-07-29 17:36:25 +00:00
- bgrant0607
- hw-qiaolei
2017-04-20 20:04:32 +00:00
title: Overview of kubectl
2016-02-24 21:47:57 +00:00
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
2017-10-10 04:08:58 +00:00
`kubectl` is a command line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters. This overview covers `kubectl` syntax, describes the command operations, and provides common examples. For details about each command, including all the supported flags and subcommands, see the [kubectl](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/) reference documentation. For installation instructions see [installing kubectl](/docs/tasks/kubectl/install/).
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
## Syntax
Use the following syntax to run `kubectl` commands from your terminal window:
kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] [flags]
where `command`, `TYPE`, `NAME`, and `flags` are:
2017-08-19 02:00:31 +00:00
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
* `command`: Specifies the operation that you want to perform on one or more resources, for example `create`, `get`, `describe`, `delete`.
2017-08-19 02:00:31 +00:00
2018-03-27 13:58:03 +00:00
* `TYPE`: Specifies the [resource type](#resource-types). Resource types are case-insensitive and you can specify the singular, plural, or abbreviated forms. For example, the following commands produce the same output:
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
2017-10-20 04:12:32 +00:00
$ kubectl get pod pod1
$ kubectl get pods pod1
$ kubectl get po pod1
2017-08-17 18:40:08 +00:00
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
* `NAME`: Specifies the name of the resource. Names are case-sensitive. If the name is omitted, details for all resources are displayed, for example `$ kubectl get pods`.
2016-03-07 12:09:02 +00:00
When performing an operation on multiple resources, you can specify each resource by type and name or specify one or more files:
2017-08-18 00:08:21 +00:00
2016-03-07 12:09:02 +00:00
* To specify resources by type and name:
2017-08-18 00:08:21 +00:00
* To group resources if they are all the same type: `TYPE1 name1 name2 name<#>`.<br/>
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
Example: `$ kubectl get pod example-pod1 example-pod2`
2017-08-18 00:08:21 +00:00
* To specify multiple resource types individually: `TYPE1/name1 TYPE1/name2 TYPE2/name3 TYPE<#>/name<#>`.<br/>
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
Example: `$ kubectl get pod/example-pod1 replicationcontroller/example-rc1`
2017-08-18 00:08:21 +00:00
* To specify resources with one or more files: `-f file1 -f file2 -f file<#>`
2017-10-21 02:44:37 +00:00
* [Use YAML rather than JSON](/docs/concepts/configuration/overview/#general-config-tips) since YAML tends to be more user-friendly, especially for configuration files.<br/>
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
Example: `$ kubectl get pod -f ./pod.yaml`
2016-03-07 12:09:02 +00:00
* `flags`: Specifies optional flags. For example, you can use the `-s` or `--server` flags to specify the address and port of the Kubernetes API server.<br/>
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
**Important**: Flags that you specify from the command line override default values and any corresponding environment variables.
If you need help, just run `kubectl help` from the terminal window.
## Operations
The following table includes short descriptions and the general syntax for all of the `kubectl` operations:
2017-03-23 07:10:00 +00:00
Operation | Syntax | Description
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
-------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------
2017-03-23 07:10:00 +00:00
`annotate` | `kubectl annotate (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) KEY_1=VAL_1 ... KEY_N=VAL_N [--overwrite] [--all] [--resource-version=version] [flags]` | Add or update the annotations of one or more resources.
`api-versions` | `kubectl api-versions [flags]` | List the API versions that are available.
`apply` | `kubectl apply -f FILENAME [flags]`| Apply a configuration change to a resource from a file or stdin.
`attach` | `kubectl attach POD -c CONTAINER [-i] [-t] [flags]` | Attach to a running container either to view the output stream or interact with the container (stdin).
`autoscale` | `kubectl autoscale (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) [--min=MINPODS] --max=MAXPODS [--cpu-percent=CPU] [flags]` | Automatically scale the set of pods that are managed by a replication controller.
`cluster-info` | `kubectl cluster-info [flags]` | Display endpoint information about the master and services in the cluster.
`config` | `kubectl config SUBCOMMAND [flags]` | Modifies kubeconfig files. See the individual subcommands for details.
`create` | `kubectl create -f FILENAME [flags]` | Create one or more resources from a file or stdin.
`delete` | `kubectl delete (-f FILENAME | TYPE [NAME | /NAME | -l label | --all]) [flags]` | Delete resources either from a file, stdin, or specifying label selectors, names, resource selectors, or resources.
`describe` | `kubectl describe (-f FILENAME | TYPE [NAME_PREFIX | /NAME | -l label]) [flags]` | Display the detailed state of one or more resources.
`edit` | `kubectl edit (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) [flags]` | Edit and update the definition of one or more resources on the server by using the default editor.
`exec` | `kubectl exec POD [-c CONTAINER] [-i] [-t] [flags] [-- COMMAND [args...]]` | Execute a command against a container in a pod,
`explain` | `kubectl explain [--include-extended-apis=true] [--recursive=false] [flags]` | Get documentation of various resources. For instance pods, nodes, services, etc.
`expose` | `kubectl expose (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) [--port=port] [--protocol=TCP|UDP] [--target-port=number-or-name] [--name=name] [----external-ip=external-ip-of-service] [--type=type] [flags]` | Expose a replication controller, service, or pod as a new Kubernetes service.
`get` | `kubectl get (-f FILENAME | TYPE [NAME | /NAME | -l label]) [--watch] [--sort-by=FIELD] [[-o | --output]=OUTPUT_FORMAT] [flags]` | List one or more resources.
`label` | `kubectl label (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) KEY_1=VAL_1 ... KEY_N=VAL_N [--overwrite] [--all] [--resource-version=version] [flags]` | Add or update the labels of one or more resources.
`logs` | `kubectl logs POD [-c CONTAINER] [--follow] [flags]` | Print the logs for a container in a pod.
`patch` | `kubectl patch (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) --patch PATCH [flags]` | Update one or more fields of a resource by using the strategic merge patch process.
`port-forward` | `kubectl port-forward POD [LOCAL_PORT:]REMOTE_PORT [...[LOCAL_PORT_N:]REMOTE_PORT_N] [flags]` | Forward one or more local ports to a pod.
`proxy` | `kubectl proxy [--port=PORT] [--www=static-dir] [--www-prefix=prefix] [--api-prefix=prefix] [flags]` | Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server.
`replace` | `kubectl replace -f FILENAME` | Replace a resource from a file or stdin.
`rolling-update` | `kubectl rolling-update OLD_CONTROLLER_NAME ([NEW_CONTROLLER_NAME] --image=NEW_CONTAINER_IMAGE | -f NEW_CONTROLLER_SPEC) [flags]` | Perform a rolling update by gradually replacing the specified replication controller and its pods.
`run` | `kubectl run NAME --image=image [--env="key=value"] [--port=port] [--replicas=replicas] [--dry-run=bool] [--overrides=inline-json] [flags]` | Run a specified image on the cluster.
`scale` | `kubectl scale (-f FILENAME | TYPE NAME | TYPE/NAME) --replicas=COUNT [--resource-version=version] [--current-replicas=count] [flags]` | Update the size of the specified replication controller.
`stop` | `kubectl stop` | Deprecated: Instead, see `kubectl delete`.
`version` | `kubectl version [--client] [flags]` | Display the Kubernetes version running on the client and server.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
2017-10-10 04:08:58 +00:00
Remember: For more about command operations, see the [kubectl](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/) reference documentation.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
## Resource types
The following table includes a list of all the supported resource types and their abbreviated aliases:
2017-03-23 07:10:00 +00:00
Resource type | Abbreviated alias
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
-------------------- | --------------------
2017-07-21 02:29:09 +00:00
`apiservices` |
2017-03-18 03:17:31 +00:00
`certificatesigningrequests` |`csr`
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`clusters` |
2016-12-26 07:48:55 +00:00
`clusterrolebindings` |
`clusterroles` |
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`componentstatuses` |`cs`
`configmaps` |`cm`
2017-07-21 02:29:09 +00:00
`controllerrevisions` |
2017-03-18 03:17:31 +00:00
`cronjobs` |
2017-07-21 02:29:09 +00:00
`customresourcedefinition` |`crd`
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`daemonsets` |`ds`
`deployments` |`deploy`
`endpoints` |`ep`
`events` |`ev`
`horizontalpodautoscalers` |`hpa`
`ingresses` |`ing`
2016-03-07 12:09:02 +00:00
`jobs` |
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`limitranges` |`limits`
`namespaces` |`ns`
2017-07-21 02:29:09 +00:00
`networkpolicies` |`netpol`
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`nodes` |`no`
`persistentvolumeclaims` |`pvc`
`persistentvolumes` |`pv`
2016-12-27 19:43:31 +00:00
`poddisruptionbudget` |`pdb`
2017-07-21 02:29:09 +00:00
`podpreset` |
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`pods` |`po`
`podsecuritypolicies` |`psp`
`podtemplates` |
`replicasets` |`rs`
`replicationcontrollers` |`rc`
`resourcequotas` |`quota`
2016-12-26 07:48:55 +00:00
`rolebindings` |
`roles` |
2016-03-07 12:09:02 +00:00
`secrets` |
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`serviceaccounts` |`sa`
`services` |`svc`
2016-12-27 19:56:00 +00:00
`statefulsets` |
2016-09-30 15:16:34 +00:00
`storageclasses` |
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
## Output options
2017-10-10 04:08:58 +00:00
Use the following sections for information about how you can format or sort the output of certain commands. For details about which commands support the various output options, see the [kubectl](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/) reference documentation.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
### Formatting output
The default output format for all `kubectl` commands is the human readable plain-text format. To output details to your terminal window in a specific format, you can add either the `-o` or `-output` flags to a supported `kubectl` command.
#### Syntax
kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] -o=<output_format>
Depending on the `kubectl` operation, the following output formats are supported:
Output format | Description
--------------| -----------
`-o=custom-columns=<spec>` | Print a table using a comma separated list of [custom columns](#custom-columns).
`-o=custom-columns-file=<filename>` | Print a table using the [custom columns](#custom-columns) template in the `<filename>` file.
`-o=json` | Output a JSON formatted API object.
2016-02-29 23:17:22 +00:00
`-o=jsonpath=<template>` | Print the fields defined in a [jsonpath](/docs/user-guide/jsonpath) expression.
`-o=jsonpath-file=<filename>` | Print the fields defined by the [jsonpath](/docs/user-guide/jsonpath) expression in the `<filename>` file.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
`-o=name` | Print only the resource name and nothing else.
`-o=wide` | Output in the plain-text format with any additional information. For pods, the node name is included.
`-o=yaml` | Output a YAML formatted API object.
##### Example
In this example, the following command outputs the details for a single pod as a YAML formatted object:
`$ kubectl get pod web-pod-13je7 -o=yaml`
2017-10-10 04:08:58 +00:00
Remember: See the [kubectl](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/) reference documentation for details about which output format is supported by each command.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
#### Custom columns
To define custom columns and output only the details that you want into a table, you can use the `custom-columns` option. You can choose to define the custom columns inline or use a template file: `-o=custom-columns=<spec>` or `-o=custom-columns-file=<filename>`.
##### Examples
$ kubectl get pods <pod-name> -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,RSRC:.metadata.resourceVersion
Template file:
$ kubectl get pods <pod-name> -o=custom-columns-file=template.txt
where the `template.txt` file contains:
2018-03-28 18:42:04 +00:00
metadata.name metadata.resourceVersion
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
The result of running either command is:
submit-queue 610995
Merge 1.10 to master for release (#7861)
* 1.10 update (#7151)
* Fix partition value expected behaviour explanation (#7123)
Fixes issue #7057
* Correct "On-Premise" to "On-Premises"
* Updates the Calico installation page (#7094)
* All files for Haufe Groups case study (#7051)
* Fix typo (#7127)
* fix typo of device-plugins.md (#7106)
* fix broken links (#7136)
* Updated configure-service-account (#7147)
Error from server resolved by escaping kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "myregistrykey"}]}' JSON string by '\'
* Remove docs related to 'require-kubeconfig' (#7138)
With kubernetes/kubernetes#58367 merged, v1.10 will not use the
"require-kubeconfig" flag. The flag has become a no-op solely to ensure
existing deployments won't break.
* Added Verification Scenario for a Pod that Uses a PVC in Terminating State (#7164)
The below PR:
modified scheduler in such a way that scheduling of a pod that uses a PVC in Terminating state fails.
That's why verification of such scenario was added to documentation.
* fix LimitPodHardAntiAffinityTopology name (#7221)
* Document the removal of the KubeletConfigFile feature gate (#7140)
With kubernetes/kubernetes#58978 merged, the said feature gate is
removed. This PR removes texts related to the gate and revises the
Feature Gates reference to reflect this change.
* deprecate three admission controller (#7363)
* Document the removal of Accelerators feature gate (#7389)
The `Accelerators` feature gate will be removed in 1.11. 1.10 will be
its last mile.
References: kubernetes/kubernetes#57384
* Update local storage docs for beta (#7473)
* Document that HugePages feature gate is Beta (#7387)
The `HugePages` feature gate has graduated to Beta in v1.10. This PR
documents this fact.
* Add HyperVContainer feature gates (#7502)
* Remove the beta reference from Taints and Tolerations doc (#7493)
* Kms provider doc (#7479)
* Kms provider doc
* issue# 7399, Create KMS-provider.md and update encrypt-data.md
* address review comments
* Document that Device Plugin feature is Beta (1.10) (#7512)
* Add docs for CRD features for 1.10 (#7439)
* Add docs for CRD features for 1.10
* Add CustomResourcesSubresources to list of feature gates
* Add latest changes to custom resources doc
* Add crds as abbreviated alias (#7437)
* Bring PVC Protection Feature to Beta (#7165)
* Bring PVC Protection Feature to Beta
The PR: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/59052
brought PVC Protection feature to beta.
That's why the documentation is updated accordingly.
* The PVC Protection feature was renamed to Storage Protection. That's why the documentation is updated.
* promote PodNodeSelector to stable; document detailed behavior (#7134)
* promote PodNodeSelector to stable; document detailed behavior
* respond to feedback
* Update CPU manager feature enabling (#7390)
With `CPUManager` feature graduating to beta. No explicit enabling is
required starting v1.10.
References: kubernetes/kubernetes#55977
* Adding block volumeMode documentation for local volumes. (#7531)
Code review comments.
Changed property to field.
Address tech review comment.
* remove description kubectl --show-all (#7574)
--show-all has been deprecated and set to true by default.
* fix description about contribute style guide (#7592)
* fix description about KUBECONFIG (#7589)
* fix description about cni (#7588)
* fix description about MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook (#7587)
* fix description about persistent volume binding (#7590)
* Doc change for configurable pod resolv.conf Beta (#7611)
* fix description about out of resource handling (#7597)
* fix description about zookeeper (#7598)
* fix description about kubeadm (#7594)
* fix description about kubeadm (#7593)
* fix description about kubeadm implementation details (#7595)
* fix description about api concepts (#7596)
* Storage Protection was renamed to Storage Object in Use Protection (#7576)
* Storage Protection was renamed to Storage Object in Use Protection
The K8s PR: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/59901
renamed Storage Protection to Storage Object in Use Protection.
That's why the same is also renamed in the documentation.
* Moved Storage Object in Use Protection admission plugin description down according to alphabetic order.
* Use PSP from policy API group. (#7562)
* update kubeletconfig docs for v1.10, beta (#7561)
* Update port-forwarding docs (#7575)
* add pv protection description (#7620)
* fix description about client library (#7634)
* Add docs on configuring NodePort IP (#7631)
* Document that LocalStorageCapacityIsolation is beta (#7635)
A follow-up to the kubernetes/kubernetes#60159 change which has promoted
the `LocalStorageCapacityIsolation` feature gate to Beta.
* Update CoreDNS docs for beta (#7638)
* Update CoreDNS docs for beta
* Review comments
* Fix typo (#7640)
* Update feature gates move to beta (#7662)
* Added the inability to use colon ':' character as environment variable names and described workaround (#7657)
* merge master to 1.10, with fixes (#7682)
* Flag names changed (s/admission-control/enable-admission-plugins); disable-admissions-plugin entry added; removed reference to admission controller/plugins requiring set order (for v1.10), redundant example enabling specific plugin, and redundant version-specific info (#7449)
* Documentation for MountPropagation beta (#7655)
* Remove job's scale-related operations (#7684)
* authentication: document client-go exec plugins (#7648)
* authentication: document client-go exec plugins
* Update authentication.md
* Update local ephemeral storage feature to beta (#7685)
Update local ephemeral storage feature to beta
* Update docs for windows container resources (#7653)
* add server-side print docs (#7671)
* Create a task describing Pod process namespace sharing (#7489)
* Add external metrics to HPA docs (#7664)
* Add external metrics to HPA docs
* Update horizontal-pod-autoscale-walkthrough.md
* Apply review comments to HPA walkthrough
* remove description about "scale jobs" (#7712)
* CSI Docs for K8s v1.10 (#7698)
* Add a warning about increased memory consumption for audit logging feature. (#7725)
Signed-off-by: Mik Vyatskov <vmik@google.com>
* Update Audit Logging documentation for 1.10 (#7679)
Signed-off-by: Mik Vyatskov <vmik@google.com>
* Fix stage names in audit logging documentation (#7746)
Signed-off-by: Mik Vyatskov <vmik@google.com>
* Feature gate update for release 1.10 (#7742)
* State in the docs that the value of default Node labels are not reliable. (#7794)
* Kill the reference to --admission-control option (#7755)
The `--admission-control` option has been replaced by two new options in
v1.10. This PR kills the last appearance of the old option in the doc.
* Pvcprotection toc (#7807)
* Refreshing installation instructions (#7495)
* Refreshing installation instructions
Added conjure-up. Updated displays and juju versions to current versions.
* Updated anchors
* Fixed image value version typo (#7768)
Was inconsistent with other values
* Update flocker reference to the github repo (#7784)
* Fix typo in federation document (#7779)
* an user -> a user (#7778)
* Events are namespaced (#7767)
* fix 'monitoring' link lose efficacy problem' (#7764)
* docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy.md: minor fix. (#7659)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md (#7771)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
The pod spec puts the downward api files into /etc/podinfo, not directly in /etc. Updated docs to reflect this fact.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
One more spot needed fixing.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
Yet another fix, in the container example.
* Add Amadeus Case Study (#7783)
* Add Amadeus Case Study
* add Amadeus logo
* Fixed Cyrillic с in 'kube-proxy-cm' (#7787)
There was a typo (wrong character) in kube-proxy-cm.yaml - Cyrillic с (UTF-8 0x0441) was used instead of Latin c.
* install-kubectl: choose one installation method (#7705)
The previous text layout suggested that all installations had to be done, one after another.
* Update install-kubeadm.md (#7781)
Add note to kubeadm install instruction to help install in other arch i.e. aarch64, ppc64le etc.
* repair failure link (#7788)
* repair failure link
* repair failure link
* do change as required
* Update k8s201.md (#7777)
* Update k8s201.md
Change instructions to download yams files directly from the website (as used in other pages.)
Added instructions to delete labeled pod to avoid warnings in the subsequent deployment step.
* Update k8s201.md
Added example of using the exposed host from the a node running Kubernetes. (This works on AWS with Weave; not able to test it on other variations...)
* Gramatical fix to kompose introduction (#7792)
The original wording didn't through very well. As much of the original sentence has been preserved as possible, primarily to ensure the kompose web address is see both in text and as a href link.
* update amadeus.html (#7800)
* Fix a missing word in endpoint reconciler section (#7804)
* add toc entry for pvcprotection downgrade issue doc
* Pvcprotection toc (#7809)
* Refreshing installation instructions (#7495)
* Refreshing installation instructions
Added conjure-up. Updated displays and juju versions to current versions.
* Updated anchors
* Fixed image value version typo (#7768)
Was inconsistent with other values
* Update flocker reference to the github repo (#7784)
* Fix typo in federation document (#7779)
* an user -> a user (#7778)
* Events are namespaced (#7767)
* fix 'monitoring' link lose efficacy problem' (#7764)
* docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy.md: minor fix. (#7659)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md (#7771)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
The pod spec puts the downward api files into /etc/podinfo, not directly in /etc. Updated docs to reflect this fact.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
One more spot needed fixing.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
Yet another fix, in the container example.
* Add Amadeus Case Study (#7783)
* Add Amadeus Case Study
* add Amadeus logo
* Fixed Cyrillic с in 'kube-proxy-cm' (#7787)
There was a typo (wrong character) in kube-proxy-cm.yaml - Cyrillic с (UTF-8 0x0441) was used instead of Latin c.
* install-kubectl: choose one installation method (#7705)
The previous text layout suggested that all installations had to be done, one after another.
* Update install-kubeadm.md (#7781)
Add note to kubeadm install instruction to help install in other arch i.e. aarch64, ppc64le etc.
* repair failure link (#7788)
* repair failure link
* repair failure link
* do change as required
* Update k8s201.md (#7777)
* Update k8s201.md
Change instructions to download yams files directly from the website (as used in other pages.)
Added instructions to delete labeled pod to avoid warnings in the subsequent deployment step.
* Update k8s201.md
Added example of using the exposed host from the a node running Kubernetes. (This works on AWS with Weave; not able to test it on other variations...)
* Gramatical fix to kompose introduction (#7792)
The original wording didn't through very well. As much of the original sentence has been preserved as possible, primarily to ensure the kompose web address is see both in text and as a href link.
* update amadeus.html (#7800)
* Fix a missing word in endpoint reconciler section (#7804)
* add toc entry for pvcprotection downgrade issue doc
* revert TOC change
* Release 1.10 (#7818)
* Refreshing installation instructions (#7495)
* Refreshing installation instructions
Added conjure-up. Updated displays and juju versions to current versions.
* Updated anchors
* Fixed image value version typo (#7768)
Was inconsistent with other values
* Update flocker reference to the github repo (#7784)
* Fix typo in federation document (#7779)
* an user -> a user (#7778)
* Events are namespaced (#7767)
* fix 'monitoring' link lose efficacy problem' (#7764)
* docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy.md: minor fix. (#7659)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md (#7771)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
The pod spec puts the downward api files into /etc/podinfo, not directly in /etc. Updated docs to reflect this fact.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
One more spot needed fixing.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
Yet another fix, in the container example.
* Add Amadeus Case Study (#7783)
* Add Amadeus Case Study
* add Amadeus logo
* Fixed Cyrillic с in 'kube-proxy-cm' (#7787)
There was a typo (wrong character) in kube-proxy-cm.yaml - Cyrillic с (UTF-8 0x0441) was used instead of Latin c.
* install-kubectl: choose one installation method (#7705)
The previous text layout suggested that all installations had to be done, one after another.
* Update install-kubeadm.md (#7781)
Add note to kubeadm install instruction to help install in other arch i.e. aarch64, ppc64le etc.
* repair failure link (#7788)
* repair failure link
* repair failure link
* do change as required
* Update k8s201.md (#7777)
* Update k8s201.md
Change instructions to download yams files directly from the website (as used in other pages.)
Added instructions to delete labeled pod to avoid warnings in the subsequent deployment step.
* Update k8s201.md
Added example of using the exposed host from the a node running Kubernetes. (This works on AWS with Weave; not able to test it on other variations...)
* Gramatical fix to kompose introduction (#7792)
The original wording didn't through very well. As much of the original sentence has been preserved as possible, primarily to ensure the kompose web address is see both in text and as a href link.
* update amadeus.html (#7800)
* Fix a missing word in endpoint reconciler section (#7804)
* Partners page updates (#7802)
* Partners page updates
* Update to ZTE link
* Make using sysctls a task instead of a concept (#6808)
Closes: #4505
* add a note when mount a configmap to pod (#7745)
* adjust a note format (#7812)
* Update docker-cli-to-kubectl.md (#7748)
* Update docker-cli-to-kubectl.md
Edited the document for adherence to the style guide and word usage.
* Update docker-cli-to-kubectl.md
* Incorporated the changes suggested.
* Mount propagation update to include docker config (#7854)
* update overridden config for 1.10 (#7847)
* update overridden config for 1.10
* fix config file per comments
* Update Extended Resource doc wrt cluster-level resources (#7759)
2018-03-27 01:33:11 +00:00
#### Server-side columns
`kubectl` supports receiving specific column information from the server about objects.
This means that for any given resource, the server will return columns and rows relevant to that resource, for the client to print.
This allows for consistent human-readable output across clients used against the same cluster, by having the server encapsulate the details of printing.
To output object information using this feature, you can add the `--experimental-server-print` flag to a supported `kubectl` command.
##### Examples
$ kubectl get pods <pod-name> --experimental-server-print
The result of running this command is:
pod-name 1/1 Running 0 1m
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
### Sorting list objects
2016-02-29 23:17:22 +00:00
To output objects to a sorted list in your terminal window, you can add the `--sort-by` flag to a supported `kubectl` command. Sort your objects by specifying any numeric or string field with the `--sort-by` flag. To specify a field, use a [jsonpath](/docs/user-guide/jsonpath) expression.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
#### Syntax
kubectl [command] [TYPE] [NAME] --sort-by=<jsonpath_exp>
##### Example
To print a list of pods sorted by name, you run:
`$ kubectl get pods --sort-by=.metadata.name`
## Examples: Common operations
Use the following set of examples to help you familiarize yourself with running the commonly used `kubectl` operations:
`kubectl create` - Create a resource from a file or stdin.
// Create a service using the definition in example-service.yaml.
$ kubectl create -f example-service.yaml
// Create a replication controller using the definition in example-controller.yaml.
$ kubectl create -f example-controller.yaml
// Create the objects that are defined in any .yaml, .yml, or .json file within the <directory> directory.
$ kubectl create -f <directory>
`kubectl get` - List one or more resources.
// List all pods in plain-text output format.
$ kubectl get pods
// List all pods in plain-text output format and includes additional information (such as node name).
$ kubectl get pods -o wide
// List the replication controller with the specified name in plain-text output format. Tip: You can shorten and replace the 'replicationcontroller' resource type with the alias 'rc'.
$ kubectl get replicationcontroller <rc-name>
// List all replication controllers and services together in plain-text output format.
$ kubectl get rc,services
Release 1.8 (#5659)
* GC now supports non-core resources
* Add two examples about how to analysis audits of kube-apiserver (#4264)
* Deprecate system:nodes binding
* [1.8] StatefulSet `initialized` annotation is now ignored.
* inits the kubeadm upgrade docs
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* adds kubeadm upgrade cmd to ToC
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* add workload placement docs
* ScaleIO - document udpate for 1.8
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions (#5254)
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions
* convert notes into callouts
* Add docs for CustomResource validation
add info about supported fields
* advanced audit beta features (#5300)
* Update job workload doc with backoff failure policy (#5319)
Add to the Jobs documentation how to use the new backoffLimit field that
limit the number of Pod failure before considering the Job as failed.
* Documented additional AWS Service annotations (#4864)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. (#5261)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration.
* Update device-plugins.md
* Update device-plugins.md
Add meta description. Fix typo. Change bare metal deployment to manual deployment.
* Update device-plugins.md
Fix typo again.
* Update page.version. (#5341)
* Add documentation on storageClass.reclaimPolicy (#5171)
* [Advanced audit] use new herf for audit-api (#5349)
This tag contains all the changes in v1beta1 version. Update it now.
* Added documentation around creating the InitializerConfiguration for the persistent volume label controller in the cloud-controller-manager (#5255)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins (#5294)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. (#5332)
* Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation.
- Removed references to CPU pressure node condition and evictions.
- Added note about new --cpu-manager-reconcile-period flag.
- Added note about node allocatable requirements for static policy.
- Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Move cpu-manager task link to rsc mgmt section.
* init containers annotation removed in 1.8 (#5390)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition (#5352)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Fix deployments (#5421)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. (#5399)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation.
* Updated extended resources doc per reviews.
* reverts extra spacing in _data/tasks.yml
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
Feedback from @chenopis, @luxas, and @steveperry-53 addressed with this commit
* HugePages documentation (#5419)
* Update cpu-management-policies.md (#5407)
Fixed the bad link.
Modified "cpu" to "CPU".
Added more 'yaml' as supplement.
* Update RBAC docs for v1 (#5445)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption (#5328)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption
* Update pod-priority-preemption.md
* More updates
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md for 1.8 (#5440)
- Made a couple of minor wording changes (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Did some reformatting (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Updated references to the default token TTL (was infinite, now 24 hours).
- Documented the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` and `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flags for `kubeadm join`.
- Added references to the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag in all the default examples.
- Added a new _Security model_ section that describes the security tradeoffs of the various discovery modes.
- Documented the new `--groups` flag for `kubeadm token create`.
- Added a note of caution under _Automating kubeadm_ that references the _Security model_ section.
- Updated the component version table to drop 1.6 and add 1.8.
- Update `_data/reference.yml` to try to get the sidebar fixed up and more consistent with `kubefed`.
* Update StatefulSet Basics for 1.8 release (#5398)
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
2nd iteration review comments by @luxas
* adds kubelet upgrade section to kubeadm upgrade
* Fix a bulleted list on docs/admin/kubeadm.md. (#5458)
I updated this doc yesterday and I was absolutely sure I fixed this, but I just saw that this commit got lost somehow.
This was introduced recently in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/pull/5440.
* Clarify the API to check for device plugins
* Moving Flexvolume to separate out-of-tree section
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
CC: @luxas
* fixes kubeadm upgrade index
* Update Stackdriver Logging documentation (#5495)
* Re-update WordPress and MySQL PV doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5526)
* Update statefulset concepts doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5420)
* add document on kubectl's behavior regarding initializers (#5505)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md to cover self-hosting in 1.8. (#5497)
This is a new beta feature in 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5422)
* [1.8] Update "Run Applications" tasks to apps/v1beta2. (#5525)
* Update replicated stateful application task for 1.8.
* Update single instance stateful app task for 1.8.
* Update stateless app task for 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch task for 1.8.
* fix the link of persistent storage (#5515)
* update the admission-controllers.md index.md what-is-kubernetes.md link
* fix the link of persistent storage
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage (#5493)
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage
update the doc to this alpha feature
* Update resource-quotas.md
* Updated Deployments concepts doc (#5491)
* Updated Deployments concepts doc
* Addressed comments
* Addressed more comments
* Modify allocatable storage to ephemeral-storage (#5490)
Update the doc to use ephemeral-storage instead of storage
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet (#5463)
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet
* Minor changes to call out specific versions for selector defaulting and
* Addressed doc review comments
* Remove petset documentations (#5395)
* Update docs to use batch/v1beta1 cronjobs (#5475)
* add federation job doc (#5485)
* add federation job doc
* Update job.md
Edits for clarity and consistency
* Update job.md
Fixed a typo
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release (#5397)
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release
* Update daemonset.md
Fix typo. than -> then
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. (#5479)
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8.
This has some changes I missed when I was updating the main kubeadm documention:
- Bootstrap tokens are now beta, not alpha (https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/130)
- The apiserver flag to enable the authenticator changedin 1.8 (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/51198)
- Added `auth-extra-groups` documentaion (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/50933)
- Updated the _Token Management with `kubeadm`_ section to link to the main kubeadm docs, since it was just duplicated information.
* Update bootstrap-tokens.md
* Updated the Cassandra tutorial to use apps/v1beta2 (#5548)
* add docs for AllowPrivilegeEscalation (#5448)
Signed-off-by: Jess Frazelle <acidburn@microsoft.com>
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource (#5522)
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource
Since 1.8, we add the local ephemeral storage alpha feature as one
resource type to manage. Add this feature into the doc.
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Added documentation for Metrics Server (#5560)
* authorization: improve authorization debugging docs (#5549)
* Document mount propagation (#5544)
* Update /docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm.md for 1.8. (#5524)
This introduction needed a couple of small tweaks to cover the `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag added in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/49520 and some version bumps.
* Add task doc for alpha dynamic kubelet configuration (#5523)
* Fix input/output of selfsubjectaccess review (#5593)
* Add docs for implementing resize (#5528)
* Add docs for implementing resize
* Update admission-controllers.md
* Added link to PVC section
* minor typo fixes
* Update NetworkPolicy concept guide with egress and CIDR changes (#5529)
* update zookeeper tutorial for 1.8 release
* add doc for hostpath type (#5503)
* Federated Hpa feature doc (#5487)
* Federated Hpa feature doc
* Federated Hpa feature doc review fixes
* Update hpa.md
* Update hpa.md
* update cloud controller manager docs for v1.8
* Update cronjob with defaults information (#5556)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs (#5632)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs
* Kubectl reference docs for 1.8
* Update side bar with 1.8 kubectl and api ref docs links
* remove petset.md
* update on state of HostAlias in 1.8 with hostNetwork Pod support (#5644)
* Fix cron job deletion section (#5655)
* update imported docs (#5656)
* Add documentation for certificate rotation. (#5639)
* Link to using kubeadm page
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* fix typo in api/resources reference: "Worloads"
* Add documentation for certificate rotation.
* Create TOC entry for cloud controller manager. (#5662)
* Updates for new versions of API types
* Followup 5655: fix link to garbage collection (#5666)
* Temporarily redirect resources-reference to api-reference. (#5668)
* Update config for 1.8 release. (#5661)
* Update config for 1.8 release.
* Address reviewer comments.
* Switch references in HPA docs from alpha to beta (#5671)
The HPA docs still referenced the alpha version. This switches them to
talk about v2beta1, which is the appropriate version for Kubernetes 1.8
* Deprecate openstack heat (#5670)
* Fix typo in pod preset conflict example
Move container port definition to the correct line.
* Highlight openstack-heat provider deprecation
The openstack-heat provider for kube-up is being deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.
* Temporarily fix broken links by redirecting. (#5672)
* Fix broken links. (#5675)
* Fix render of code block (#5674)
* Fix broken links. (#5677)
* Add a small note about auto-bootstrapped CSR ClusterRoles (#5660)
* Update kubeadm install doc for v1.8 (#5676)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8 (#5650)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8
* edits per review, add tables, for 1.8 workloads api doc
* fix typo
* Minor fixes to kubeadm 1.8 upgrade guide. (#5678)
- The kubelet upgrade instructions should be done on every host, not
just worker nodes.
- We should just upgrade all packages, instead of calling out kubelet
specifically. This will also upgrade kubectl, kubeadm, and
kubernetes-cni, if installed.
- Draining nodes should also ignore daemonsets, and master errors can be
- Make sure that the new kubeadm download is chmoded correctly.
- Add a step to run `kubeadm version` to verify after downloading.
- Manually approve new kubelet CSRs if rotation is enabled (known issue).
* Release 1.8 (#5680)
* Fix versions for 1.8 API ref docs
* Updates for 1.8 kubectl reference docs
* Kubeadm /docs/admin/kubeadm.md cleanup, editing. (#5681)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md (mostly 1.8 related).
This is Fabrizio's work, which I'm committing along with my edits (in a commit on top of this).
* A few of my own edits to clarify and clean up some Markdown.
2017-09-29 04:46:51 +00:00
// List all daemon sets, including uninitialized ones, in plain-text output format.
$ kubectl get ds --include-uninitialized
2017-11-14 19:35:17 +00:00
// List all pods running on node server01
$ kubectl get pods --field-selector=spec.nodeName=server01
Merge 1.10 to master for release (#7861)
* 1.10 update (#7151)
* Fix partition value expected behaviour explanation (#7123)
Fixes issue #7057
* Correct "On-Premise" to "On-Premises"
* Updates the Calico installation page (#7094)
* All files for Haufe Groups case study (#7051)
* Fix typo (#7127)
* fix typo of device-plugins.md (#7106)
* fix broken links (#7136)
* Updated configure-service-account (#7147)
Error from server resolved by escaping kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "myregistrykey"}]}' JSON string by '\'
* Remove docs related to 'require-kubeconfig' (#7138)
With kubernetes/kubernetes#58367 merged, v1.10 will not use the
"require-kubeconfig" flag. The flag has become a no-op solely to ensure
existing deployments won't break.
* Added Verification Scenario for a Pod that Uses a PVC in Terminating State (#7164)
The below PR:
modified scheduler in such a way that scheduling of a pod that uses a PVC in Terminating state fails.
That's why verification of such scenario was added to documentation.
* fix LimitPodHardAntiAffinityTopology name (#7221)
* Document the removal of the KubeletConfigFile feature gate (#7140)
With kubernetes/kubernetes#58978 merged, the said feature gate is
removed. This PR removes texts related to the gate and revises the
Feature Gates reference to reflect this change.
* deprecate three admission controller (#7363)
* Document the removal of Accelerators feature gate (#7389)
The `Accelerators` feature gate will be removed in 1.11. 1.10 will be
its last mile.
References: kubernetes/kubernetes#57384
* Update local storage docs for beta (#7473)
* Document that HugePages feature gate is Beta (#7387)
The `HugePages` feature gate has graduated to Beta in v1.10. This PR
documents this fact.
* Add HyperVContainer feature gates (#7502)
* Remove the beta reference from Taints and Tolerations doc (#7493)
* Kms provider doc (#7479)
* Kms provider doc
* issue# 7399, Create KMS-provider.md and update encrypt-data.md
* address review comments
* Document that Device Plugin feature is Beta (1.10) (#7512)
* Add docs for CRD features for 1.10 (#7439)
* Add docs for CRD features for 1.10
* Add CustomResourcesSubresources to list of feature gates
* Add latest changes to custom resources doc
* Add crds as abbreviated alias (#7437)
* Bring PVC Protection Feature to Beta (#7165)
* Bring PVC Protection Feature to Beta
The PR: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/59052
brought PVC Protection feature to beta.
That's why the documentation is updated accordingly.
* The PVC Protection feature was renamed to Storage Protection. That's why the documentation is updated.
* promote PodNodeSelector to stable; document detailed behavior (#7134)
* promote PodNodeSelector to stable; document detailed behavior
* respond to feedback
* Update CPU manager feature enabling (#7390)
With `CPUManager` feature graduating to beta. No explicit enabling is
required starting v1.10.
References: kubernetes/kubernetes#55977
* Adding block volumeMode documentation for local volumes. (#7531)
Code review comments.
Changed property to field.
Address tech review comment.
* remove description kubectl --show-all (#7574)
--show-all has been deprecated and set to true by default.
* fix description about contribute style guide (#7592)
* fix description about KUBECONFIG (#7589)
* fix description about cni (#7588)
* fix description about MutatingAdmissionWebhook and ValidatingAdmissionWebhook (#7587)
* fix description about persistent volume binding (#7590)
* Doc change for configurable pod resolv.conf Beta (#7611)
* fix description about out of resource handling (#7597)
* fix description about zookeeper (#7598)
* fix description about kubeadm (#7594)
* fix description about kubeadm (#7593)
* fix description about kubeadm implementation details (#7595)
* fix description about api concepts (#7596)
* Storage Protection was renamed to Storage Object in Use Protection (#7576)
* Storage Protection was renamed to Storage Object in Use Protection
The K8s PR: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/59901
renamed Storage Protection to Storage Object in Use Protection.
That's why the same is also renamed in the documentation.
* Moved Storage Object in Use Protection admission plugin description down according to alphabetic order.
* Use PSP from policy API group. (#7562)
* update kubeletconfig docs for v1.10, beta (#7561)
* Update port-forwarding docs (#7575)
* add pv protection description (#7620)
* fix description about client library (#7634)
* Add docs on configuring NodePort IP (#7631)
* Document that LocalStorageCapacityIsolation is beta (#7635)
A follow-up to the kubernetes/kubernetes#60159 change which has promoted
the `LocalStorageCapacityIsolation` feature gate to Beta.
* Update CoreDNS docs for beta (#7638)
* Update CoreDNS docs for beta
* Review comments
* Fix typo (#7640)
* Update feature gates move to beta (#7662)
* Added the inability to use colon ':' character as environment variable names and described workaround (#7657)
* merge master to 1.10, with fixes (#7682)
* Flag names changed (s/admission-control/enable-admission-plugins); disable-admissions-plugin entry added; removed reference to admission controller/plugins requiring set order (for v1.10), redundant example enabling specific plugin, and redundant version-specific info (#7449)
* Documentation for MountPropagation beta (#7655)
* Remove job's scale-related operations (#7684)
* authentication: document client-go exec plugins (#7648)
* authentication: document client-go exec plugins
* Update authentication.md
* Update local ephemeral storage feature to beta (#7685)
Update local ephemeral storage feature to beta
* Update docs for windows container resources (#7653)
* add server-side print docs (#7671)
* Create a task describing Pod process namespace sharing (#7489)
* Add external metrics to HPA docs (#7664)
* Add external metrics to HPA docs
* Update horizontal-pod-autoscale-walkthrough.md
* Apply review comments to HPA walkthrough
* remove description about "scale jobs" (#7712)
* CSI Docs for K8s v1.10 (#7698)
* Add a warning about increased memory consumption for audit logging feature. (#7725)
Signed-off-by: Mik Vyatskov <vmik@google.com>
* Update Audit Logging documentation for 1.10 (#7679)
Signed-off-by: Mik Vyatskov <vmik@google.com>
* Fix stage names in audit logging documentation (#7746)
Signed-off-by: Mik Vyatskov <vmik@google.com>
* Feature gate update for release 1.10 (#7742)
* State in the docs that the value of default Node labels are not reliable. (#7794)
* Kill the reference to --admission-control option (#7755)
The `--admission-control` option has been replaced by two new options in
v1.10. This PR kills the last appearance of the old option in the doc.
* Pvcprotection toc (#7807)
* Refreshing installation instructions (#7495)
* Refreshing installation instructions
Added conjure-up. Updated displays and juju versions to current versions.
* Updated anchors
* Fixed image value version typo (#7768)
Was inconsistent with other values
* Update flocker reference to the github repo (#7784)
* Fix typo in federation document (#7779)
* an user -> a user (#7778)
* Events are namespaced (#7767)
* fix 'monitoring' link lose efficacy problem' (#7764)
* docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy.md: minor fix. (#7659)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md (#7771)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
The pod spec puts the downward api files into /etc/podinfo, not directly in /etc. Updated docs to reflect this fact.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
One more spot needed fixing.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
Yet another fix, in the container example.
* Add Amadeus Case Study (#7783)
* Add Amadeus Case Study
* add Amadeus logo
* Fixed Cyrillic с in 'kube-proxy-cm' (#7787)
There was a typo (wrong character) in kube-proxy-cm.yaml - Cyrillic с (UTF-8 0x0441) was used instead of Latin c.
* install-kubectl: choose one installation method (#7705)
The previous text layout suggested that all installations had to be done, one after another.
* Update install-kubeadm.md (#7781)
Add note to kubeadm install instruction to help install in other arch i.e. aarch64, ppc64le etc.
* repair failure link (#7788)
* repair failure link
* repair failure link
* do change as required
* Update k8s201.md (#7777)
* Update k8s201.md
Change instructions to download yams files directly from the website (as used in other pages.)
Added instructions to delete labeled pod to avoid warnings in the subsequent deployment step.
* Update k8s201.md
Added example of using the exposed host from the a node running Kubernetes. (This works on AWS with Weave; not able to test it on other variations...)
* Gramatical fix to kompose introduction (#7792)
The original wording didn't through very well. As much of the original sentence has been preserved as possible, primarily to ensure the kompose web address is see both in text and as a href link.
* update amadeus.html (#7800)
* Fix a missing word in endpoint reconciler section (#7804)
* add toc entry for pvcprotection downgrade issue doc
* Pvcprotection toc (#7809)
* Refreshing installation instructions (#7495)
* Refreshing installation instructions
Added conjure-up. Updated displays and juju versions to current versions.
* Updated anchors
* Fixed image value version typo (#7768)
Was inconsistent with other values
* Update flocker reference to the github repo (#7784)
* Fix typo in federation document (#7779)
* an user -> a user (#7778)
* Events are namespaced (#7767)
* fix 'monitoring' link lose efficacy problem' (#7764)
* docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy.md: minor fix. (#7659)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md (#7771)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
The pod spec puts the downward api files into /etc/podinfo, not directly in /etc. Updated docs to reflect this fact.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
One more spot needed fixing.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
Yet another fix, in the container example.
* Add Amadeus Case Study (#7783)
* Add Amadeus Case Study
* add Amadeus logo
* Fixed Cyrillic с in 'kube-proxy-cm' (#7787)
There was a typo (wrong character) in kube-proxy-cm.yaml - Cyrillic с (UTF-8 0x0441) was used instead of Latin c.
* install-kubectl: choose one installation method (#7705)
The previous text layout suggested that all installations had to be done, one after another.
* Update install-kubeadm.md (#7781)
Add note to kubeadm install instruction to help install in other arch i.e. aarch64, ppc64le etc.
* repair failure link (#7788)
* repair failure link
* repair failure link
* do change as required
* Update k8s201.md (#7777)
* Update k8s201.md
Change instructions to download yams files directly from the website (as used in other pages.)
Added instructions to delete labeled pod to avoid warnings in the subsequent deployment step.
* Update k8s201.md
Added example of using the exposed host from the a node running Kubernetes. (This works on AWS with Weave; not able to test it on other variations...)
* Gramatical fix to kompose introduction (#7792)
The original wording didn't through very well. As much of the original sentence has been preserved as possible, primarily to ensure the kompose web address is see both in text and as a href link.
* update amadeus.html (#7800)
* Fix a missing word in endpoint reconciler section (#7804)
* add toc entry for pvcprotection downgrade issue doc
* revert TOC change
* Release 1.10 (#7818)
* Refreshing installation instructions (#7495)
* Refreshing installation instructions
Added conjure-up. Updated displays and juju versions to current versions.
* Updated anchors
* Fixed image value version typo (#7768)
Was inconsistent with other values
* Update flocker reference to the github repo (#7784)
* Fix typo in federation document (#7779)
* an user -> a user (#7778)
* Events are namespaced (#7767)
* fix 'monitoring' link lose efficacy problem' (#7764)
* docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy.md: minor fix. (#7659)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md (#7771)
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
The pod spec puts the downward api files into /etc/podinfo, not directly in /etc. Updated docs to reflect this fact.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
One more spot needed fixing.
* Update downward-api-volume-expose-pod-information.md
Yet another fix, in the container example.
* Add Amadeus Case Study (#7783)
* Add Amadeus Case Study
* add Amadeus logo
* Fixed Cyrillic с in 'kube-proxy-cm' (#7787)
There was a typo (wrong character) in kube-proxy-cm.yaml - Cyrillic с (UTF-8 0x0441) was used instead of Latin c.
* install-kubectl: choose one installation method (#7705)
The previous text layout suggested that all installations had to be done, one after another.
* Update install-kubeadm.md (#7781)
Add note to kubeadm install instruction to help install in other arch i.e. aarch64, ppc64le etc.
* repair failure link (#7788)
* repair failure link
* repair failure link
* do change as required
* Update k8s201.md (#7777)
* Update k8s201.md
Change instructions to download yams files directly from the website (as used in other pages.)
Added instructions to delete labeled pod to avoid warnings in the subsequent deployment step.
* Update k8s201.md
Added example of using the exposed host from the a node running Kubernetes. (This works on AWS with Weave; not able to test it on other variations...)
* Gramatical fix to kompose introduction (#7792)
The original wording didn't through very well. As much of the original sentence has been preserved as possible, primarily to ensure the kompose web address is see both in text and as a href link.
* update amadeus.html (#7800)
* Fix a missing word in endpoint reconciler section (#7804)
* Partners page updates (#7802)
* Partners page updates
* Update to ZTE link
* Make using sysctls a task instead of a concept (#6808)
Closes: #4505
* add a note when mount a configmap to pod (#7745)
* adjust a note format (#7812)
* Update docker-cli-to-kubectl.md (#7748)
* Update docker-cli-to-kubectl.md
Edited the document for adherence to the style guide and word usage.
* Update docker-cli-to-kubectl.md
* Incorporated the changes suggested.
* Mount propagation update to include docker config (#7854)
* update overridden config for 1.10 (#7847)
* update overridden config for 1.10
* fix config file per comments
* Update Extended Resource doc wrt cluster-level resources (#7759)
2018-03-27 01:33:11 +00:00
// List all pods in plain-text output format, delegating the details of printing to the server
$ kubectl get pods --experimental-server-print
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
Release 1.8 (#5659)
* GC now supports non-core resources
* Add two examples about how to analysis audits of kube-apiserver (#4264)
* Deprecate system:nodes binding
* [1.8] StatefulSet `initialized` annotation is now ignored.
* inits the kubeadm upgrade docs
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* adds kubeadm upgrade cmd to ToC
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* add workload placement docs
* ScaleIO - document udpate for 1.8
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions (#5254)
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions
* convert notes into callouts
* Add docs for CustomResource validation
add info about supported fields
* advanced audit beta features (#5300)
* Update job workload doc with backoff failure policy (#5319)
Add to the Jobs documentation how to use the new backoffLimit field that
limit the number of Pod failure before considering the Job as failed.
* Documented additional AWS Service annotations (#4864)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. (#5261)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration.
* Update device-plugins.md
* Update device-plugins.md
Add meta description. Fix typo. Change bare metal deployment to manual deployment.
* Update device-plugins.md
Fix typo again.
* Update page.version. (#5341)
* Add documentation on storageClass.reclaimPolicy (#5171)
* [Advanced audit] use new herf for audit-api (#5349)
This tag contains all the changes in v1beta1 version. Update it now.
* Added documentation around creating the InitializerConfiguration for the persistent volume label controller in the cloud-controller-manager (#5255)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins (#5294)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. (#5332)
* Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation.
- Removed references to CPU pressure node condition and evictions.
- Added note about new --cpu-manager-reconcile-period flag.
- Added note about node allocatable requirements for static policy.
- Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Move cpu-manager task link to rsc mgmt section.
* init containers annotation removed in 1.8 (#5390)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition (#5352)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Fix deployments (#5421)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. (#5399)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation.
* Updated extended resources doc per reviews.
* reverts extra spacing in _data/tasks.yml
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
Feedback from @chenopis, @luxas, and @steveperry-53 addressed with this commit
* HugePages documentation (#5419)
* Update cpu-management-policies.md (#5407)
Fixed the bad link.
Modified "cpu" to "CPU".
Added more 'yaml' as supplement.
* Update RBAC docs for v1 (#5445)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption (#5328)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption
* Update pod-priority-preemption.md
* More updates
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md for 1.8 (#5440)
- Made a couple of minor wording changes (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Did some reformatting (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Updated references to the default token TTL (was infinite, now 24 hours).
- Documented the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` and `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flags for `kubeadm join`.
- Added references to the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag in all the default examples.
- Added a new _Security model_ section that describes the security tradeoffs of the various discovery modes.
- Documented the new `--groups` flag for `kubeadm token create`.
- Added a note of caution under _Automating kubeadm_ that references the _Security model_ section.
- Updated the component version table to drop 1.6 and add 1.8.
- Update `_data/reference.yml` to try to get the sidebar fixed up and more consistent with `kubefed`.
* Update StatefulSet Basics for 1.8 release (#5398)
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
2nd iteration review comments by @luxas
* adds kubelet upgrade section to kubeadm upgrade
* Fix a bulleted list on docs/admin/kubeadm.md. (#5458)
I updated this doc yesterday and I was absolutely sure I fixed this, but I just saw that this commit got lost somehow.
This was introduced recently in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/pull/5440.
* Clarify the API to check for device plugins
* Moving Flexvolume to separate out-of-tree section
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
CC: @luxas
* fixes kubeadm upgrade index
* Update Stackdriver Logging documentation (#5495)
* Re-update WordPress and MySQL PV doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5526)
* Update statefulset concepts doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5420)
* add document on kubectl's behavior regarding initializers (#5505)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md to cover self-hosting in 1.8. (#5497)
This is a new beta feature in 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5422)
* [1.8] Update "Run Applications" tasks to apps/v1beta2. (#5525)
* Update replicated stateful application task for 1.8.
* Update single instance stateful app task for 1.8.
* Update stateless app task for 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch task for 1.8.
* fix the link of persistent storage (#5515)
* update the admission-controllers.md index.md what-is-kubernetes.md link
* fix the link of persistent storage
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage (#5493)
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage
update the doc to this alpha feature
* Update resource-quotas.md
* Updated Deployments concepts doc (#5491)
* Updated Deployments concepts doc
* Addressed comments
* Addressed more comments
* Modify allocatable storage to ephemeral-storage (#5490)
Update the doc to use ephemeral-storage instead of storage
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet (#5463)
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet
* Minor changes to call out specific versions for selector defaulting and
* Addressed doc review comments
* Remove petset documentations (#5395)
* Update docs to use batch/v1beta1 cronjobs (#5475)
* add federation job doc (#5485)
* add federation job doc
* Update job.md
Edits for clarity and consistency
* Update job.md
Fixed a typo
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release (#5397)
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release
* Update daemonset.md
Fix typo. than -> then
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. (#5479)
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8.
This has some changes I missed when I was updating the main kubeadm documention:
- Bootstrap tokens are now beta, not alpha (https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/130)
- The apiserver flag to enable the authenticator changedin 1.8 (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/51198)
- Added `auth-extra-groups` documentaion (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/50933)
- Updated the _Token Management with `kubeadm`_ section to link to the main kubeadm docs, since it was just duplicated information.
* Update bootstrap-tokens.md
* Updated the Cassandra tutorial to use apps/v1beta2 (#5548)
* add docs for AllowPrivilegeEscalation (#5448)
Signed-off-by: Jess Frazelle <acidburn@microsoft.com>
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource (#5522)
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource
Since 1.8, we add the local ephemeral storage alpha feature as one
resource type to manage. Add this feature into the doc.
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Added documentation for Metrics Server (#5560)
* authorization: improve authorization debugging docs (#5549)
* Document mount propagation (#5544)
* Update /docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm.md for 1.8. (#5524)
This introduction needed a couple of small tweaks to cover the `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag added in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/49520 and some version bumps.
* Add task doc for alpha dynamic kubelet configuration (#5523)
* Fix input/output of selfsubjectaccess review (#5593)
* Add docs for implementing resize (#5528)
* Add docs for implementing resize
* Update admission-controllers.md
* Added link to PVC section
* minor typo fixes
* Update NetworkPolicy concept guide with egress and CIDR changes (#5529)
* update zookeeper tutorial for 1.8 release
* add doc for hostpath type (#5503)
* Federated Hpa feature doc (#5487)
* Federated Hpa feature doc
* Federated Hpa feature doc review fixes
* Update hpa.md
* Update hpa.md
* update cloud controller manager docs for v1.8
* Update cronjob with defaults information (#5556)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs (#5632)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs
* Kubectl reference docs for 1.8
* Update side bar with 1.8 kubectl and api ref docs links
* remove petset.md
* update on state of HostAlias in 1.8 with hostNetwork Pod support (#5644)
* Fix cron job deletion section (#5655)
* update imported docs (#5656)
* Add documentation for certificate rotation. (#5639)
* Link to using kubeadm page
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* fix typo in api/resources reference: "Worloads"
* Add documentation for certificate rotation.
* Create TOC entry for cloud controller manager. (#5662)
* Updates for new versions of API types
* Followup 5655: fix link to garbage collection (#5666)
* Temporarily redirect resources-reference to api-reference. (#5668)
* Update config for 1.8 release. (#5661)
* Update config for 1.8 release.
* Address reviewer comments.
* Switch references in HPA docs from alpha to beta (#5671)
The HPA docs still referenced the alpha version. This switches them to
talk about v2beta1, which is the appropriate version for Kubernetes 1.8
* Deprecate openstack heat (#5670)
* Fix typo in pod preset conflict example
Move container port definition to the correct line.
* Highlight openstack-heat provider deprecation
The openstack-heat provider for kube-up is being deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.
* Temporarily fix broken links by redirecting. (#5672)
* Fix broken links. (#5675)
* Fix render of code block (#5674)
* Fix broken links. (#5677)
* Add a small note about auto-bootstrapped CSR ClusterRoles (#5660)
* Update kubeadm install doc for v1.8 (#5676)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8 (#5650)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8
* edits per review, add tables, for 1.8 workloads api doc
* fix typo
* Minor fixes to kubeadm 1.8 upgrade guide. (#5678)
- The kubelet upgrade instructions should be done on every host, not
just worker nodes.
- We should just upgrade all packages, instead of calling out kubelet
specifically. This will also upgrade kubectl, kubeadm, and
kubernetes-cni, if installed.
- Draining nodes should also ignore daemonsets, and master errors can be
- Make sure that the new kubeadm download is chmoded correctly.
- Add a step to run `kubeadm version` to verify after downloading.
- Manually approve new kubelet CSRs if rotation is enabled (known issue).
* Release 1.8 (#5680)
* Fix versions for 1.8 API ref docs
* Updates for 1.8 kubectl reference docs
* Kubeadm /docs/admin/kubeadm.md cleanup, editing. (#5681)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md (mostly 1.8 related).
This is Fabrizio's work, which I'm committing along with my edits (in a commit on top of this).
* A few of my own edits to clarify and clean up some Markdown.
2017-09-29 04:46:51 +00:00
`kubectl describe` - Display detailed state of one or more resources, including the uninitialized ones by default.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
// Display the details of the node with name <node-name>.
$ kubectl describe nodes <node-name>
// Display the details of the pod with name <pod-name>.
$ kubectl describe pods/<pod-name>
// Display the details of all the pods that are managed by the replication controller named <rc-name>.
// Remember: Any pods that are created by the replication controller get prefixed with the name of the replication controller.
$ kubectl describe pods <rc-name>
Release 1.8 (#5659)
* GC now supports non-core resources
* Add two examples about how to analysis audits of kube-apiserver (#4264)
* Deprecate system:nodes binding
* [1.8] StatefulSet `initialized` annotation is now ignored.
* inits the kubeadm upgrade docs
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* adds kubeadm upgrade cmd to ToC
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* add workload placement docs
* ScaleIO - document udpate for 1.8
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions (#5254)
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions
* convert notes into callouts
* Add docs for CustomResource validation
add info about supported fields
* advanced audit beta features (#5300)
* Update job workload doc with backoff failure policy (#5319)
Add to the Jobs documentation how to use the new backoffLimit field that
limit the number of Pod failure before considering the Job as failed.
* Documented additional AWS Service annotations (#4864)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. (#5261)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration.
* Update device-plugins.md
* Update device-plugins.md
Add meta description. Fix typo. Change bare metal deployment to manual deployment.
* Update device-plugins.md
Fix typo again.
* Update page.version. (#5341)
* Add documentation on storageClass.reclaimPolicy (#5171)
* [Advanced audit] use new herf for audit-api (#5349)
This tag contains all the changes in v1beta1 version. Update it now.
* Added documentation around creating the InitializerConfiguration for the persistent volume label controller in the cloud-controller-manager (#5255)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins (#5294)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. (#5332)
* Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation.
- Removed references to CPU pressure node condition and evictions.
- Added note about new --cpu-manager-reconcile-period flag.
- Added note about node allocatable requirements for static policy.
- Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Move cpu-manager task link to rsc mgmt section.
* init containers annotation removed in 1.8 (#5390)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition (#5352)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Fix deployments (#5421)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. (#5399)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation.
* Updated extended resources doc per reviews.
* reverts extra spacing in _data/tasks.yml
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
Feedback from @chenopis, @luxas, and @steveperry-53 addressed with this commit
* HugePages documentation (#5419)
* Update cpu-management-policies.md (#5407)
Fixed the bad link.
Modified "cpu" to "CPU".
Added more 'yaml' as supplement.
* Update RBAC docs for v1 (#5445)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption (#5328)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption
* Update pod-priority-preemption.md
* More updates
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md for 1.8 (#5440)
- Made a couple of minor wording changes (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Did some reformatting (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Updated references to the default token TTL (was infinite, now 24 hours).
- Documented the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` and `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flags for `kubeadm join`.
- Added references to the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag in all the default examples.
- Added a new _Security model_ section that describes the security tradeoffs of the various discovery modes.
- Documented the new `--groups` flag for `kubeadm token create`.
- Added a note of caution under _Automating kubeadm_ that references the _Security model_ section.
- Updated the component version table to drop 1.6 and add 1.8.
- Update `_data/reference.yml` to try to get the sidebar fixed up and more consistent with `kubefed`.
* Update StatefulSet Basics for 1.8 release (#5398)
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
2nd iteration review comments by @luxas
* adds kubelet upgrade section to kubeadm upgrade
* Fix a bulleted list on docs/admin/kubeadm.md. (#5458)
I updated this doc yesterday and I was absolutely sure I fixed this, but I just saw that this commit got lost somehow.
This was introduced recently in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/pull/5440.
* Clarify the API to check for device plugins
* Moving Flexvolume to separate out-of-tree section
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
CC: @luxas
* fixes kubeadm upgrade index
* Update Stackdriver Logging documentation (#5495)
* Re-update WordPress and MySQL PV doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5526)
* Update statefulset concepts doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5420)
* add document on kubectl's behavior regarding initializers (#5505)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md to cover self-hosting in 1.8. (#5497)
This is a new beta feature in 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5422)
* [1.8] Update "Run Applications" tasks to apps/v1beta2. (#5525)
* Update replicated stateful application task for 1.8.
* Update single instance stateful app task for 1.8.
* Update stateless app task for 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch task for 1.8.
* fix the link of persistent storage (#5515)
* update the admission-controllers.md index.md what-is-kubernetes.md link
* fix the link of persistent storage
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage (#5493)
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage
update the doc to this alpha feature
* Update resource-quotas.md
* Updated Deployments concepts doc (#5491)
* Updated Deployments concepts doc
* Addressed comments
* Addressed more comments
* Modify allocatable storage to ephemeral-storage (#5490)
Update the doc to use ephemeral-storage instead of storage
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet (#5463)
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet
* Minor changes to call out specific versions for selector defaulting and
* Addressed doc review comments
* Remove petset documentations (#5395)
* Update docs to use batch/v1beta1 cronjobs (#5475)
* add federation job doc (#5485)
* add federation job doc
* Update job.md
Edits for clarity and consistency
* Update job.md
Fixed a typo
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release (#5397)
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release
* Update daemonset.md
Fix typo. than -> then
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. (#5479)
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8.
This has some changes I missed when I was updating the main kubeadm documention:
- Bootstrap tokens are now beta, not alpha (https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/130)
- The apiserver flag to enable the authenticator changedin 1.8 (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/51198)
- Added `auth-extra-groups` documentaion (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/50933)
- Updated the _Token Management with `kubeadm`_ section to link to the main kubeadm docs, since it was just duplicated information.
* Update bootstrap-tokens.md
* Updated the Cassandra tutorial to use apps/v1beta2 (#5548)
* add docs for AllowPrivilegeEscalation (#5448)
Signed-off-by: Jess Frazelle <acidburn@microsoft.com>
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource (#5522)
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource
Since 1.8, we add the local ephemeral storage alpha feature as one
resource type to manage. Add this feature into the doc.
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Added documentation for Metrics Server (#5560)
* authorization: improve authorization debugging docs (#5549)
* Document mount propagation (#5544)
* Update /docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm.md for 1.8. (#5524)
This introduction needed a couple of small tweaks to cover the `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag added in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/49520 and some version bumps.
* Add task doc for alpha dynamic kubelet configuration (#5523)
* Fix input/output of selfsubjectaccess review (#5593)
* Add docs for implementing resize (#5528)
* Add docs for implementing resize
* Update admission-controllers.md
* Added link to PVC section
* minor typo fixes
* Update NetworkPolicy concept guide with egress and CIDR changes (#5529)
* update zookeeper tutorial for 1.8 release
* add doc for hostpath type (#5503)
* Federated Hpa feature doc (#5487)
* Federated Hpa feature doc
* Federated Hpa feature doc review fixes
* Update hpa.md
* Update hpa.md
* update cloud controller manager docs for v1.8
* Update cronjob with defaults information (#5556)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs (#5632)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs
* Kubectl reference docs for 1.8
* Update side bar with 1.8 kubectl and api ref docs links
* remove petset.md
* update on state of HostAlias in 1.8 with hostNetwork Pod support (#5644)
* Fix cron job deletion section (#5655)
* update imported docs (#5656)
* Add documentation for certificate rotation. (#5639)
* Link to using kubeadm page
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* fix typo in api/resources reference: "Worloads"
* Add documentation for certificate rotation.
* Create TOC entry for cloud controller manager. (#5662)
* Updates for new versions of API types
* Followup 5655: fix link to garbage collection (#5666)
* Temporarily redirect resources-reference to api-reference. (#5668)
* Update config for 1.8 release. (#5661)
* Update config for 1.8 release.
* Address reviewer comments.
* Switch references in HPA docs from alpha to beta (#5671)
The HPA docs still referenced the alpha version. This switches them to
talk about v2beta1, which is the appropriate version for Kubernetes 1.8
* Deprecate openstack heat (#5670)
* Fix typo in pod preset conflict example
Move container port definition to the correct line.
* Highlight openstack-heat provider deprecation
The openstack-heat provider for kube-up is being deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.
* Temporarily fix broken links by redirecting. (#5672)
* Fix broken links. (#5675)
* Fix render of code block (#5674)
* Fix broken links. (#5677)
* Add a small note about auto-bootstrapped CSR ClusterRoles (#5660)
* Update kubeadm install doc for v1.8 (#5676)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8 (#5650)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8
* edits per review, add tables, for 1.8 workloads api doc
* fix typo
* Minor fixes to kubeadm 1.8 upgrade guide. (#5678)
- The kubelet upgrade instructions should be done on every host, not
just worker nodes.
- We should just upgrade all packages, instead of calling out kubelet
specifically. This will also upgrade kubectl, kubeadm, and
kubernetes-cni, if installed.
- Draining nodes should also ignore daemonsets, and master errors can be
- Make sure that the new kubeadm download is chmoded correctly.
- Add a step to run `kubeadm version` to verify after downloading.
- Manually approve new kubelet CSRs if rotation is enabled (known issue).
* Release 1.8 (#5680)
* Fix versions for 1.8 API ref docs
* Updates for 1.8 kubectl reference docs
* Kubeadm /docs/admin/kubeadm.md cleanup, editing. (#5681)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md (mostly 1.8 related).
This is Fabrizio's work, which I'm committing along with my edits (in a commit on top of this).
* A few of my own edits to clarify and clean up some Markdown.
2017-09-29 04:46:51 +00:00
// Describe all pods, not including uninitialized ones
$ kubectl describe pods --include-uninitialized=false
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{< note >}}
2017-11-15 03:33:20 +00:00
**Note:** The `kubectl get` command is usually used for retrieving one or more
resources of the same resource type. It features a rich set of flags that allows
you to customize the output format using the `-o` or `--output` flag, for example.
You can specify the `-w` or `--watch` flag to start watching updates to a particular
object. The `kubectl describe` command is more focused on describing the many
related aspects of a specified resource. It may invoke several API calls to the
API server to build a view for the user. For example, the `kubectl describe node`
command retrieves not only the information about the node, but also a summary of
the pods running on it, the events generated for the node etc.
2018-05-05 16:00:51 +00:00
{{< /note >}}
2017-11-15 03:33:20 +00:00
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
`kubectl delete` - Delete resources either from a file, stdin, or specifying label selectors, names, resource selectors, or resources.
// Delete a pod using the type and name specified in the pod.yaml file.
$ kubectl delete -f pod.yaml
// Delete all the pods and services that have the label name=<label-name>.
$ kubectl delete pods,services -l name=<label-name>
Release 1.8 (#5659)
* GC now supports non-core resources
* Add two examples about how to analysis audits of kube-apiserver (#4264)
* Deprecate system:nodes binding
* [1.8] StatefulSet `initialized` annotation is now ignored.
* inits the kubeadm upgrade docs
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* adds kubeadm upgrade cmd to ToC
addresses kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/issues/4689
* add workload placement docs
* ScaleIO - document udpate for 1.8
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions (#5254)
* Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions
* convert notes into callouts
* Add docs for CustomResource validation
add info about supported fields
* advanced audit beta features (#5300)
* Update job workload doc with backoff failure policy (#5319)
Add to the Jobs documentation how to use the new backoffLimit field that
limit the number of Pod failure before considering the Job as failed.
* Documented additional AWS Service annotations (#4864)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. (#5261)
* Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration.
* Update device-plugins.md
* Update device-plugins.md
Add meta description. Fix typo. Change bare metal deployment to manual deployment.
* Update device-plugins.md
Fix typo again.
* Update page.version. (#5341)
* Add documentation on storageClass.reclaimPolicy (#5171)
* [Advanced audit] use new herf for audit-api (#5349)
This tag contains all the changes in v1beta1 version. Update it now.
* Added documentation around creating the InitializerConfiguration for the persistent volume label controller in the cloud-controller-manager (#5255)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins (#5294)
* Documentation for kubectl plugins
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Update kubectl-plugins.md
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. (#5332)
* Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation.
- Removed references to CPU pressure node condition and evictions.
- Added note about new --cpu-manager-reconcile-period flag.
- Added note about node allocatable requirements for static policy.
- Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager.
* Move cpu-manager task link to rsc mgmt section.
* init containers annotation removed in 1.8 (#5390)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition (#5352)
* Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Update nodes.md
* Update taint-and-toleration.md
* Update daemonset.md
* Fix deployments (#5421)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. (#5399)
* Document extended resources and OIR deprecation.
* Updated extended resources doc per reviews.
* reverts extra spacing in _data/tasks.yml
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
Feedback from @chenopis, @luxas, and @steveperry-53 addressed with this commit
* HugePages documentation (#5419)
* Update cpu-management-policies.md (#5407)
Fixed the bad link.
Modified "cpu" to "CPU".
Added more 'yaml' as supplement.
* Update RBAC docs for v1 (#5445)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption (#5328)
* Add user docs for pod priority and preemption
* Update pod-priority-preemption.md
* More updates
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md for 1.8 (#5440)
- Made a couple of minor wording changes (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Did some reformatting (not strictly 1.8 related).
- Updated references to the default token TTL (was infinite, now 24 hours).
- Documented the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` and `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flags for `kubeadm join`.
- Added references to the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag in all the default examples.
- Added a new _Security model_ section that describes the security tradeoffs of the various discovery modes.
- Documented the new `--groups` flag for `kubeadm token create`.
- Added a note of caution under _Automating kubeadm_ that references the _Security model_ section.
- Updated the component version table to drop 1.6 and add 1.8.
- Update `_data/reference.yml` to try to get the sidebar fixed up and more consistent with `kubefed`.
* Update StatefulSet Basics for 1.8 release (#5398)
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
2nd iteration review comments by @luxas
* adds kubelet upgrade section to kubeadm upgrade
* Fix a bulleted list on docs/admin/kubeadm.md. (#5458)
I updated this doc yesterday and I was absolutely sure I fixed this, but I just saw that this commit got lost somehow.
This was introduced recently in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.github.io/pull/5440.
* Clarify the API to check for device plugins
* Moving Flexvolume to separate out-of-tree section
* addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments
CC: @luxas
* fixes kubeadm upgrade index
* Update Stackdriver Logging documentation (#5495)
* Re-update WordPress and MySQL PV doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5526)
* Update statefulset concepts doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5420)
* add document on kubectl's behavior regarding initializers (#5505)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md to cover self-hosting in 1.8. (#5497)
This is a new beta feature in 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5422)
* [1.8] Update "Run Applications" tasks to apps/v1beta2. (#5525)
* Update replicated stateful application task for 1.8.
* Update single instance stateful app task for 1.8.
* Update stateless app task for 1.8.
* Update kubectl patch task for 1.8.
* fix the link of persistent storage (#5515)
* update the admission-controllers.md index.md what-is-kubernetes.md link
* fix the link of persistent storage
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage (#5493)
* Add quota support for local ephemeral storage
update the doc to this alpha feature
* Update resource-quotas.md
* Updated Deployments concepts doc (#5491)
* Updated Deployments concepts doc
* Addressed comments
* Addressed more comments
* Modify allocatable storage to ephemeral-storage (#5490)
Update the doc to use ephemeral-storage instead of storage
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet (#5463)
* Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet
* Minor changes to call out specific versions for selector defaulting and
* Addressed doc review comments
* Remove petset documentations (#5395)
* Update docs to use batch/v1beta1 cronjobs (#5475)
* add federation job doc (#5485)
* add federation job doc
* Update job.md
Edits for clarity and consistency
* Update job.md
Fixed a typo
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release (#5397)
* update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release
* Update daemonset.md
Fix typo. than -> then
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. (#5479)
* Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8.
This has some changes I missed when I was updating the main kubeadm documention:
- Bootstrap tokens are now beta, not alpha (https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/130)
- The apiserver flag to enable the authenticator changedin 1.8 (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/51198)
- Added `auth-extra-groups` documentaion (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/50933)
- Updated the _Token Management with `kubeadm`_ section to link to the main kubeadm docs, since it was just duplicated information.
* Update bootstrap-tokens.md
* Updated the Cassandra tutorial to use apps/v1beta2 (#5548)
* add docs for AllowPrivilegeEscalation (#5448)
Signed-off-by: Jess Frazelle <acidburn@microsoft.com>
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource (#5522)
* Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource
Since 1.8, we add the local ephemeral storage alpha feature as one
resource type to manage. Add this feature into the doc.
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Update manage-compute-resources-container.md
* Added documentation for Metrics Server (#5560)
* authorization: improve authorization debugging docs (#5549)
* Document mount propagation (#5544)
* Update /docs/setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm.md for 1.8. (#5524)
This introduction needed a couple of small tweaks to cover the `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag added in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/49520 and some version bumps.
* Add task doc for alpha dynamic kubelet configuration (#5523)
* Fix input/output of selfsubjectaccess review (#5593)
* Add docs for implementing resize (#5528)
* Add docs for implementing resize
* Update admission-controllers.md
* Added link to PVC section
* minor typo fixes
* Update NetworkPolicy concept guide with egress and CIDR changes (#5529)
* update zookeeper tutorial for 1.8 release
* add doc for hostpath type (#5503)
* Federated Hpa feature doc (#5487)
* Federated Hpa feature doc
* Federated Hpa feature doc review fixes
* Update hpa.md
* Update hpa.md
* update cloud controller manager docs for v1.8
* Update cronjob with defaults information (#5556)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs (#5632)
* Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs
* Kubectl reference docs for 1.8
* Update side bar with 1.8 kubectl and api ref docs links
* remove petset.md
* update on state of HostAlias in 1.8 with hostNetwork Pod support (#5644)
* Fix cron job deletion section (#5655)
* update imported docs (#5656)
* Add documentation for certificate rotation. (#5639)
* Link to using kubeadm page
* fix the command output
fix the command output
* fix typo in api/resources reference: "Worloads"
* Add documentation for certificate rotation.
* Create TOC entry for cloud controller manager. (#5662)
* Updates for new versions of API types
* Followup 5655: fix link to garbage collection (#5666)
* Temporarily redirect resources-reference to api-reference. (#5668)
* Update config for 1.8 release. (#5661)
* Update config for 1.8 release.
* Address reviewer comments.
* Switch references in HPA docs from alpha to beta (#5671)
The HPA docs still referenced the alpha version. This switches them to
talk about v2beta1, which is the appropriate version for Kubernetes 1.8
* Deprecate openstack heat (#5670)
* Fix typo in pod preset conflict example
Move container port definition to the correct line.
* Highlight openstack-heat provider deprecation
The openstack-heat provider for kube-up is being deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.
* Temporarily fix broken links by redirecting. (#5672)
* Fix broken links. (#5675)
* Fix render of code block (#5674)
* Fix broken links. (#5677)
* Add a small note about auto-bootstrapped CSR ClusterRoles (#5660)
* Update kubeadm install doc for v1.8 (#5676)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8 (#5650)
* add draft workloads api content for 1.8
* edits per review, add tables, for 1.8 workloads api doc
* fix typo
* Minor fixes to kubeadm 1.8 upgrade guide. (#5678)
- The kubelet upgrade instructions should be done on every host, not
just worker nodes.
- We should just upgrade all packages, instead of calling out kubelet
specifically. This will also upgrade kubectl, kubeadm, and
kubernetes-cni, if installed.
- Draining nodes should also ignore daemonsets, and master errors can be
- Make sure that the new kubeadm download is chmoded correctly.
- Add a step to run `kubeadm version` to verify after downloading.
- Manually approve new kubelet CSRs if rotation is enabled (known issue).
* Release 1.8 (#5680)
* Fix versions for 1.8 API ref docs
* Updates for 1.8 kubectl reference docs
* Kubeadm /docs/admin/kubeadm.md cleanup, editing. (#5681)
* Update docs/admin/kubeadm.md (mostly 1.8 related).
This is Fabrizio's work, which I'm committing along with my edits (in a commit on top of this).
* A few of my own edits to clarify and clean up some Markdown.
2017-09-29 04:46:51 +00:00
// Delete all the pods and services that have the label name=<label-name>, including uninitialized ones.
$ kubectl delete pods,services -l name=<label-name> --include-uninitialized
// Delete all pods, including uninitialized ones.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
$ kubectl delete pods --all
`kubectl exec` - Execute a command against a container in a pod.
// Get output from running 'date' from pod <pod-name>. By default, output is from the first container.
$ kubectl exec <pod-name> date
// Get output from running 'date' in container <container-name> of pod <pod-name>.
$ kubectl exec <pod-name> -c <container-name> date
// Get an interactive TTY and run /bin/bash from pod <pod-name>. By default, output is from the first container.
$ kubectl exec -ti <pod-name> /bin/bash
`kubectl logs` - Print the logs for a container in a pod.
// Return a snapshot of the logs from pod <pod-name>.
$ kubectl logs <pod-name>
2016-09-06 11:07:12 +00:00
// Start streaming the logs from pod <pod-name>. This is similar to the 'tail -f' Linux command.
2016-02-26 11:54:48 +00:00
$ kubectl logs -f <pod-name>
## Next steps
2017-10-10 04:08:58 +00:00
Start using the [kubectl](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/) commands.