
483 lines
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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package examples_test
import (
2017-01-13 21:35:06 +00:00
2017-01-13 22:00:36 +00:00
2016-11-22 20:07:25 +00:00
apps_validation ""
2016-09-05 11:33:41 +00:00
batch_validation ""
expvalidation ""
policyvalidation ""
storagevalidation ""
2017-01-13 21:35:06 +00:00
2016-09-23 21:10:16 +00:00
schedulerapilatest ""
func validateObject(obj runtime.Object) (errors field.ErrorList) {
switch t := obj.(type) {
case *api.ReplicationController:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateReplicationController(t)
case *api.ReplicationControllerList:
for i := range t.Items {
errors = append(errors, validateObject(&t.Items[i])...)
case *api.Service:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateService(t)
case *api.ServiceList:
for i := range t.Items {
errors = append(errors, validateObject(&t.Items[i])...)
case *api.Pod:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidatePod(t)
case *api.PodList:
for i := range t.Items {
errors = append(errors, validateObject(&t.Items[i])...)
case *api.PersistentVolume:
errors = validation.ValidatePersistentVolume(t)
case *api.PersistentVolumeClaim:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidatePersistentVolumeClaim(t)
case *api.PodTemplate:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidatePodTemplate(t)
case *api.Endpoints:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateEndpoints(t)
case *api.Namespace:
errors = validation.ValidateNamespace(t)
case *api.Secret:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateSecret(t)
case *api.LimitRange:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateLimitRange(t)
case *api.ResourceQuota:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateResourceQuota(t)
case *extensions.Deployment:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = expvalidation.ValidateDeployment(t)
case *batch.Job:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
// Job needs generateSelector called before validation, and job.Validate does this.
// See:
t.ObjectMeta.UID = types.UID("fakeuid")
errors = job.Strategy.Validate(nil, t)
case *extensions.Ingress:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = expvalidation.ValidateIngress(t)
case *extensions.DaemonSet:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = expvalidation.ValidateDaemonSet(t)
case *extensions.PodSecurityPolicy:
errors = expvalidation.ValidatePodSecurityPolicy(t)
case *batch.CronJob:
2016-09-05 11:33:41 +00:00
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = batch_validation.ValidateCronJob(t)
2016-11-22 20:07:25 +00:00
case *api.ConfigMap:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = validation.ValidateConfigMap(t)
case *apps.StatefulSet:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = apps_validation.ValidateStatefulSet(t)
case *policy.PodDisruptionBudget:
if t.Namespace == "" {
t.Namespace = api.NamespaceDefault
errors = policyvalidation.ValidatePodDisruptionBudget(t)
case *storage.StorageClass:
// storageclass does not accept namespace
errors = storagevalidation.ValidateStorageClass(t)
errors = field.ErrorList{}
errors = append(errors, field.InternalError(field.NewPath(""), fmt.Errorf("no validation defined for %#v", obj)))
return errors
// Walks inDir for any json/yaml files. Converts yaml to json, and calls fn for
// each file found with the contents in data.
func walkConfigFiles(inDir string, fn func(name, path string, data [][]byte)) error {
return filepath.Walk(inDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() && path != inDir {
return filepath.SkipDir
file := filepath.Base(path)
if ext := filepath.Ext(file); ext == ".json" || ext == ".yaml" {
//glog.Infof("Testing %s", path)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
name := strings.TrimSuffix(file, ext)
var docs [][]byte
if ext == ".yaml" {
// YAML can contain multiple documents.
splitter := yaml.NewYAMLReader(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(data)))
for {
doc, err := splitter.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", path, err)
out, err := yaml.ToJSON(doc)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", path, err)
docs = append(docs, out)
} else {
docs = append(docs, data)
fn(name, path, docs)
return nil
func TestExampleObjectSchemas(t *testing.T) {
cases := map[string]map[string][]runtime.Object{
"../docs/user-guide/walkthrough": {
"deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"deployment-update": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"pod-nginx": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-nginx-with-label": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-redis": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-http-healthcheck": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-tcp-socket-healthcheck": {&api.Pod{}},
"podtemplate": {&api.PodTemplate{}},
"service": {&api.Service{}},
"../docs/user-guide/update-demo": {
"kitten-rc": {&api.ReplicationController{}},
"nautilus-rc": {&api.ReplicationController{}},
"../docs/concepts/policy": {
"psp": {&extensions.PodSecurityPolicy{}},
"../docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/volumes": {
"local-01": {&api.PersistentVolume{}},
"local-02": {&api.PersistentVolume{}},
"gce": {&api.PersistentVolume{}},
"nfs": {&api.PersistentVolume{}},
"../docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/claims": {
"claim-01": {&api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}},
"claim-02": {&api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}},
"claim-03": {&api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}},
"../docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/simpletest": {
"namespace": {&api.Namespace{}},
"pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"service": {&api.Service{}},
"../docs/user-guide/liveness": {
"exec-liveness": {&api.Pod{}},
"http-liveness": {&api.Pod{}},
"http-liveness-named-port": {&api.Pod{}},
2017-03-16 19:56:44 +00:00
"../docs/tasks/job/coarse-parallel-processing-work-queue": {
"job": {&batch.Job{}},
"../docs/tasks/job/fine-parallel-processing-work-queue": {
"job": {&batch.Job{}},
"redis-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"redis-service": {&api.Service{}},
"../docs/user-guide": {
"bad-nginx-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"counter-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"curlpod": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"ingress": {&extensions.Ingress{}},
"job": {&batch.Job{}},
"multi-pod": {&api.Pod{}, &api.Pod{}},
"new-nginx-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-app": {&api.Service{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-init-containers": {&api.Pod{}},
"nginx-lifecycle-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-probe-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-secure-app": {&api.Service{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"nginx-svc": {&api.Service{}},
"pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-w-message": {&api.Pod{}},
"redis-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"redis-resource-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"redis-secret-deployment": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"run-my-nginx": {&extensions.Deployment{}},
"cronjob": {&batch.CronJob{}},
"../docs/admin": {
"daemon": {&extensions.DaemonSet{}},
"../docs/user-guide/downward-api": {
"dapi-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"dapi-container-resources": {&api.Pod{}},
"../docs/user-guide/downward-api/volume/": {
"dapi-volume": {&api.Pod{}},
"dapi-volume-resources": {&api.Pod{}},
"../docs/admin/namespaces": {
"namespace-dev": {&api.Namespace{}},
"namespace-prod": {&api.Namespace{}},
"../docs/admin/limitrange": {
"invalid-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"limits": {&api.LimitRange{}},
"namespace": {&api.Namespace{}},
"valid-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"../docs/user-guide/node-selection": {
"pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-node-affinity": {&api.Pod{}},
"pod-with-pod-affinity": {&api.Pod{}},
"../docs/admin/resourcequota": {
"best-effort": {&api.ResourceQuota{}},
"compute-resources": {&api.ResourceQuota{}},
"limits": {&api.LimitRange{}},
"namespace": {&api.Namespace{}},
"not-best-effort": {&api.ResourceQuota{}},
"object-counts": {&api.ResourceQuota{}},
"../docs/user-guide/secrets": {
"secret-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"secret": {&api.Secret{}},
"secret-env-pod": {&api.Pod{}},
"../docs/tutorials/stateful-application": {
"gce-volume": {&api.PersistentVolume{}},
"mysql-deployment": {&api.Service{}, &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}, &extensions.Deployment{}},
"mysql-services": {&api.Service{}, &api.Service{}},
"mysql-configmap": {&api.ConfigMap{}},
"mysql-statefulset": {&apps.StatefulSet{}},
"cassandra-service": {&api.Service{}},
"cassandra-statefulset": {&apps.StatefulSet{}, &storage.StorageClass{}},
"web": {&api.Service{}, &apps.StatefulSet{}},
"webp": {&api.Service{}, &apps.StatefulSet{}},
Release 1.8 (#5659) * GC now supports non-core resources * Add two examples about how to analysis audits of kube-apiserver (#4264) * Deprecate system:nodes binding * [1.8] StatefulSet `initialized` annotation is now ignored. * inits the kubeadm upgrade docs addresses kubernetes/ * adds kubeadm upgrade cmd to ToC addresses kubernetes/ * add workload placement docs * ScaleIO - document udpate for 1.8 * Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions (#5254) * Add documentation on storageClass.mountOptions and PV.mountOptions * convert notes into callouts * Add docs for CustomResource validation add info about supported fields * advanced audit beta features (#5300) * Update job workload doc with backoff failure policy (#5319) Add to the Jobs documentation how to use the new backoffLimit field that limit the number of Pod failure before considering the Job as failed. * Documented additional AWS Service annotations (#4864) * Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. (#5261) * Add device plugin doc under concepts/cluster-administration. * Update * Update Add meta description. Fix typo. Change bare metal deployment to manual deployment. * Update Fix typo again. * Update page.version. (#5341) * Add documentation on storageClass.reclaimPolicy (#5171) * [Advanced audit] use new herf for audit-api (#5349) This tag contains all the changes in v1beta1 version. Update it now. * Added documentation around creating the InitializerConfiguration for the persistent volume label controller in the cloud-controller-manager (#5255) * Documentation for kubectl plugins (#5294) * Documentation for kubectl plugins * Update * Update * Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. (#5332) * Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager. * Updated CPU manager docs to match implementation. - Removed references to CPU pressure node condition and evictions. - Added note about new --cpu-manager-reconcile-period flag. - Added note about node allocatable requirements for static policy. - Noted limitation of alpha static cpumanager. * Move cpu-manager task link to rsc mgmt section. * init containers annotation removed in 1.8 (#5390) * Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition (#5352) * Add documentation for TaintNodesByCondition * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Fix deployments (#5421) * Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. (#5399) * Document extended resources and OIR deprecation. * Updated extended resources doc per reviews. * reverts extra spacing in _data/tasks.yml * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments Feedback from @chenopis, @luxas, and @steveperry-53 addressed with this commit * HugePages documentation (#5419) * Update (#5407) Fixed the bad link. Modified "cpu" to "CPU". Added more 'yaml' as supplement. * Update RBAC docs for v1 (#5445) * Add user docs for pod priority and preemption (#5328) * Add user docs for pod priority and preemption * Update * More updates * Update docs/admin/ for 1.8 (#5440) - Made a couple of minor wording changes (not strictly 1.8 related). - Did some reformatting (not strictly 1.8 related). - Updated references to the default token TTL (was infinite, now 24 hours). - Documented the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` and `--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification` flags for `kubeadm join`. - Added references to the new `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag in all the default examples. - Added a new _Security model_ section that describes the security tradeoffs of the various discovery modes. - Documented the new `--groups` flag for `kubeadm token create`. - Added a note of caution under _Automating kubeadm_ that references the _Security model_ section. - Updated the component version table to drop 1.6 and add 1.8. - Update `_data/reference.yml` to try to get the sidebar fixed up and more consistent with `kubefed`. * Update StatefulSet Basics for 1.8 release (#5398) * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments 2nd iteration review comments by @luxas * adds kubelet upgrade section to kubeadm upgrade * Fix a bulleted list on docs/admin/ (#5458) I updated this doc yesterday and I was absolutely sure I fixed this, but I just saw that this commit got lost somehow. This was introduced recently in * Clarify the API to check for device plugins * Moving Flexvolume to separate out-of-tree section * addresses `kubeadm upgrade` review comments CC: @luxas * fixes kubeadm upgrade index * Update Stackdriver Logging documentation (#5495) * Re-update WordPress and MySQL PV doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5526) * Update statefulset concepts doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5420) * add document on kubectl's behavior regarding initializers (#5505) * Update docs/admin/ to cover self-hosting in 1.8. (#5497) This is a new beta feature in 1.8. * Update kubectl patch doc to use apps/v1beta2 APIs (#5422) * [1.8] Update "Run Applications" tasks to apps/v1beta2. (#5525) * Update replicated stateful application task for 1.8. * Update single instance stateful app task for 1.8. * Update stateless app task for 1.8. * Update kubectl patch task for 1.8. * fix the link of persistent storage (#5515) * update the link * fix the link of persistent storage * Add quota support for local ephemeral storage (#5493) * Add quota support for local ephemeral storage update the doc to this alpha feature * Update * Updated Deployments concepts doc (#5491) * Updated Deployments concepts doc * Addressed comments * Addressed more comments * Modify allocatable storage to ephemeral-storage (#5490) Update the doc to use ephemeral-storage instead of storage * Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet (#5463) * Revamped concepts doc for ReplicaSet * Minor changes to call out specific versions for selector defaulting and immutability * Addressed doc review comments * Remove petset documentations (#5395) * Update docs to use batch/v1beta1 cronjobs (#5475) * add federation job doc (#5485) * add federation job doc * Update Edits for clarity and consistency * Update Fixed a typo * update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release (#5397) * update DaemonSet concept for 1.8 release * Update Fix typo. than -> then * Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. (#5479) * Update bootstrap tokens doc for 1.8. This has some changes I missed when I was updating the main kubeadm documention: - Bootstrap tokens are now beta, not alpha ( - The apiserver flag to enable the authenticator changedin 1.8 ( - Added `auth-extra-groups` documentaion ( - Updated the _Token Management with `kubeadm`_ section to link to the main kubeadm docs, since it was just duplicated information. * Update * Updated the Cassandra tutorial to use apps/v1beta2 (#5548) * add docs for AllowPrivilegeEscalation (#5448) Signed-off-by: Jess Frazelle <> * Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource (#5522) * Add local ephemeral storage alpha feature in managing compute resource Since 1.8, we add the local ephemeral storage alpha feature as one resource type to manage. Add this feature into the doc. * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Update * Added documentation for Metrics Server (#5560) * authorization: improve authorization debugging docs (#5549) * Document mount propagation (#5544) * Update /docs/setup/independent/ for 1.8. (#5524) This introduction needed a couple of small tweaks to cover the `--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` flag added in and some version bumps. * Add task doc for alpha dynamic kubelet configuration (#5523) * Fix input/output of selfsubjectaccess review (#5593) * Add docs for implementing resize (#5528) * Add docs for implementing resize * Update * Added link to PVC section * minor typo fixes * Update NetworkPolicy concept guide with egress and CIDR changes (#5529) * update zookeeper tutorial for 1.8 release * add doc for hostpath type (#5503) * Federated Hpa feature doc (#5487) * Federated Hpa feature doc * Federated Hpa feature doc review fixes * Update * Update * update cloud controller manager docs for v1.8 * Update cronjob with defaults information (#5556) * Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs (#5632) * Kubernetes 1.8 reference docs * Kubectl reference docs for 1.8 * Update side bar with 1.8 kubectl and api ref docs links * remove * update on state of HostAlias in 1.8 with hostNetwork Pod support (#5644) * Fix cron job deletion section (#5655) * update imported docs (#5656) * Add documentation for certificate rotation. (#5639) * Link to using kubeadm page * fix the command output fix the command output * fix typo in api/resources reference: "Worloads" * Add documentation for certificate rotation. * Create TOC entry for cloud controller manager. (#5662) * Updates for new versions of API types * Followup 5655: fix link to garbage collection (#5666) * Temporarily redirect resources-reference to api-reference. (#5668) * Update config for 1.8 release. (#5661) * Update config for 1.8 release. * Address reviewer comments. * Switch references in HPA docs from alpha to beta (#5671) The HPA docs still referenced the alpha version. This switches them to talk about v2beta1, which is the appropriate version for Kubernetes 1.8 * Deprecate openstack heat (#5670) * Fix typo in pod preset conflict example Move container port definition to the correct line. * Highlight openstack-heat provider deprecation The openstack-heat provider for kube-up is being deprecated and will be removed in a future release. * Temporarily fix broken links by redirecting. (#5672) * Fix broken links. (#5675) * Fix render of code block (#5674) * Fix broken links. (#5677) * Add a small note about auto-bootstrapped CSR ClusterRoles (#5660) * Update kubeadm install doc for v1.8 (#5676) * add draft workloads api content for 1.8 (#5650) * add draft workloads api content for 1.8 * edits per review, add tables, for 1.8 workloads api doc * fix typo * Minor fixes to kubeadm 1.8 upgrade guide. (#5678) - The kubelet upgrade instructions should be done on every host, not just worker nodes. - We should just upgrade all packages, instead of calling out kubelet specifically. This will also upgrade kubectl, kubeadm, and kubernetes-cni, if installed. - Draining nodes should also ignore daemonsets, and master errors can be ignored. - Make sure that the new kubeadm download is chmoded correctly. - Add a step to run `kubeadm version` to verify after downloading. - Manually approve new kubelet CSRs if rotation is enabled (known issue). * Release 1.8 (#5680) * Fix versions for 1.8 API ref docs * Updates for 1.8 kubectl reference docs * Kubeadm /docs/admin/ cleanup, editing. (#5681) * Update docs/admin/ (mostly 1.8 related). This is Fabrizio's work, which I'm committing along with my edits (in a commit on top of this). * A few of my own edits to clarify and clean up some Markdown.
2017-09-29 04:46:51 +00:00
"zookeeper": {&api.Service{}, &api.Service{}, &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{}, &apps.StatefulSet{}},
2016-11-22 20:07:25 +00:00
AllowPrivileged: true,
for path, expected := range cases {
tested := 0
numExpected := 0
err := walkConfigFiles(path, func(name, path string, docs [][]byte) {
expectedTypes, found := expected[name]
if !found {
t.Errorf("%s: %s does not have a test case defined", path, name)
numExpected += len(expectedTypes)
if len(expectedTypes) != len(docs) {
t.Errorf("%s: number of expected types (%v) doesn't match number of docs in YAML (%v)", path, len(expectedTypes), len(docs))
for i, data := range docs {
expectedType := expectedTypes[i]
if expectedType == nil {
t.Logf("skipping : %s/%s\n", path, name)
if strings.Contains(name, "scheduler-policy-config") {
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(schedulerapilatest.Codec, data, expectedType); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s did not decode correctly: %v\n%s", path, err, string(data))
// TODO: Add validate method for
// &schedulerapi.Policy, and remove this
// special case
} else {
codec, err := testapi.GetCodecForObject(expectedType)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not get codec for %s: %s", expectedType, err)
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(codec, data, expectedType); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s did not decode correctly: %v\n%s", path, err, string(data))
if errors := validateObject(expectedType); len(errors) > 0 {
t.Errorf("%s did not validate correctly: %v", path, errors)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected no error, Got %v on Path %v", err, path)
if tested != numExpected {
t.Errorf("Directory %v: Expected %d examples, Got %d", path, len(expected), tested)
// This regex is tricky, but it works. For future me, here is the decode:
// Flags: (?ms) = multiline match, allow . to match \n
// 1) Look for a line that starts with ``` (a markdown code block)
// 2) (?: ... ) = non-capturing group
// 3) (P<name>) = capture group as "name"
// 4) Look for #1 followed by either:
// 4a) "yaml" followed by any word-characters followed by a newline (e.g. ```yamlfoo\n)
// 4b) "any word-characters followed by a newline (e.g. ```json\n)
// 5) Look for either:
// 5a) #4a followed by one or more characters (non-greedy)
// 5b) #4b followed by { followed by one or more characters (non-greedy) followed by }
// 6) Look for #5 followed by a newline followed by ``` (end of the code block)
// This could probably be simplified, but is already too delicate. Before any
// real changes, we should have a testscase that just tests this regex.
var sampleRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("(?ms)^```(?:(?P<type>yaml)\\w*\\n(?P<content>.+?)|\\w*\\n(?P<content>\\{.+?\\}))\\n^```")
var subsetRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("(?ms)\\.{3}")
func TestReadme(t *testing.T) {
paths := []struct {
file string
expectedType []runtime.Object
{"../docs/concepts/storage/", []runtime.Object{&api.Pod{}}},
for _, path := range paths {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.file)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unable to read file %s: %v", path, err)
matches := sampleRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(data), -1)
if matches == nil {
ix := 0
for _, match := range matches {
var content, subtype string
for i, name := range sampleRegexp.SubexpNames() {
if name == "type" {
subtype = match[i]
if name == "content" && match[i] != "" {
content = match[i]
if subtype == "yaml" && subsetRegexp.FindString(content) != "" {
t.Logf("skipping (%s): \n%s", subtype, content)
var expectedType runtime.Object
if len(path.expectedType) == 1 {
expectedType = path.expectedType[0]
} else {
expectedType = path.expectedType[ix]
json, err := yaml.ToJSON([]byte(content))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s could not be converted to JSON: %v\n%s", path, err, string(content))
if err := runtime.DecodeInto(testapi.Default.Codec(), json, expectedType); err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s did not decode correctly: %v\n%s", path, err, string(content))
if errors := validateObject(expectedType); len(errors) > 0 {
t.Errorf("%s did not validate correctly: %v", path, errors)
_, err = runtime.Encode(testapi.Default.Codec(), expectedType)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Could not encode object: %v", err)