In this doc, we introduce the Kubernetes command line for interacting with the api to docker-cli users. The tool, kubectl, is designed to be familiar to docker-cli users but there are a few necessary differences. Each section of this doc highlights a docker subcommand explains the kubectl equivalent.
`kubectl run` creates a Deployment named "nginx-app" on Kubernetes cluster >= v1.2. If you are running older versions, it creates replication controllers instead.
If you want to obtain the old behavior, use `--generator=run/v1` to create replication controllers. See [`kubectl run`](/docs/user-guide/kubectl/v1.6/#run) for more details.
Note that `kubectl` commands will print the type and name of the resource created or mutated, which can then be used in subsequent commands. Now, we can expose a new Service with the deployment created above:
With kubectl, we create a [Deployment](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/) which will make sure that N pods are running nginx (where N is the number of replicas stated in the spec, which defaults to 1). We also create a [service](/docs/user-guide/services) with a selector that matches the Deployment's selector. See the [Quick start](/docs/user-guide/quick-start) for more information.
By default images are run in the background, similar to `docker run -d ...`, if you want to run things in the foreground, use:
kubectl run [-i] [--tty] --attach <name> --image=<image>
Unlike `docker run ...`, if `--attach` is specified, we attach to `stdin`, `stdout` and `stderr`, there is no ability to control which streams are attached (`docker -a ...`).
Because we start a Deployment for your container, it will be restarted if you terminate the attached process (e.g. `ctrl-c`), this is different than `docker run -it`.
To destroy the Deployment (and its pods) you need to run `kubectl delete deployment <name>`
Now's a good time to mention slight difference between pods and containers; by default pods will not terminate if their processes exit. Instead it will restart the process. This is similar to the docker run option `--restart=always` with one major difference. In docker, the output for each invocation of the process is concatenated but for Kubernetes, each invocation is separate. To see the output from a previous run in Kubernetes, do this:
Notice that we don't delete the pod directly. With kubectl we want to delete the Deployment that owns the pod. If we delete the pod directly, the Deployment will recreate the pod.
There is no direct analog of `docker login` in kubectl. If you are interested in using Kubernetes with a private registry, see [Using a Private Registry](/docs/concepts/containers/images/#using-a-private-registry).