Mesos allows dynamic sharing of cluster resources between Kubernetes and other first-class Mesos frameworks such as [Hadoop][1], [Spark][2], and [Chronos][3].
Mesos also ensures applications from different frameworks running on your cluster are isolated and that resources are allocated fairly among them.
Mesos clusters can be deployed on nearly every IaaS cloud provider infrastructure or in your own physical datacenter. Kubernetes on Mesos runs on-top of that and therefore allows you to easily move Kubernetes workloads from one of these environments to the other.
This tutorial will walk you through setting up Kubernetes on a Mesos cluster.
It provides a step by step walk through of adding Kubernetes to a Mesos cluster and starting your first pod with an nginx webserver.
**NOTE:** There are [known issues with the current implementation][7] and support for centralized logging and monitoring is not yet available.
Please [file an issue against the kubernetes-mesos project][8] if you have problems completing the steps below.
Further information is available in the Kubernetes on Mesos [contrib directory][13].
### Prerequisites
- Understanding of [Apache Mesos][6]
- A running [Mesos cluster on Google Compute Engine][5]
- A [VPN connection][10] to the cluster
- A machine in the cluster which should become the Kubernetes *master node* with:
- Go (see [here]({{page.githubbranch}}/devel/ for required versions)
- make (i.e. build-essential)
- Docker
**Note**: You *can*, but you *don't have to* deploy Kubernetes-Mesos on the same machine the Mesos master is running on.
### Deploy Kubernetes-Mesos
Log into the future Kubernetes *master node* over SSH, replacing the placeholder below with the correct IP address.
Note that KUBERNETES_MASTER is used as the api endpoint. If you have existing `~/.kube/config` and point to another endpoint, you need to add option `--server=${KUBERNETES_MASTER}` to kubectl in later steps.
Identify your Mesos master: depending on your Mesos installation this is either a `host:port` like `mesos-master:5050` or a ZooKeeper URL like `zk://zookeeper:2181/mesos`.
In order to let Kubernetes survive Mesos master changes, the ZooKeeper URL is recommended for production environments.
Verify that the pod task is running in the Mesos web GUI. Click on the
Kubernetes framework. The next screen should show the running Mesos task that
started the Kubernetes pod.
## Launching kube-dns
Kube-dns is an addon for Kubernetes which adds DNS-based service discovery to the cluster. For a detailed explanation see [DNS in Kubernetes][4].
The kube-dns addon runs as a pod inside the cluster. The pod consists of three co-located containers:
- a local etcd instance
- the [skydns][11] DNS server
- the kube2sky process to glue skydns to the state of the Kubernetes cluster.
The skydns container offers DNS service via port 53 to the cluster. The etcd communication works via local communication
We assume that kube-dns will use
- the service IP ``
- and the `cluster.local` domain.
Note that we have passed these two values already as parameter to the apiserver above.
A template for an replication controller spinning up the pod with the 3 containers can be found at [cluster/addons/dns/][11] in the repository. The following steps are necessary in order to get a valid replication controller yaml file:
Check with `kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system` that 3/3 containers of the pods are eventually up and running. Note that the kube-dns pods run in the `kube-system` namespace, not in `default`.
To check that the new DNS service in the cluster works, we start a busybox pod and use that to do a DNS lookup. First create the `busybox.yaml` pod spec: