--iptables-masquerade-bit=14: If using the pure iptables proxy, the bit of the fwmark space to mark packets requiring SNAT with. Must be within the range [0, 31].
--proxy-mode=: Which proxy mode to use: 'userspace' (older) or 'iptables' (faster). If blank, look at the Node object on the Kubernetes API and respect the 'net.experimental.kubernetes.io/proxy-mode' annotation if provided. Otherwise use the best-available proxy (currently iptables). If the iptables proxy is selected, regardless of how, but the system's kernel or iptables versions are insufficient, this always falls back to the userspace proxy.
--proxy-port-range=: Range of host ports (beginPort-endPort, inclusive) that may be consumed in order to proxy service traffic. If unspecified (0-0) then ports will be randomly chosen.
--udp-timeout=250ms: How long an idle UDP connection will be kept open (e.g. '250ms', '2s'). Must be greater than 0. Only applicable for proxy-mode=userspace