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layout: blog
title: "Kubernetes 1.26Pod 调度就绪态"
date: 2022-12-26
slug: pod-scheduling-readiness-alpha
layout: blog
title: "Kubernetes 1.26: Pod Scheduling Readiness"
date: 2022-12-26
slug: pod-scheduling-readiness-alpha
**Author:** Wei Huang (Apple), Abdullah Gharaibeh (Google)
**作者:** Wei Huang (Apple), Abdullah Gharaibeh (Google)
**译者:** XiaoYang Zhang (HuaWei)
Kubernetes 1.26 introduced a new Pod feature: _scheduling gates_. In Kubernetes, scheduling gates
are keys that tell the scheduler when a Pod is ready to be considered for scheduling.
Kubernetes 1.26 引入了一个新的 Pod 特性:**调度门控**。
在 Kubernetes 中,调度门控是通知调度器何时可以考虑 Pod 调度的关键。
## What problem does it solve?
When a Pod is created, the scheduler will continuously attempt to find a node that fits it. This
infinite loop continues until the scheduler either finds a node for the Pod, or the Pod gets deleted.
## 它解决了什么问题?
当 Pod 被创建时,调度器会不断尝试寻找适合它的节点。这个无限循环一直持续到调度程序为 Pod 找到节点,或者 Pod 被删除。
Pods that remain unschedulable for long periods of time (e.g., ones that are blocked on some external event)
waste scheduling cycles. A scheduling cycle may take ≅20ms or more depending on the complexity of
the Pod's scheduling constraints. Therefore, at scale, those wasted cycles significantly impact the
scheduler's performance. See the arrows in the "scheduler" box below.
长时间无法被调度的 Pod例如被某些外部事件阻塞的 Pod会浪费调度周期。
一个调度周期可能需要约 20ms 或更长时间,这取决于 Pod 的调度约束的复杂度。
因此,大量浪费的被调度周期会严重影响调度器的性能。请参阅下面 “调度器” 框中的箭头。
{{< mermaid >}}
graph LR;
pod((新 Pod))-->queue
subgraph 调度器
subgraph note [循环浪费在不断重新安排 'unready' 状态的 Pod 上]
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef Scheduler fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
classDef note fill:#edf2ae,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px;
class queue,sched_cycle,schedulable k8s;
class pod plain;
class note note;
class Scheduler Scheduler;
{{< /mermaid >}}
Scheduling gates helps address this problem. It allows declaring that newly created Pods are not
ready for scheduling. When scheduling gates are present on a Pod, the scheduler ignores the Pod
and therefore saves unnecessary scheduling attempts. Those Pods will also be ignored by Cluster
Autoscaler if you have it installed in the cluster.
调度门控有助于解决这个问题。它允许声明新创建的 Pod 尚未准备好进行调度。
当 Pod 上设置了调度门控时,调度程序会忽略该 Pod从而避免不必要的调度尝试。
如果你在集群中安装了 Cluster Autoscaler这些 Pod 也将被忽略。
Clearing the gates is the responsibility of external controllers with knowledge of when the Pod
should be considered for scheduling (e.g., a quota manager).
清除门控是外部控制器的责任,外部控制器知道何时应考虑对 Pod 进行调度(例如,配额管理器)。
{{< mermaid >}}
graph LR;
pod((新 Pod))-->queue
subgraph 调度器
queue==>|PreEnqueue 检查|popout
subgraph note [控制 Pod 调度的开关]
classDef plain fill:#ddd,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#000;
classDef k8s fill:#326ce5,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px,color:#fff;
classDef Scheduler fill:#fff,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
classDef note fill:#edf2ae,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px;
classDef popout fill:#f96,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:1px;
class queue,sched_cycle,schedulable k8s;
class pod plain;
class note note;
class popout popout;
class Scheduler Scheduler;
{{< /mermaid >}}
## How does it work?
Scheduling gates in general works very similar to Finalizers. Pods with a non-empty
`spec.schedulingGates` field will show as status `SchedulingGated` and be blocked from
scheduling. Note that more than one gate can be added, but they all should be added upon Pod
creation (e.g., you can add them as part of the spec or via a mutating webhook).
## 它是如何工作的?
总体而言,调度门控的工作方式与 Finalizer 非常相似。具有非空 `spec.schedulingGates` 字段的 Pod
的状态将显示为 `SchedulingGated`,并阻止被调度。请注意,添加多个门控是可以的,但它们都应该在创建 Pod
时添加(例如,你可以将它们作为规约的一部分或者通过变更性质的 Webhook
test-pod 0/1 SchedulingGated 0 10s
To clear the gates, you update the Pod by removing all of the items from the Pod's `schedulingGates`
field. The gates do not need to be removed all at once, but only when all the gates are removed the
scheduler will start to consider the Pod for scheduling.
要清除这些门控,你可以通过删除 Pod 的 `schedulingGates` 字段中的所有条目来更新 Pod。
不需要一次性移除所有门控,但是,只有当所有门控都移除后,调度器才会开始考虑对 Pod 进行调度。
Under the hood, scheduling gates are implemented as a PreEnqueue scheduler plugin, a new scheduler
framework extension point that is invoked at the beginning of each scheduling cycle.
在后台,调度门控以 PreEnqueue 调度器插件的方式实现,这是调度器框架的新扩展点,在每个调度周期开始时调用。
## Use Cases
An important use case this feature enables is dynamic quota management. Kubernetes supports
[ResourceQuota](/docs/concepts/policy/resource-quotas/), however the API Server enforces quota at
the time you attempt Pod creation. For example, if a new Pod exceeds the CPU quota, it gets rejected.
The API Server doesn't queue the Pod; therefore, whoever created the Pod needs to continuously attempt
to recreate it again. This either means a delay between resources becoming available and the Pod
actually running, or it means load on the API server and Scheduler due to constant attempts.
## 用例
此特性所支持的一个重要使用场景是动态配额管理。Kubernetes 支持[资源配额](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/policy/resource-quotas/)
但是 API Server 会在你尝试创建 Pod 时强制执行配额。例如,如果一个新的 Pod 超过了 CPU 配额,它就会被拒绝。
API Server 不会对 Pod 进行排队;因此,无论是谁创建了 Pod都需要不断尝试重新创建它。
这意味着在资源可用和 Pod 实际运行之间会有延迟,或者意味着由于不断尝试,会增加 API Server 和 Scheduler 的负载。
Scheduling gates allows an external quota manager to address the above limitation of ResourceQuota.
Specifically, the manager could add a `` scheduling gate to all Pods created in the
cluster (using a mutating webhook). The manager would then remove the gate when there is quota to
start the Pod.
调度门控允许外部配额管理器解决 ResourceQuota 的上述限制。具体来说,
管理员可以(使用变更性质的 Webhook为集群中创建的所有 Pod 添加一个
`` 调度门控。当存在用于启动 Pod 的配额时,管理器将移除此门控
## Whats next?
To use this feature, the `PodSchedulingReadiness` feature gate must be enabled in the API Server
and scheduler. You're more than welcome to test it out and tell us (SIG Scheduling) what you think!
## 接下来
要使用此特性,必须在 API Server 和调度器中启用 `PodScheduleingReadiness` 特性门控。
非常欢迎你对其进行测试并告诉我们SIG Scheduling你的想法
## Additional resources
- [Pod Scheduling Readiness](
in the Kubernetes documentation
- [Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal](
## 附加资源
- Kubernetes 文档中的 [Pod 调度就绪态](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-scheduling-readiness/)
- [Kubernetes 增强提案](