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layout: blog
title: "Kubernetes 1.25CSI 内联存储卷正式发布"
date: 2022-08-29
slug: csi-inline-volumes-ga
layout: blog
title: "Kubernetes 1.25: CSI Inline Volumes have graduated to GA"
date: 2022-08-29
slug: csi-inline-volumes-ga
**Author:** Jonathan Dobson (Red Hat)
**作者:** Jonathan Dobson (Red Hat)
CSI Inline Volumes were introduced as an alpha feature in Kubernetes 1.15 and have been beta since 1.16. We are happy to announce that this feature has graduated to General Availability (GA) status in Kubernetes 1.25.
CSI Inline Volumes are similar to other ephemeral volume types, such as `configMap`, `downwardAPI` and `secret`. The important difference is that the storage is provided by a CSI driver, which allows the use of ephemeral storage provided by third-party vendors. The volume is defined as part of the pod spec and follows the lifecycle of the pod, meaning the volume is created once the pod is scheduled and destroyed when the pod is destroyed.
CSI 内联存储卷是在 Kubernetes 1.15 中作为 Alpha 功能推出的,并从 1.16 开始成为 Beta 版本。
我们很高兴地宣布,这项功能在 Kubernetes 1.25 版本中正式发布GA
CSI 内联存储卷与其他类型的临时卷相似,如 `configMap`、`downwardAPI` 和 `secret`
重要的区别是,存储是由 CSI 驱动提供的,它允许使用第三方供应商提供的临时存储。
卷被定义为 Pod 规约的一部分,并遵循 Pod 的生命周期,这意味着卷随着 Pod 的调度而创建,并随着 Pod 的销毁而销毁。
## What's new in 1.25?
There are a couple of new bug fixes related to this feature in 1.25, and the [CSIInlineVolume feature gate]( has been locked to `True` with the graduation to GA. There are no new API changes, so users of this feature during beta should not notice any significant changes aside from these bug fixes.
- [#89290 - CSI inline volumes should support fsGroup](
- [#79980 - CSI volume reconstruction does not work for ephemeral volumes](
## 1.25 版本有什么新内容?
1.25 版本修复了几个与 CSI 内联存储卷相关的漏洞,
并且 [CSIInlineVolume 特性门控](/zh-cn/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/)
已正式发布,锁定为 `True`
因为没有新的 API 变化,所以除了这些错误修复外,使用该功能 Beta 版本的用户应该不会注意到任何重大变化。
- [#89290 - CSI inline volumes should support fsGroup](
- [#79980 - CSI volume reconstruction does not work for ephemeral volumes](
## When to use this feature
CSI inline volumes are meant for simple local volumes that should follow the lifecycle of the pod. They may be useful for providing secrets, configuration data, or other special-purpose storage to the pod from a CSI driver.
A CSI driver is not suitable for inline use when:
- The volume needs to persist longer than the lifecycle of a pod
- Volume snapshots, cloning, or volume expansion are required
- The CSI driver requires `volumeAttributes` that should be restricted to an administrator
## 何时使用此功能
CSI 内联存储卷是为简单的本地卷准备的,这种本地卷应该跟随 Pod 的生命周期。
它们对于使用 CSI 驱动为 Pod 提供 Secret、配置数据或其他特殊用途的存储可能很有用。
在以下情况下CSI 驱动不适合内联使用:
- 卷需要持续的时间超过 Pod 的生命周期
- 卷快照、克隆或卷扩展是必需的
- CSI 驱动需要 `volumeAttributes` 字段,此字段应该限制给管理员使用
## How to use this feature
In order to use this feature, the `CSIDriver` spec must explicitly list `Ephemeral` as one of the supported `volumeLifecycleModes`. Here is a simple example from the [Secrets Store CSI Driver](
## 如何使用此功能
为了使用这个功能,`CSIDriver` 规约必须明确将 `Ephemeral` 列举为 `volumeLifecycleModes` 的参数之一。
下面是一个来自 [Secrets Store CSI Driver]( 的简单例子。
kind: CSIDriver
podInfoOnMount: true
attachRequired: false
- Ephemeral
Any pod spec may then reference that CSI driver to create an inline volume, as in this example.
所有 Pod 规约都可以引用该 CSI 驱动来创建一个内联卷,如下例所示。
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: my-csi-app-inline
- name: my-frontend
image: busybox
- name: secrets-store-inline
mountPath: "/mnt/secrets-store"
readOnly: true
command: [ "sleep", "1000000" ]
- name: secrets-store-inline
readOnly: true
secretProviderClass: "my-provider"
If the driver supports any volume attributes, you can provide these as part of the `spec` for the Pod as well:
如果驱动程序支持一些卷属性,你也可以将这些属性作为 Pod `spec` 的一部分。
driver: block.csi.vendor.example
foo: bar
## Example Use Cases
Two existing CSI drivers that support the `Ephemeral` volume lifecycle mode are the Secrets Store CSI Driver and the Cert-Manager CSI Driver.
The [Secrets Store CSI Driver]( allows users to mount secrets from external secret stores into a pod as an inline volume. This can be useful when the secrets are stored in an external managed service or Vault instance.
The [Cert-Manager CSI Driver]( works along with [cert-manager]( to seamlessly request and mount certificate key pairs into a pod. This allows the certificates to be renewed and updated in the application pod automatically.
## 使用案例示例
支持 `Ephemeral` 卷生命周期模式的两个现有 CSI 驱动是 Secrets Store CSI 驱动和 Cert-Manager CSI 驱动。
[Secrets Store CSI Driver](
允许用户将 Secret 作为内联卷从外部挂载到一个 Pod 中。
当密钥存储在外部管理服务或 Vault 实例中时,这可能很有用。
[Cert-Manager CSI Driver]( 与 [cert-manager]( 协同工作,
无缝地请求和挂载证书密钥对到一个 Pod 中。这使得证书可以在应用 Pod 中自动更新。
## Security Considerations
Special consideration should be given to which CSI drivers may be used as inline volumes. `volumeAttributes` are typically controlled through the `StorageClass`, and may contain attributes that should remain restricted to the cluster administrator. Allowing a CSI driver to be used for inline ephmeral volumes means that any user with permission to create pods may also provide `volumeAttributes` to the driver through a pod spec.
Cluster administrators may choose to omit (or remove) `Ephemeral` from `volumeLifecycleModes` in the CSIDriver spec to prevent the driver from being used as an inline ephemeral volume, or use an [admission webhook](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/) to restrict how the driver is used.
## 安全考虑因素
应特别考虑哪些 CSI 驱动可作为内联卷使用。
`volumeAttributes` 通常通过 `StorageClass` 控制,并可能包含应限制给集群管理员的属性。
允许 CSI 驱动用于内联临时卷意味着任何有权限创建 Pod 的用户也可以通过 Pod 规约向驱动提供 `volumeAttributes` 字段。
集群管理员可以选择从 CSIDriver 规约中的 `volumeLifecycleModes` 中省略(或删除) `Ephemeral`
以防止驱动被用作内联临时卷,或者使用[准入 Webhook](/zh-cn/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/extensible-admission-controllers/) 来限制驱动的使用。
## References
For more information on this feature, see:
- [Kubernetes documentation](
- [CSI documentation](
- [KEP-596](
- [Beta blog post for CSI Inline Volumes](
## 参考资料
- [Kubernetes 文档](/zh-cn/docs/concepts/storage/ephemeral-volumes/#csi-ephemeral-volumes)
- [CSI 文档](
- [KEP-596](
- [CSI 内联存储卷的 Beta 阶段博客文章](