Last year, we published our first [Annual Report Summary](/blog/2021/06/28/announcing-kubernetes-community-group-annual-reports/) for 2020 and it's already time for our second edition!
This summary reflects the work that has been done in 2021 and the initiatives on deck for the rest of 2022. Please forward to organizations and indidviduals participating in upstream activities, planning cloud native strategies, and/or those looking to help out. To find a specific community group's complete report, go to the [kubernetes/community repo]( under the groups folder. Example: [sig-api-machinery/](
You’ll see that this report summary is a growth area in itself. It takes us roughly 6 months to prepare and execute, which isn’t helpful or valuable to anyone as a fast moving project with short and long term needs. How can we make this better? Provide your feedback here: