This guide demonstrates how to install and write extensions for [kubectl](/docs/reference/kubectl/kubectl/). By thinking of core `kubectl` commands as essential building blocks for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster, a cluster administrator can think
of plugins as a means of utilizing these building blocks to create more complex behavior. Plugins extend `kubectl` with new sub-commands, allowing for new and custom features not included in the main distribution of `kubectl`.
A plugin is nothing more than a standalone executable file, whose name begins with `kubectl-`. To install a plugin, simply move this executable file to anywhere on your PATH.
`kubectl` provides a command `kubectl plugin list` that searches your PATH for valid plugin executables.
Executing this command causes a traversal of all files in your PATH. Any files that are executable, and begin with `kubectl-` will show up *in the order in which they are present in your PATH* in this command's output.
A warning will be included for any files beginning with `kubectl-` that are *not* executable.
A warning will also be included for any valid plugin files that overlap each other's name.
It is currently not possible to create plugins that overwrite existing `kubectl` commands. For example, creating a plugin `kubectl-version` will cause that plugin to never be executed, as the existing `kubectl version` command will always take precedence over it. Due to this limitation, it is also *not* possible to use plugins to add new subcommands to existing `kubectl` commands. For example, adding a subcommand `kubectl create foo` by naming your plugin `kubectl-create-foo` will cause that plugin to be ignored.
You may now invoke your plugin as a `kubectl` command:
你现在可以调用你的插件作为 `kubectl` 命令:
kubectl foo
I am a plugin named kubectl-foo
All args and flags are passed as-is to the executable:
kubectl foo version
All environment variables are also passed as-is to the executable:
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
kubectl foo config
KUBECONFIG=/etc/kube/config kubectl foo config
Additionally, the first argument that is passed to a plugin will always be the full path to the location where it was invoked (`$0` would equal `/usr/local/bin/kubectl-foo` in our example above).
As seen in the example above, a plugin determines the command path that it will implement based on its filename. Every sub-command in the command path that a plugin targets, is separated by a dash (`-`).
For example, a plugin that wishes to be invoked whenever the command `kubectl foo bar baz` is invoked by the user, would have the filename of `kubectl-foo-bar-baz`.
Here are some additional cases where users invoke your plugin while providing additional flags and arguments. This builds upon the `kubectl-foo-bar-baz` plugin from the scenario above.
Here are some additional cases where users invoke your plugin while providing additional flags and arguments. This builds upon the `kubectl-foo-bar-baz` plugin from the scenario above.
If you run `kubectl foo bar baz arg1 -flag=value arg2`, kubectl's plugin mechanism will first try to find the plugin with the longest possible name, which in this case
would be `kubectl-foo-bar-baz-arg1`. Upon not finding that plugin, kubectl then treats the last dash-separated value as an argument (`arg1` in this case), and attempts to find the next longest possible name, `kubectl-foo-bar-baz`.
Upon having found a plugin with this name, kubectl then invokes that plugin, passing all args and flags after the plugin's name as arguments to the plugin process.
如果你运行 `kubectl foo bar baz arg1 --flag=value arg2`,kubeclt 的插件机制将首先尝试找到
As you can see, our plugin was found based on the `kubectl` command specified by a user, and all extra arguments and flags were passed as-is to the plugin executable once it was found.
Although the `kubectl` plugin mechanism uses the dash (`-`) in plugin filenames to separate the sequence of sub-commands processed by the plugin, it is still possible to create a plugin
command containing dashes in its commandline invocation by using underscores (`_`) in its filename.
It is possible to have multiple plugins with the same filename in different locations throughout your PATH.
For example, given a PATH with the following value: `PATH=/usr/local/bin/plugins:/usr/local/bin/moreplugins`, a copy of plugin `kubectl-foo` could exist in `/usr/local/bin/plugins` and `/usr/local/bin/moreplugins`,
such that the output of the `kubectl plugin list` command is:
The following kubectl-compatible plugins are available:
- warning: /usr/local/bin/moreplugins/kubectl-foo is overshadowed by a similarly named plugin: /usr/local/bin/plugins/kubectl-foo
error: one plugin warning was found
In the above scenario, the warning under `/usr/local/bin/moreplugins/kubectl-foo` tells us that this plugin will never be executed. Instead, the executable that appears first in our PATH, `/usr/local/bin/plugins/kubectl-foo`, will always be found and executed first by the `kubectl` plugin mechanism.
A way to resolve this issue is to ensure that the location of the plugin that you wish to use with `kubectl` always comes first in your PATH. For example, if we wanted to always use `/usr/local/bin/moreplugins/kubectl-foo` anytime that the `kubectl` command `kubectl foo` was invoked, we would simply change the value of our PATH to be `PATH=/usr/local/bin/moreplugins:/usr/local/bin/plugins`.
#### Invocation of the longest executable filename
There is another kind of overshadowing that can occur with plugin filenames. Given two plugins present in a user's PATH `kubectl-foo-bar` and `kubectl-foo-bar-baz`, the `kubectl` plugin mechanism will always choose the longest possible plugin name for a given user command. Some examples below, clarify this further:
Plugin kubectl-foo-bar-baz is executed, with "buz" as its first argument
kubectl foo bar buz
Plugin kubectl-foo-bar is executed, with "buz" as its first argument
This design choice ensures that plugin sub-commands can be implemented across multiple files, if needed, and that these sub-commands can be nested under a "parent" plugin command:
You can use the aforementioned `kubectl plugin list` command to ensure that your plugin is visible by `kubectl`, and verify that there are no warnings preventing it from being called as a `kubectl` command.