
33 lines
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<!-- This shortcode shows API reference links based on metadata in the page's front matter -->
<!-- Call the partial template "docs/api-reference-links" to determine the API reference links -->
{{ partial "docs/api-reference-links" page }}
<!-- "noop" (“no operation”) statement to let content render and store sync -->
{{ $noop := .Page.Content }}
<!-- Getting the map from the page's store -->
{{- $pageApiReferenceLinksMap := $.Page.Store.Get "pageApiReferenceLinksMap" -}}
<!-- Checking if "pageApiReferenceLinksMap" is not nil or empty -->
{{- if and $pageApiReferenceLinksMap (ne (len $pageApiReferenceLinksMap) 0) -}}
<!-- Retrieving the "kind" parameter from the shortcode -->
{{- $kindParam := .Get "kind" -}}
<!-- Checking if "kind" parameter is provided -->
{{- if $kindParam -}}
<!-- Accessing the specific API reference "kind" from the map -->
{{ $apiRefPageLink := index $pageApiReferenceLinksMap $kindParam}}
{{- printf "%s" $apiRefPageLink | safeHTML -}}
{{- else -}} <!-- If "kind" parameter is not provided -->
<ul class="api-reference-links">
{{- range $kind, $apiRefPageLink := $pageApiReferenceLinksMap -}}
<li>{{- printf "%s" $apiRefPageLink | safeHTML -}}</li>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}