<td>A task page shows how to do a single thing. The idea is to give readers a sequence of steps that they can actually do as they read the page. A task page can be short or long, provided it stays focused on one area. In a task page, it is OK to blend brief explanations with the steps to be performed, but if you need to provide a lengthy explanation, you should do that in a concept topic. Related task and concept topics should link to each other. For an example of a short task page, see <ahref="/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-volume-storage/">Configure a Pod to Use a Volume for Storage</a>. For an example of a longer task page, see <ahref="/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/">Configure Liveness and Readiness Probes</a></td>
<td>A tutorial page shows how to accomplish a goal that ties together several Kubernetes features. A tutorial might provide several sequences of steps that readers can actually do as they read the page. Or it might provide explanations of related pieces of code. For example, a tutorial could provide a walkthrough of a code sample. A tutorial can include brief explanations of the Kubernetes features that are being tied togeter, but should link to related concept topics for deep explanations of individual features.</td>
<td>A concept page explains some aspect of Kubernetes. For example, a concept page might describe the Kubernetes Deployment object and explain the role it plays as an application is deployed, scaled, and updated. Typically, concept pages don't include sequences of steps, but instead provide links to tasks or tutorials. For an example of a concept topic, see <ahref="/docs/concepts/architecture/nodes/">Nodes</a>.</td>