This document shares how to validate IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack enabled Kubernetes clusters.
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture prerequisites %}}
* Provider support for dual-stack networking (Cloud provider or otherwise must be able to provide Kubernetes nodes with routable IPv4/IPv6 network interfaces)
Each dual-stack Node should have a single IPv4 block and a single IPv6 block allocated. Validate that IPv4/IPv6 Pod address ranges are configured by running the following command. Replace the sample node name with a valid dual-stack Node from your cluster. In this example, the Node's name is `k8s-linuxpool1-34450317-0`:
kubectl get nodes k8s-linuxpool1-34450317-0 -o go-template --template='{{range .spec.podCIDRs}}{{printf "%s\n" .}}{{end}}'
There should be one IPv4 block and one IPv6 block allocated.
Validate that the node has an IPv4 and IPv6 interface detected (replace node name with a valid node from the cluster. In this example the node name is k8s-linuxpool1-34450317-0):
Validate that a Pod has an IPv4 and IPv6 address assigned. (replace the Pod name with a valid Pod in your cluster. In this example the Pod name is pod01)
You can also validate Pod IPs using the Downward API via the `status.podIPs` fieldPath. The following snippet demonstrates how you can expose the Pod IPs via an environment variable called `MY_POD_IPS` within a container.
- name: MY_POD_IPS
fieldPath: status.podIPs
The following command prints the value of the `MY_POD_IPS` environment variable from within a container. The value is a comma separated list that corresponds to the Pod's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
kubectl exec -it pod01 -- set | grep MY_POD_IPS
The Pod's IP addresses will also be written to `/etc/hosts` within a container. The following command executes a cat on `/etc/hosts` on a dual stack Pod. From the output you can verify both the IPv4 and IPv6 IP address for the Pod.
Create the following Service without the `ipFamily` field set. When this field is not set, the Service gets an IP from the first configured range via `--service-cluster-ip-range` flag on the kube-controller-manager.
By viewing the YAML for the Service you can observe that the Service has the `ipFamily` field has set to reflect the address family of the first configured range set via `--service-cluster-ip-range` flag on kube-controller-manager.
If the cloud provider supports the provisioning of IPv6 enabled external load balancer, create the following Service with both the `ipFamily` field set to `IPv6` and the `type` field set to `LoadBalancer`
Validate that the Service receives a `CLUSTER-IP` address from the IPv6 address block along with an `EXTERNAL-IP`. You may then validate access to the service via the IP and port.