
524 lines
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2022-05-28 18:18:00 +00:00
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2022-05-28 18:18:00 +00:00
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2022-05-28 18:18:00 +00:00
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2022-05-28 18:18:00 +00:00
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2022-05-28 18:18:00 +00:00
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2022-05-28 18:18:00 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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Update localization guidelines (#10485) * Update localization guidelines for language labels Continuing work Continuing work Continuing work More work in progress Add local OWNERS folders Add an OWNERS file to Chinese Remove shortcode for repos Add Japanese Alphabetize languages, change weights accordingly More updates Add Korean in Korean Add English to languageName Feedback from gochist Move Chinese content from cn/ to zh/ Move OWNERS from cn/ to zh/ Resolve merge conflicts by updating from master Add files back in to prep for resolution After rebase on upstream/master, remove files Review and update localization guidelines Feedback from gochist, tnir, cstoku Add a trailing newline to content/ja/OWNERS Add a trailing newline to content/zh/OWNERS Drop requirement for GH repo project Clarify language about forks/branches Edits and typos Remove a shortcode specific to a multi-repo language setup Update aliases and owners Add explicit OWNERS for content/en Migrate content from Chinese repo, update regex in config.toml Remove untranslated strings Add trailing newline to content/en/OWNERS Add trailing newlines to OWNERS files add Jaguar project description (#10433) * add Jaguar project description [Jaguar]( is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight. Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod. * Minor newline tweak blog post for azure vmss (#10538) Add microk8s to (#10542) * Add microk8s to Microk8s is a single-command installation of upstream Kubernetes on any Linux and should be included in the list of local-machine solutions. * capitalized Istio Add microk8s to (#10543) * Add microk8s to Adding microk8s as credible and stable alternative to get started with Kubernetes on a local machine. This is especially attractive for those not wanting to incur the overhead of running a VM for a local cluster. * Update Thank you for your suggestions! LMK if this works now? * Rewrote first paragraph And included a bullet list of features of microk8s * Copyedit fix typo (#10545) Fix the kubectl subcommands links. (#10550) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Fix command issue (#10515) Signed-off-by: mooncake <> remove imported community files per issue 10184 (#10501) Markdown fix (#10498) Fix front matter, federation command-line tools (#10500) Clean up glossary entry (#10399) update slack link (#10536) typo in StatefulSet docs (#10558) fix discription about horizontal pod autoscale (#10557) Remove redundant symbols (#10556) Fix issue #10520 (#10554) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Update (#10534) Revert "Fix command issue (#10515)" This reverts commit c02a7fb9f9d19872d9227814b3e9ffaaa28d85f0. Update (#10530) update memory request to 100MiB corresponding the yaml content Blog: Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes (#10562) * blog post for azure vmss * snapshot blog post Resolve merge conflicts in OWNERS* Minor typo fix (#10567) Not sure what's supposed to be here, proposing removing it. * Feedback from gochist Tweaks to feedback * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang
2018-10-12 21:25:01 +00:00
description = "Production-Grade Container Orchestration"
2024-02-01 21:10:53 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-02-01 21:10:53 +00:00
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2024-02-01 21:10:53 +00:00
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-02-01 21:10:53 +00:00
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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Update localization guidelines (#10485) * Update localization guidelines for language labels Continuing work Continuing work Continuing work More work in progress Add local OWNERS folders Add an OWNERS file to Chinese Remove shortcode for repos Add Japanese Alphabetize languages, change weights accordingly More updates Add Korean in Korean Add English to languageName Feedback from gochist Move Chinese content from cn/ to zh/ Move OWNERS from cn/ to zh/ Resolve merge conflicts by updating from master Add files back in to prep for resolution After rebase on upstream/master, remove files Review and update localization guidelines Feedback from gochist, tnir, cstoku Add a trailing newline to content/ja/OWNERS Add a trailing newline to content/zh/OWNERS Drop requirement for GH repo project Clarify language about forks/branches Edits and typos Remove a shortcode specific to a multi-repo language setup Update aliases and owners Add explicit OWNERS for content/en Migrate content from Chinese repo, update regex in config.toml Remove untranslated strings Add trailing newline to content/en/OWNERS Add trailing newlines to OWNERS files add Jaguar project description (#10433) * add Jaguar project description [Jaguar]( is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight. Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod. * Minor newline tweak blog post for azure vmss (#10538) Add microk8s to (#10542) * Add microk8s to Microk8s is a single-command installation of upstream Kubernetes on any Linux and should be included in the list of local-machine solutions. * capitalized Istio Add microk8s to (#10543) * Add microk8s to Adding microk8s as credible and stable alternative to get started with Kubernetes on a local machine. This is especially attractive for those not wanting to incur the overhead of running a VM for a local cluster. * Update Thank you for your suggestions! LMK if this works now? * Rewrote first paragraph And included a bullet list of features of microk8s * Copyedit fix typo (#10545) Fix the kubectl subcommands links. (#10550) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Fix command issue (#10515) Signed-off-by: mooncake <> remove imported community files per issue 10184 (#10501) Markdown fix (#10498) Fix front matter, federation command-line tools (#10500) Clean up glossary entry (#10399) update slack link (#10536) typo in StatefulSet docs (#10558) fix discription about horizontal pod autoscale (#10557) Remove redundant symbols (#10556) Fix issue #10520 (#10554) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Update (#10534) Revert "Fix command issue (#10515)" This reverts commit c02a7fb9f9d19872d9227814b3e9ffaaa28d85f0. Update (#10530) update memory request to 100MiB corresponding the yaml content Blog: Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes (#10562) * blog post for azure vmss * snapshot blog post Resolve merge conflicts in OWNERS* Minor typo fix (#10567) Not sure what's supposed to be here, proposing removing it. * Feedback from gochist Tweaks to feedback * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang
2018-10-12 21:25:01 +00:00
time_format_blog = "2006.01.02"
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
Update localization guidelines (#10485) * Update localization guidelines for language labels Continuing work Continuing work Continuing work More work in progress Add local OWNERS folders Add an OWNERS file to Chinese Remove shortcode for repos Add Japanese Alphabetize languages, change weights accordingly More updates Add Korean in Korean Add English to languageName Feedback from gochist Move Chinese content from cn/ to zh/ Move OWNERS from cn/ to zh/ Resolve merge conflicts by updating from master Add files back in to prep for resolution After rebase on upstream/master, remove files Review and update localization guidelines Feedback from gochist, tnir, cstoku Add a trailing newline to content/ja/OWNERS Add a trailing newline to content/zh/OWNERS Drop requirement for GH repo project Clarify language about forks/branches Edits and typos Remove a shortcode specific to a multi-repo language setup Update aliases and owners Add explicit OWNERS for content/en Migrate content from Chinese repo, update regex in config.toml Remove untranslated strings Add trailing newline to content/en/OWNERS Add trailing newlines to OWNERS files add Jaguar project description (#10433) * add Jaguar project description [Jaguar]( is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight. Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod. * Minor newline tweak blog post for azure vmss (#10538) Add microk8s to (#10542) * Add microk8s to Microk8s is a single-command installation of upstream Kubernetes on any Linux and should be included in the list of local-machine solutions. * capitalized Istio Add microk8s to (#10543) * Add microk8s to Adding microk8s as credible and stable alternative to get started with Kubernetes on a local machine. This is especially attractive for those not wanting to incur the overhead of running a VM for a local cluster. * Update Thank you for your suggestions! LMK if this works now? * Rewrote first paragraph And included a bullet list of features of microk8s * Copyedit fix typo (#10545) Fix the kubectl subcommands links. (#10550) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Fix command issue (#10515) Signed-off-by: mooncake <> remove imported community files per issue 10184 (#10501) Markdown fix (#10498) Fix front matter, federation command-line tools (#10500) Clean up glossary entry (#10399) update slack link (#10536) typo in StatefulSet docs (#10558) fix discription about horizontal pod autoscale (#10557) Remove redundant symbols (#10556) Fix issue #10520 (#10554) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Update (#10534) Revert "Fix command issue (#10515)" This reverts commit c02a7fb9f9d19872d9227814b3e9ffaaa28d85f0. Update (#10530) update memory request to 100MiB corresponding the yaml content Blog: Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes (#10562) * blog post for azure vmss * snapshot blog post Resolve merge conflicts in OWNERS* Minor typo fix (#10567) Not sure what's supposed to be here, proposing removing it. * Feedback from gochist Tweaks to feedback * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang
2018-10-12 21:25:01 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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Update localization guidelines (#10485) * Update localization guidelines for language labels Continuing work Continuing work Continuing work More work in progress Add local OWNERS folders Add an OWNERS file to Chinese Remove shortcode for repos Add Japanese Alphabetize languages, change weights accordingly More updates Add Korean in Korean Add English to languageName Feedback from gochist Move Chinese content from cn/ to zh/ Move OWNERS from cn/ to zh/ Resolve merge conflicts by updating from master Add files back in to prep for resolution After rebase on upstream/master, remove files Review and update localization guidelines Feedback from gochist, tnir, cstoku Add a trailing newline to content/ja/OWNERS Add a trailing newline to content/zh/OWNERS Drop requirement for GH repo project Clarify language about forks/branches Edits and typos Remove a shortcode specific to a multi-repo language setup Update aliases and owners Add explicit OWNERS for content/en Migrate content from Chinese repo, update regex in config.toml Remove untranslated strings Add trailing newline to content/en/OWNERS Add trailing newlines to OWNERS files add Jaguar project description (#10433) * add Jaguar project description [Jaguar]( is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight. Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod. * Minor newline tweak blog post for azure vmss (#10538) Add microk8s to (#10542) * Add microk8s to Microk8s is a single-command installation of upstream Kubernetes on any Linux and should be included in the list of local-machine solutions. * capitalized Istio Add microk8s to (#10543) * Add microk8s to Adding microk8s as credible and stable alternative to get started with Kubernetes on a local machine. This is especially attractive for those not wanting to incur the overhead of running a VM for a local cluster. * Update Thank you for your suggestions! LMK if this works now? * Rewrote first paragraph And included a bullet list of features of microk8s * Copyedit fix typo (#10545) Fix the kubectl subcommands links. (#10550) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Fix command issue (#10515) Signed-off-by: mooncake <> remove imported community files per issue 10184 (#10501) Markdown fix (#10498) Fix front matter, federation command-line tools (#10500) Clean up glossary entry (#10399) update slack link (#10536) typo in StatefulSet docs (#10558) fix discription about horizontal pod autoscale (#10557) Remove redundant symbols (#10556) Fix issue #10520 (#10554) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Update (#10534) Revert "Fix command issue (#10515)" This reverts commit c02a7fb9f9d19872d9227814b3e9ffaaa28d85f0. Update (#10530) update memory request to 100MiB corresponding the yaml content Blog: Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes (#10562) * blog post for azure vmss * snapshot blog post Resolve merge conflicts in OWNERS* Minor typo fix (#10567) Not sure what's supposed to be here, proposing removing it. * Feedback from gochist Tweaks to feedback * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang
2018-10-12 21:25:01 +00:00
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
description = "Solution professionnelle dorchestration de conteneurs"
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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Update localization guidelines (#10485) * Update localization guidelines for language labels Continuing work Continuing work Continuing work More work in progress Add local OWNERS folders Add an OWNERS file to Chinese Remove shortcode for repos Add Japanese Alphabetize languages, change weights accordingly More updates Add Korean in Korean Add English to languageName Feedback from gochist Move Chinese content from cn/ to zh/ Move OWNERS from cn/ to zh/ Resolve merge conflicts by updating from master Add files back in to prep for resolution After rebase on upstream/master, remove files Review and update localization guidelines Feedback from gochist, tnir, cstoku Add a trailing newline to content/ja/OWNERS Add a trailing newline to content/zh/OWNERS Drop requirement for GH repo project Clarify language about forks/branches Edits and typos Remove a shortcode specific to a multi-repo language setup Update aliases and owners Add explicit OWNERS for content/en Migrate content from Chinese repo, update regex in config.toml Remove untranslated strings Add trailing newline to content/en/OWNERS Add trailing newlines to OWNERS files add Jaguar project description (#10433) * add Jaguar project description [Jaguar]( is an open source solution for Kubernetes's network based on OpenDaylight. Jaguar provides overlay network using vxlan and Jaguar CNIPlugin provides one IP address per pod. * Minor newline tweak blog post for azure vmss (#10538) Add microk8s to (#10542) * Add microk8s to Microk8s is a single-command installation of upstream Kubernetes on any Linux and should be included in the list of local-machine solutions. * capitalized Istio Add microk8s to (#10543) * Add microk8s to Adding microk8s as credible and stable alternative to get started with Kubernetes on a local machine. This is especially attractive for those not wanting to incur the overhead of running a VM for a local cluster. * Update Thank you for your suggestions! LMK if this works now? * Rewrote first paragraph And included a bullet list of features of microk8s * Copyedit fix typo (#10545) Fix the kubectl subcommands links. (#10550) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Fix command issue (#10515) Signed-off-by: mooncake <> remove imported community files per issue 10184 (#10501) Markdown fix (#10498) Fix front matter, federation command-line tools (#10500) Clean up glossary entry (#10399) update slack link (#10536) typo in StatefulSet docs (#10558) fix discription about horizontal pod autoscale (#10557) Remove redundant symbols (#10556) Fix issue #10520 (#10554) Signed-off-by: William Zhang <> Update (#10534) Revert "Fix command issue (#10515)" This reverts commit c02a7fb9f9d19872d9227814b3e9ffaaa28d85f0. Update (#10530) update memory request to 100MiB corresponding the yaml content Blog: Introducing Volume Snapshot Alpha for Kubernetes (#10562) * blog post for azure vmss * snapshot blog post Resolve merge conflicts in OWNERS* Minor typo fix (#10567) Not sure what's supposed to be here, proposing removing it. * Feedback from gochist Tweaks to feedback * Feedback from ClaudiaJKang
2018-10-12 21:25:01 +00:00
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
description = "Produktionsreife Container-Orchestrierung"
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
2019-02-13 17:29:21 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
2024-12-09 14:34:54 +00:00
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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2019-02-13 17:29:21 +00:00
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
2019-02-13 17:29:21 +00:00
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
description = "प्रोडक्शन-ग्रेड कंटेनर ऑर्केस्ट्रेशन"
languageNameLatinScript = "Hindi"
title = "Kubernetes"
languageName ="Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)"
2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
weight = 7
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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languagedirection = "ltr"
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
description = "Orkestrasi Kontainer dengan Skala Produksi"
languageNameLatinScript = "Bahasa Indonesia"
title = "Kubernetes"
languageName = "Italiano (Italian)"
2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
weight = 8
contentDir = "content/it"
2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
languagedirection = "ltr"
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
description = "Orchestrazione di Container in produzione"
languageNameLatinScript = "Italiano"
First Japanese l10n work for release-1.13 (#12998) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 (#11571) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 * [ja] add some base files * Translate setup/independent/ (#11573) * Translate content/ja/docs/home/ in Japanese (#11569) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/custom-cloud/ in Japanese (#11572) * Translate content/en/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ in Japanese (#11574) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/release/ in Japanese (#11576) * ja-trans: Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/ (#11580) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ (#11582) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/_index.m… (#11579) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/ in Japanese * Fix title * Translated Tutorials/Learn Kubenetes Basics/Deploy an App in Japanese. (#11583) * translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/ (#11584) * Dev 1.13 ja.1 tutorials kubernetes basics scale (#11577) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/ in Japanese * Fix title * translate deprecated state description (#11578) * Fix the build doesn't pass at dev-1.13-ja.1 (#11609) * delete files not at minimum requirements to pass the build. * copy necessary file for pass build from content/en * translate content/ja/_index.html (#11585) * ja-trans: add docs/ (#11721) * Remove copied docs/ by mistake. (#11735) * Translate stable state description (#11642) * translate stable state description * Update content/ja/docs/templates/feature-state-stable.txt Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply the suggestion directly * Translate alpha state description (#11753) * [ja] add ja section (#11581) * [ja] translate case-studies (#12060) * [ja] translate case-studies * remove comment * fix /ja/docs/ content (#12062) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/ in Japanese (#12059) * [ja] translate supported doc versions (#12068) * [ja] add ja.toml (#11595) * Remove reviewers block from front matter. (#12092) * Translate beta state description (#12023) * [ja] translate setup (#12070) * translate setup * add translation * Update * Update * 表記ゆれ * 表記ゆれ * [ja] translate what-is-kubernetes (#12065) * translate what-is-kubernetes * add more translation * finish basic translation * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: d-kuro <> * Update * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix new lines * fix review * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update * Update * rephrase プラクティス to 知見 * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * italic * オーケストレーション * [ja] tutorials/index (#12071) * translate tutorial index * fix page link * add ja to path for kubernetes-basic because it's already in progress of translation * Update * review * remove typo * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * [ja] translate cri installation (#12095) * [ja] translate cri installation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply comments * apply comments * [ja]translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics (#12074) * start translation * translate index * wording * wording * cluster-interactive * cluster-intro * update interactive * update some data * fix link * deploy-intro * japanize * fix path for public data * wording * start translation of expose * expose intro * けーしょん * scale-intro * update-intro * fix wrong word * fix wording * translate missing string * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix wording * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * lowercase for kubectl * ja-trans: tutorials/ (#11648) * trns-ja: tutorials/ * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update 大変、大変遅くなりました。丁寧に見ていただいて感謝です。いただいたコメントを反映しました。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update <修正点> ・10行目の「本チュートリアルでは」を削除 ・クラスターをクラスタに統一 * Update 10行目の実践を手を動かすに修正 * Update 10行目を「手を動かす準備はできていますか?本チュートリアルでは、Node.jsを使った簡単な"Hello World"を実行するKubernetesクラスタをビルドします。」に差し替え。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/coreos/ (#12731) * ja-trans: setup/release/building-from-source/ (#12721) * translate building-from-source * improve translation * ja-trans: translate setup/certificates/ (#12722) * translate * change translation about Paths * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kubespray/ (#12733) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ (#12728) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ (#12723) * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ * translate quota and addon * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ (#12729) * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ * revise translating solutions * ending with a noun * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ (#12732) * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ * improve translation * translate build * translate explore and add-ons * ja-trans: setup/independent/control-plane-flags/ (#12745) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ (#12724) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * translate features and add-ons * improve translation * improve translation * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (#12725) * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (2) * ending with a noun * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ (#12730) * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ * revise translating connectivity * improve translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * revise translation * revert some words to English * fix translation style * fix title * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ (#12750) * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ * translate Instructions * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ (#12754) * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ (#12755) * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ (#12757) * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ * pod -> Pod * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/cloudstack/ (#12772) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ (#12753) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ * fix translation style * translate Stacked and worker node * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ (#12770) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-metal/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/ovirt/ (#12781) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ (#12780) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ * fix translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ (#12786) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ * tiny fix * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ (#12788) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ * translate production grade * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/release/notes/ (#12791) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ (#12812) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ * ja-trans: fix internal links in setup/independent/ * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ (#12824) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/stackpoint/ (#12853) * ja-trans: concepts/ (#12820) * ja-trans: concepts/ * fix translation * ja: fix formatting in what is kubernetes (#12694) * fix formatting in what is kubernetes * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * ? * format (#12866) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ (#12813) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * ja-trans: modify a word in setup/turnkey/ * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ (#12951) * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Applied review suggestions. * Applied review suggestions. * fix language setting order.
2019-03-07 18:17:41 +00:00
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
languageName = "日本語 (Japanese)"
2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
weight = 9
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
contentDir = "content/ja"
languagedirection = "ltr"
time_format_blog = "2006.01.02"
language_alternatives = ["en"]
languageNameLatinScript = "Japanese"
description = "プロダクショングレードのコンテナ管理基盤"
title = "Kubernetes"
languageName = "한국어 (Korean)"
2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
weight = 10
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
contentDir = "content/ko"
languagedirection = "ltr"
# 'Norsk (Norwegian)' language is disabled via 'disableLanguages' config.
First Japanese l10n work for release-1.13 (#12998) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 (#11571) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 * [ja] add some base files * Translate setup/independent/ (#11573) * Translate content/ja/docs/home/ in Japanese (#11569) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/custom-cloud/ in Japanese (#11572) * Translate content/en/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ in Japanese (#11574) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/release/ in Japanese (#11576) * ja-trans: Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/ (#11580) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ (#11582) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/_index.m… (#11579) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/ in Japanese * Fix title * Translated Tutorials/Learn Kubenetes Basics/Deploy an App in Japanese. (#11583) * translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/ (#11584) * Dev 1.13 ja.1 tutorials kubernetes basics scale (#11577) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/ in Japanese * Fix title * translate deprecated state description (#11578) * Fix the build doesn't pass at dev-1.13-ja.1 (#11609) * delete files not at minimum requirements to pass the build. * copy necessary file for pass build from content/en * translate content/ja/_index.html (#11585) * ja-trans: add docs/ (#11721) * Remove copied docs/ by mistake. (#11735) * Translate stable state description (#11642) * translate stable state description * Update content/ja/docs/templates/feature-state-stable.txt Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply the suggestion directly * Translate alpha state description (#11753) * [ja] add ja section (#11581) * [ja] translate case-studies (#12060) * [ja] translate case-studies * remove comment * fix /ja/docs/ content (#12062) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/ in Japanese (#12059) * [ja] translate supported doc versions (#12068) * [ja] add ja.toml (#11595) * Remove reviewers block from front matter. (#12092) * Translate beta state description (#12023) * [ja] translate setup (#12070) * translate setup * add translation * Update * Update * 表記ゆれ * 表記ゆれ * [ja] translate what-is-kubernetes (#12065) * translate what-is-kubernetes * add more translation * finish basic translation * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: d-kuro <> * Update * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix new lines * fix review * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update * Update * rephrase プラクティス to 知見 * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * italic * オーケストレーション * [ja] tutorials/index (#12071) * translate tutorial index * fix page link * add ja to path for kubernetes-basic because it's already in progress of translation * Update * review * remove typo * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * [ja] translate cri installation (#12095) * [ja] translate cri installation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply comments * apply comments * [ja]translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics (#12074) * start translation * translate index * wording * wording * cluster-interactive * cluster-intro * update interactive * update some data * fix link * deploy-intro * japanize * fix path for public data * wording * start translation of expose * expose intro * けーしょん * scale-intro * update-intro * fix wrong word * fix wording * translate missing string * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix wording * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * lowercase for kubectl * ja-trans: tutorials/ (#11648) * trns-ja: tutorials/ * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update 大変、大変遅くなりました。丁寧に見ていただいて感謝です。いただいたコメントを反映しました。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update <修正点> ・10行目の「本チュートリアルでは」を削除 ・クラスターをクラスタに統一 * Update 10行目の実践を手を動かすに修正 * Update 10行目を「手を動かす準備はできていますか?本チュートリアルでは、Node.jsを使った簡単な"Hello World"を実行するKubernetesクラスタをビルドします。」に差し替え。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/coreos/ (#12731) * ja-trans: setup/release/building-from-source/ (#12721) * translate building-from-source * improve translation * ja-trans: translate setup/certificates/ (#12722) * translate * change translation about Paths * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kubespray/ (#12733) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ (#12728) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ (#12723) * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ * translate quota and addon * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ (#12729) * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ * revise translating solutions * ending with a noun * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ (#12732) * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ * improve translation * translate build * translate explore and add-ons * ja-trans: setup/independent/control-plane-flags/ (#12745) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ (#12724) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * translate features and add-ons * improve translation * improve translation * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (#12725) * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (2) * ending with a noun * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ (#12730) * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ * revise translating connectivity * improve translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * revise translation * revert some words to English * fix translation style * fix title * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ (#12750) * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ * translate Instructions * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ (#12754) * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ (#12755) * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ (#12757) * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ * pod -> Pod * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/cloudstack/ (#12772) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ (#12753) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ * fix translation style * translate Stacked and worker node * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ (#12770) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-metal/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/ovirt/ (#12781) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ (#12780) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ * fix translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ (#12786) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ * tiny fix * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ (#12788) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ * translate production grade * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/release/notes/ (#12791) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ (#12812) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ * ja-trans: fix internal links in setup/independent/ * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ (#12824) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/stackpoint/ (#12853) * ja-trans: concepts/ (#12820) * ja-trans: concepts/ * fix translation * ja: fix formatting in what is kubernetes (#12694) * fix formatting in what is kubernetes * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * ? * format (#12866) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ (#12813) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * ja-trans: modify a word in setup/turnkey/ * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ (#12951) * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Applied review suggestions. * Applied review suggestions. * fix language setting order.
2019-03-07 18:17:41 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
2022-06-06 12:06:13 +00:00
languageName = "Norsk (Norwegian)"
First Japanese l10n work for release-1.13 (#12998) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 (#11571) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 * [ja] add some base files * Translate setup/independent/ (#11573) * Translate content/ja/docs/home/ in Japanese (#11569) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/custom-cloud/ in Japanese (#11572) * Translate content/en/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ in Japanese (#11574) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/release/ in Japanese (#11576) * ja-trans: Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/ (#11580) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ (#11582) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/_index.m… (#11579) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/ in Japanese * Fix title * Translated Tutorials/Learn Kubenetes Basics/Deploy an App in Japanese. (#11583) * translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/ (#11584) * Dev 1.13 ja.1 tutorials kubernetes basics scale (#11577) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/ in Japanese * Fix title * translate deprecated state description (#11578) * Fix the build doesn't pass at dev-1.13-ja.1 (#11609) * delete files not at minimum requirements to pass the build. * copy necessary file for pass build from content/en * translate content/ja/_index.html (#11585) * ja-trans: add docs/ (#11721) * Remove copied docs/ by mistake. (#11735) * Translate stable state description (#11642) * translate stable state description * Update content/ja/docs/templates/feature-state-stable.txt Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply the suggestion directly * Translate alpha state description (#11753) * [ja] add ja section (#11581) * [ja] translate case-studies (#12060) * [ja] translate case-studies * remove comment * fix /ja/docs/ content (#12062) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/ in Japanese (#12059) * [ja] translate supported doc versions (#12068) * [ja] add ja.toml (#11595) * Remove reviewers block from front matter. (#12092) * Translate beta state description (#12023) * [ja] translate setup (#12070) * translate setup * add translation * Update * Update * 表記ゆれ * 表記ゆれ * [ja] translate what-is-kubernetes (#12065) * translate what-is-kubernetes * add more translation * finish basic translation * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: d-kuro <> * Update * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix new lines * fix review * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update * Update * rephrase プラクティス to 知見 * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * italic * オーケストレーション * [ja] tutorials/index (#12071) * translate tutorial index * fix page link * add ja to path for kubernetes-basic because it's already in progress of translation * Update * review * remove typo * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * [ja] translate cri installation (#12095) * [ja] translate cri installation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply comments * apply comments * [ja]translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics (#12074) * start translation * translate index * wording * wording * cluster-interactive * cluster-intro * update interactive * update some data * fix link * deploy-intro * japanize * fix path for public data * wording * start translation of expose * expose intro * けーしょん * scale-intro * update-intro * fix wrong word * fix wording * translate missing string * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix wording * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * lowercase for kubectl * ja-trans: tutorials/ (#11648) * trns-ja: tutorials/ * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update 大変、大変遅くなりました。丁寧に見ていただいて感謝です。いただいたコメントを反映しました。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update <修正点> ・10行目の「本チュートリアルでは」を削除 ・クラスターをクラスタに統一 * Update 10行目の実践を手を動かすに修正 * Update 10行目を「手を動かす準備はできていますか?本チュートリアルでは、Node.jsを使った簡単な"Hello World"を実行するKubernetesクラスタをビルドします。」に差し替え。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/coreos/ (#12731) * ja-trans: setup/release/building-from-source/ (#12721) * translate building-from-source * improve translation * ja-trans: translate setup/certificates/ (#12722) * translate * change translation about Paths * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kubespray/ (#12733) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ (#12728) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ (#12723) * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ * translate quota and addon * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ (#12729) * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ * revise translating solutions * ending with a noun * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ (#12732) * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ * improve translation * translate build * translate explore and add-ons * ja-trans: setup/independent/control-plane-flags/ (#12745) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ (#12724) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * translate features and add-ons * improve translation * improve translation * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (#12725) * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (2) * ending with a noun * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ (#12730) * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ * revise translating connectivity * improve translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * revise translation * revert some words to English * fix translation style * fix title * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ (#12750) * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ * translate Instructions * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ (#12754) * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ (#12755) * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ (#12757) * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ * pod -> Pod * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/cloudstack/ (#12772) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ (#12753) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ * fix translation style * translate Stacked and worker node * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ (#12770) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-metal/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/ovirt/ (#12781) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ (#12780) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ * fix translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ (#12786) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ * tiny fix * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ (#12788) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ * translate production grade * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/release/notes/ (#12791) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ (#12812) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ * ja-trans: fix internal links in setup/independent/ * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ (#12824) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/stackpoint/ (#12853) * ja-trans: concepts/ (#12820) * ja-trans: concepts/ * fix translation * ja: fix formatting in what is kubernetes (#12694) * fix formatting in what is kubernetes * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * ? * format (#12866) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ (#12813) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * ja-trans: modify a word in setup/turnkey/ * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ (#12951) * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Applied review suggestions. * Applied review suggestions. * fix language setting order.
2019-03-07 18:17:41 +00:00
weight = 7
contentDir = "content/no"
2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
languagedirection = "ltr"
First Japanese l10n work for release-1.13 (#12998) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 (#11571) * [ja] add basic files for 1.13 * [ja] add some base files * Translate setup/independent/ (#11573) * Translate content/ja/docs/home/ in Japanese (#11569) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/custom-cloud/ in Japanese (#11572) * Translate content/en/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ in Japanese (#11574) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/release/ in Japanese (#11576) * ja-trans: Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/ (#11580) * Translate content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ (#11582) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/_index.m… (#11579) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/update/ in Japanese * Fix title * Translated Tutorials/Learn Kubenetes Basics/Deploy an App in Japanese. (#11583) * translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/ (#11584) * Dev 1.13 ja.1 tutorials kubernetes basics scale (#11577) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/ in Japanese * Fix title * translate deprecated state description (#11578) * Fix the build doesn't pass at dev-1.13-ja.1 (#11609) * delete files not at minimum requirements to pass the build. * copy necessary file for pass build from content/en * translate content/ja/_index.html (#11585) * ja-trans: add docs/ (#11721) * Remove copied docs/ by mistake. (#11735) * Translate stable state description (#11642) * translate stable state description * Update content/ja/docs/templates/feature-state-stable.txt Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply the suggestion directly * Translate alpha state description (#11753) * [ja] add ja section (#11581) * [ja] translate case-studies (#12060) * [ja] translate case-studies * remove comment * fix /ja/docs/ content (#12062) * Translate content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/ in Japanese (#12059) * [ja] translate supported doc versions (#12068) * [ja] add ja.toml (#11595) * Remove reviewers block from front matter. (#12092) * Translate beta state description (#12023) * [ja] translate setup (#12070) * translate setup * add translation * Update * Update * 表記ゆれ * 表記ゆれ * [ja] translate what-is-kubernetes (#12065) * translate what-is-kubernetes * add more translation * finish basic translation * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: d-kuro <> * Update * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix new lines * fix review * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update * Update * rephrase プラクティス to 知見 * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * italic * オーケストレーション * [ja] tutorials/index (#12071) * translate tutorial index * fix page link * add ja to path for kubernetes-basic because it's already in progress of translation * Update * review * remove typo * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * [ja] translate cri installation (#12095) * [ja] translate cri installation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * apply comments * apply comments * [ja]translate tutorials/kubernetes-basics (#12074) * start translation * translate index * wording * wording * cluster-interactive * cluster-intro * update interactive * update some data * fix link * deploy-intro * japanize * fix path for public data * wording * start translation of expose * expose intro * けーしょん * scale-intro * update-intro * fix wrong word * fix wording * translate missing string * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/_index.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * fix wording * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/expose/expose-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/create-cluster/cluster-interactive.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/deploy-app/deploy-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/explore/explore-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/scale/scale-intro.html Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * lowercase for kubectl * ja-trans: tutorials/ (#11648) * trns-ja: tutorials/ * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update 大変、大変遅くなりました。丁寧に見ていただいて感謝です。いただいたコメントを反映しました。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update <修正点> ・10行目の「本チュートリアルでは」を削除 ・クラスターをクラスタに統一 * Update 10行目の実践を手を動かすに修正 * Update 10行目を「手を動かす準備はできていますか?本チュートリアルでは、Node.jsを使った簡単な"Hello World"を実行するKubernetesクラスタをビルドします。」に差し替え。 * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * Update content/ja/docs/tutorials/ Co-Authored-By: lkougi <> * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/coreos/ (#12731) * ja-trans: setup/release/building-from-source/ (#12721) * translate building-from-source * improve translation * ja-trans: translate setup/certificates/ (#12722) * translate * change translation about Paths * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kubespray/ (#12733) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ (#12728) * ja-trans: setup/node-conformance/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ (#12723) * ja-trans: setup/cluster-large/ * translate quota and addon * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ (#12729) * ja-trans: setup/pick-right-solution/ * revise translating solutions * ending with a noun * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ (#12732) * ja-trans: setup/custom-cloud/kops/ * improve translation * translate build * translate explore and add-ons * ja-trans: setup/independent/control-plane-flags/ (#12745) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ (#12724) * ja-trans: setup/minikube/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * translate features and add-ons * improve translation * improve translation * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (#12725) * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ * ja-trans: setup/multiple-zones/ (2) * ending with a noun * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ (#12730) * ja-trans: setup/scratch/ * revise translating connectivity * improve translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/ LGTM Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * revise translation * revert some words to English * fix translation style * fix title * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ (#12750) * ja-trans: setup/independent/create-cluster-kubeadm/ * translate Instructions * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ (#12754) * ja-trans: setup/independent/kubelet-integration/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ (#12755) * ja-trans: setup/independent/setup-ha-etcd-with-kubeadm/ * fix translation style * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ (#12757) * ja-trans: setup/independent/troubleshooting-kubeadm/ * pod -> Pod * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/cloudstack/ (#12772) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ (#12753) * ja-trans: setup/independent/high-availability/ * fix translation style * translate Stacked and worker node * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ (#12770) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-metal/krib/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-metal/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/ovirt/ (#12781) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ (#12780) * ja-trans: setup/on-premises-vm/dcos/ * fix translation * Update content/ja/docs/setup/on-premises-vm/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ (#12786) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/alibaba-cloud/ * tiny fix * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ (#12788) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/aws/ * translate production grade * fix translation * ja-trans: setup/release/notes/ (#12791) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ (#12812) * ja-trans: setup/independent/ * ja-trans: fix internal links in setup/independent/ * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ (#12824) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/clc/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: makocchi-git <> * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/stackpoint/ (#12853) * ja-trans: concepts/ (#12820) * ja-trans: concepts/ * fix translation * ja: fix formatting in what is kubernetes (#12694) * fix formatting in what is kubernetes * Update content/ja/docs/concepts/overview/ Co-Authored-By: inductor <> * ? * format (#12866) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ (#12813) * ja-trans: setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Co-Authored-By: auifzysr <> * ja-trans: modify a word in setup/turnkey/ * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ (#12951) * Translated docs/setup/turnkey/ * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied a suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Update content/ja/docs/setup/turnkey/ Applied suggestion. Co-Authored-By: dzeyelid <> * Applied review suggestions. * Applied review suggestions. * fix language setting order.
2019-03-07 18:17:41 +00:00
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
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description = "Production-Grade Container Orchestration"
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
time_format_blog = "2006.01.02"
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
description = "운영 수준의 컨테이너 오케스트레이션"
languageNameLatinScript = "Korean"
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
time_format_blog = "01.02.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
description = "Produkcyjny system zarządzania kontenerami"
languageNameLatinScript = "Polski"
2019-04-16 19:13:08 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
2022-06-06 12:06:13 +00:00
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2022-06-06 12:06:13 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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2019-04-16 19:13:08 +00:00
2019-04-16 19:13:08 +00:00
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
description = "Orquestração de contêineres em nível de produção"
languageNameLatinScript = "Português"
2019-04-16 19:13:08 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
languageName = "Русский (Russian)"
2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
weight = 13
contentDir = "content/ru"
2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
languagedirection = "ltr"
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
description = "Первоклассная оркестрация контейнеров"
languageNameLatinScript = "Russian"
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
languageName = "Español (Spanish)"
2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
2020-02-05 12:53:39 +00:00
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
description = "Orquestación de contenedores para producción"
languageNameLatinScript = "Español"
2020-02-05 12:53:39 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
languageName = "Українська (Ukrainian)"
2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2020-07-25 16:46:26 +00:00
languagedirection = "ltr"
time_format_blog = "02.01.2006"
# A list of language codes to look for untranslated content, ordered from left to right.
language_alternatives = ["en"]
description = "Довершена система оркестрації контейнерів"
languageNameLatinScript = "Ukrainian"
2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
title = "Kubernetes"
languageName = "Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)"
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2024-02-03 16:57:45 +00:00
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2024-01-24 01:26:06 +00:00
languagedirection = "ltr"
languageNameLatinScript = "Tiếng Việt"
description = "Giải pháp điều phối container trong môi trường production"