content_type: concept
title: 为 Kubernetes 出一份力
linkTitle: 贡献
main_menu: true
no_list: true
weight: 80
name: contribute
weight: 10
title: 开始为 Kubernetes 做贡献
title: Contribute to Kubernetes
linkTitle: Contribute
<!-- overview -->
There are lots of ways to contribute to Kubernetes. You can work on designs for new features,
you can document the code we already have, you can write for our [blog](/blog). There's more:
you can implement those new features or fix bugs. You can help people join our contributor
community, or support existing contributors.
为 Kubernetes 做出贡献的方法有很多。你可以致力于新特性的设计、记录我们已有的代码、为我们的[博客](/blog)写文章。
还有更多:你可以实现这些新特性或修复 Bug、可以帮助人们加入我们的贡献者社区,或支持现有的贡献者。
With all these different ways to make a difference to the project, we - Kubernetes - have made
a dedicated website: https://k8s.dev/. You can go there to learn more about
contributing to Kubernetes.
If you specifically want to learn about contributing to _this_ documentation, read
[Contribute to Kubernetes documentation](/docs/contribute/docs/).
你可以去那里了解有关为 Kubernetes 做出贡献的更多信息。
如果你特别想了解如何为**本**文档做出贡献,请阅读[为 Kubernetes 文档做出贡献](/zh-cn/docs/contribute/docs/)。