
195 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import subprocess
import jinja2
import click
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
# This is a Bug Report
## Problem
Outdated files in the {{ r_commit }} branch.
### {{ files_to_be_modified | count }} files to be modified
{% for m_file in files_to_be_modified -%}
1. [ ] {{ m_file.fileindex }} `{{ m_file.filepath }}` {{ m_file.stat }}
{% endfor %}
### {{ files_to_be_renamed | count }} files to be renamed
{% for r_file in files_to_be_renamed -%}
1. [ ] {{ r_file.fileindex }} {{ r_file.diff_status_letter }} `{{ r_file.src_filepath }}` -> `{{ r_file.dest_filepath }}`
{% endfor %}
### {{ files_to_be_deleted | count }} files to be deleted
{% for d_file in files_to_be_deleted -%}
1. [ ] {{ d_file.fileindex }} `{{ d_file.filepath }}`
{% endfor %}
## Proposed Solution
{% if files_to_be_modified %}
Use `git diff` to check what is changed in the upstream. And apply the upstream changes manually
to the `{{ l10n_lang_path }}` of `{{ r_commit }}` branch.
For example:
# checkout `{{ r_commit }}`
# check what is updated in the upstream
git diff {{ l_commit }} {{ r_commit }} -- {{ files_to_be_modified.0.filepath }}
# apply changes to {{ l10n_lang_path }}
vi {{ files_to_be_modified.0.filepath | replace(src_lang_path, l10n_lang_path) }}
# commit and push
# make PR to `{{ r_commit }}`
{% endif %}
## Pages to Update
Pages in {{ l10n_lang_path }}
files_to_be_deleted = []
files_to_be_renamed = []
files_to_be_modified = []
index_to_be_deleted = 0
index_to_be_renamed = 0
index_to_be_modified = 0
def git_diff(filepath, l_commit, r_commit, stat=False):
cmd = ["git", "diff", l_commit, r_commit, "--", filepath]
if stat:
cmd = ["git", "diff", l_commit, r_commit, "--stat", "--", filepath]
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("UTF-8").strip()
def git_exists(path, filepath):
cmd = ["git", "cat-file", "-e", "{}:{}".format(path, filepath)]
ret_code =, stderr=DEVNULL)
return ret_code == 0
def process_diff_status(diff_status, l_commit, r_commit, src_lang_path,
status_letter = diff_status[0]
filepath = diff_status[1]
size_xs = 10
size_s = 30
size_m = 100
size_l = 500
size_xl = 1000
if git_exists(r_commit, filepath.replace(src_lang_path, l10n_lang_path)):
if status_letter == 'D':
global index_to_be_deleted
index_to_be_deleted += 1
fileindex = "D" + str(index_to_be_deleted) + '. '
deleted = {"fileindex": fileindex,
"filepath": filepath }
elif status_letter.startswith('R'):
global index_to_be_renamed
index_to_be_renamed += 1
fileindex = "R" + str(index_to_be_renamed) + '. '
replaced = {"fileindex": fileindex,
"diff_status_letter": diff_status[0],
"src_filepath": diff_status[1],
"dest_filepath": diff_status[2]}
elif status_letter == 'M':
global index_to_be_modified
index_to_be_modified += 1
diff_string = git_diff(filepath, l_commit, r_commit, stat=True)
diff_string_tmp= diff_string.split("|")
diff_string_r = diff_string_tmp[1]
res = [int(i) for i in diff_string_r.split() if i.isdigit()]
if len(res) < 4 :
insertions = res[2]
deletions = res[3]
bold_condition = size_m
if insertions < size_xs :
insertion_size = "XS"
elif insertions < size_s :
insertion_size = "S"
elif insertions < size_m :
insertion_size = "M"
elif insertions < size_l :
insertion_size = "L"
elif insertions < size_xl :
insertion_size = "XL"
else :
insertion_size = "XXL"
stat_output = str(insertions) + "(+" + insertion_size + ") " + str(deletions) + "(-)"
if insertions >= bold_condition :
fileindex = "**M" + str(index_to_be_modified) + ".** "
stat_output = "**" + stat_output + "**"
else :
fileindex = "M" + str(index_to_be_modified) + ". "
stat_output = " | " + stat_output
modified = {"fileindex": fileindex,
"filepath": filepath,
"stat": stat_output,
"diff": git_diff(filepath, l_commit, r_commit)}
def git_diff_name_status(l_commit, r_commit, src_lang_path, l10n_lang_path):
cmd = ["git", "diff", l_commit, r_commit, "--name-status", "--",
name_status_output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip()
for line in name_status_output.decode('utf-8').splitlines():
diff_status = line.split()
process_diff_status(diff_status, l_commit, r_commit, src_lang_path,
@click.option("--src-lang", help="Source language", default="en")
def main(l10n_lang, src_lang, l_commit, r_commit):
This script generates a report of outdated contents in `content/<l10n-lang>`
directory by comparing two l10n team milestone branches.
L10n team owners can open a GitHub issue with the report generated by this
script when they start a new team milestone.
ex: `scripts/ ko dev-1.15-ko.3 dev-1.15-ko.4`
l10n_lang_path = "content/" + l10n_lang
src_lang_path = "content/" + src_lang
git_diff_name_status(l_commit, r_commit, src_lang_path,
issue_template = jinja2.Template(ISSUE_TEMPLATE)
ret = issue_template.render(l_commit=l_commit, r_commit=r_commit,
if __name__ == "__main__":