
234 lines
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Copyright 2021 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package main
import (
var (
dataCsv = flag.String("data-csv", "", "Source data to compute flake rates on")
dateRange = flag.Uint("date-range", 5, "Number of days prior to today to compute flake rate for")
func main() {
file, err := os.Open(*dataCsv)
if err != nil {
exit("Unable to read data CSV", err)
dateCutoff := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -int(*dateRange))
testEntries := readData(file)
splitEntries := splitData(testEntries)
filteredEntries := filterRecentEntries(splitEntries, dateCutoff)
flakeRates := computeFlakeRates(filteredEntries)
averageDurations := computeAverageDurations(filteredEntries)
fmt.Println("Environment,Test,Flake Rate,Duration")
for environment, environmentSplit := range flakeRates {
for test, flakeRate := range environmentSplit {
duration := averageDurations[environment][test]
fmt.Printf("%s,%s,%.2f,%.3f\n", environment, test, flakeRate*100, duration)
// One entry of a test run.
// Example: TestEntry {
// name: "TestFunctional/parallel/LogsCmd",
// environment: "Docker_Linux",
// date: time.Now,
// status: "Passed",
// duration: 0.1,
// }
type testEntry struct {
name string
environment string
date time.Time
status string
duration float32
// A map with keys of (environment, test_name) to values of slcies of TestEntry.
type splitEntryMap map[string]map[string][]testEntry
// Reads CSV `file` and consumes each line to be a single TestEntry.
func readData(file io.Reader) []testEntry {
testEntries := []testEntry{}
fileReader := bufio.NewReaderSize(file, 256)
previousLine := []string{"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
firstLine := true
for {
lineBytes, _, err := fileReader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
exit("Error reading data CSV", err)
line := string(lineBytes)
fields := strings.Split(line, ",")
if firstLine {
if len(fields) != 9 {
exit(fmt.Sprintf("Data CSV in incorrect format. Expected 9 columns, but got %d", len(fields)), fmt.Errorf("bad CSV format"))
firstLine = false
for i, field := range fields {
if field == "" {
fields[i] = previousLine[i]
if len(fields) != 9 {
fmt.Printf("Found line with wrong number of columns. Expectd 9, but got %d - skipping\n", len(fields))
previousLine = fields
if fields[4] == "Passed" || fields[4] == "Failed" {
date, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", fields[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to parse date: %v\n", err)
duration, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fields[5], 32)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to parse duration: %v\n", err)
testEntries = append(testEntries, testEntry{
name: fields[3],
environment: fields[2],
date: date,
status: fields[4],
duration: float32(duration),
return testEntries
// Splits `testEntries` up into maps indexed first by environment and then by test.
func splitData(testEntries []testEntry) splitEntryMap {
splitEntries := make(splitEntryMap)
for _, entry := range testEntries {
appendEntry(splitEntries, entry.environment,, entry)
return splitEntries
// Appends `entry` to `splitEntries` at the `environment` and `test`.
func appendEntry(splitEntries splitEntryMap, environment, test string, entry testEntry) {
// Lookup the environment.
environmentSplit, ok := splitEntries[environment]
if !ok {
// If the environment map is missing, make a map for this environment and store it.
environmentSplit = make(map[string][]testEntry)
splitEntries[environment] = environmentSplit
// Lookup the test.
testSplit, ok := environmentSplit[test]
if !ok {
// If the test is missing, make a slice for this test.
testSplit = make([]testEntry, 0)
// The slice is not inserted, since it will be replaced anyway.
environmentSplit[test] = append(testSplit, entry)
// Filters `splitEntries` to include only entries after `dateCutoff`.
func filterRecentEntries(splitEntries splitEntryMap, dateCutoff time.Time) splitEntryMap {
filteredEntries := make(splitEntryMap)
for environment, environmentSplit := range splitEntries {
for test, testSplit := range environmentSplit {
for _, entry := range testSplit {
if ! {
appendEntry(filteredEntries, environment, test, entry)
return filteredEntries
// Computes the flake rates over each entry in `splitEntries`.
func computeFlakeRates(splitEntries splitEntryMap) map[string]map[string]float32 {
flakeRates := make(map[string]map[string]float32)
for environment, environmentSplit := range splitEntries {
for test, testSplit := range environmentSplit {
failures := 0
for _, entry := range testSplit {
if entry.status == "Failed" {
setValue(flakeRates, environment, test, float32(failures)/float32(len(testSplit)))
return flakeRates
// Computes the average durations over each entry in `splitEntries`.
func computeAverageDurations(splitEntries splitEntryMap) map[string]map[string]float32 {
averageDurations := make(map[string]map[string]float32)
for environment, environmentSplit := range splitEntries {
for test, testSplit := range environmentSplit {
durationSum := float32(0)
for _, entry := range testSplit {
durationSum += entry.duration
if len(testSplit) != 0 {
durationSum /= float32(len(testSplit))
setValue(averageDurations, environment, test, durationSum)
return averageDurations
// Sets the `value` of keys `environment` and `test` in `mapEntries`.
func setValue(mapEntries map[string]map[string]float32, environment, test string, value float32) {
// Lookup the environment.
environmentRates, ok := mapEntries[environment]
if !ok {
// If the environment map is missing, make a map for this environment and store it.
environmentRates = make(map[string]float32)
mapEntries[environment] = environmentRates
environmentRates[test] = value
// exit will exit and clean up minikube
func exit(msg string, err error) {
fmt.Printf("WithError(%s)=%v called from:\n%s", msg, err, debug.Stack())