// Displays an error message to the UI. Any previous message will be erased. function displayError(message) { // Clear the body of all children. while (document.body.firstChild) { document.body.removeChild(document.body.firstChild); } const element = document.createElement("p"); element.innerText = "Error: " + message; element.style.color = "red"; element.style.fontFamily = "Arial"; element.style.fontWeight = "bold"; element.style.margin = "5rem"; document.body.appendChild(element); } // Creates a generator that reads the response body one line at a time. async function* bodyByLinesIterator(response, updateProgress) { const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); const reader = response.body.getReader(); const re = /\n|\r|\r\n/gm; let pendingText = ""; let readerDone = false; while (!readerDone) { // Read a chunk. const { value: chunk, done } = await reader.read(); readerDone = done; if (!chunk) { continue; } // Notify the listener of progress. updateProgress(chunk.length); const decodedChunk = utf8Decoder.decode(chunk); let startIndex = 0; let result; // Keep processing until there are no more new lines. while ((result = re.exec(decodedChunk)) !== null) { const text = decodedChunk.substring(startIndex, result.index); startIndex = re.lastIndex; const line = pendingText + text; pendingText = ""; if (line !== "") { yield line; } } // Any text after the last new line is appended to any pending text. pendingText += decodedChunk.substring(startIndex); } // If there is any text remaining, return it. if (pendingText !== "") { yield pendingText; } } // Determines whether `str` matches at least one value in `enumObject`. function isValidEnumValue(enumObject, str) { for (const enumKey in enumObject) { if (enumObject[enumKey] === str) { return true; } } return false; } // Enum for test status. const testStatus = { PASSED: "Passed", FAILED: "Failed", SKIPPED: "Skipped" } async function loadTestData() { const response = await fetch("data.csv"); if (!response.ok) { const responseText = await response.text(); throw `Failed to fetch data from GCS bucket. Error: ${responseText}`; } const box = document.createElement("div"); box.style.width = "100%"; const innerBox = document.createElement("div"); innerBox.style.margin = "5rem"; box.appendChild(innerBox); const progressBarPrompt = document.createElement("h1"); progressBarPrompt.style.fontFamily = "Arial"; progressBarPrompt.style.textAlign = "center"; progressBarPrompt.innerText = "Downloading data..."; innerBox.appendChild(progressBarPrompt); const progressBar = document.createElement("progress"); progressBar.setAttribute("max", Number(response.headers.get('Content-Length'))); progressBar.style.width = "100%"; innerBox.appendChild(progressBar); document.body.appendChild(box); let readBytes = 0; const lines = bodyByLinesIterator(response, value => { readBytes += value; progressBar.setAttribute("value", readBytes); }); // Consume the header to ensure the data has the right number of fields. const header = (await lines.next()).value; if (header.split(",").length != 6) { document.body.removeChild(box); throw `Fetched CSV data contains wrong number of fields. Expected: 6. Actual Header: "${header}"`; } const testData = []; let lineData = ["", "", "", "", "", ""]; for await (const line of lines) { let splitLine = line.split(","); if (splitLine.length != 6) { console.warn(`Found line with wrong number of fields. Actual: ${splitLine.length} Expected: 6. Line: "${line}"`); continue; } splitLine = splitLine.map((value, index) => value === "" ? lineData[index] : value); lineData = splitLine; if (!isValidEnumValue(testStatus, splitLine[4])) { console.warn(`Invalid test status provided. Actual: ${splitLine[4]} Expected: One of ${Object.values(testStatus).join(", ")}`); continue; } testData.push({ commit: splitLine[0], date: new Date(splitLine[1]), environment: splitLine[2], name: splitLine[3], status: splitLine[4], duration: Number(splitLine[5]), }); } document.body.removeChild(box); if (testData.length == 0) { throw "Fetched CSV data is empty or poorly formatted."; } return testData; } Array.prototype.sum = function() { return this.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value, 0); }; // Computes the average of an array of numbers. Array.prototype.average = function () { return this.length === 0 ? 0 : (this.sum() / this.length); }; // Groups array elements by keys obtained through `keyGetter`. Array.prototype.groupBy = function (keyGetter) { return Array.from(this.reduce((mapCollection, element) => { const key = keyGetter(element); if (mapCollection.has(key)) { mapCollection.get(key).push(element); } else { mapCollection.set(key, [element]); } return mapCollection; }, new Map()).values()); }; // Parse URL search `query` into [{key, value}]. function parseUrlQuery(query) { if (query[0] === '?') { query = query.substring(1); } return Object.fromEntries((query === "" ? [] : query.split("&")).map(element => { const keyValue = element.split("="); return [unescape(keyValue[0]), unescape(keyValue[1])]; })); } // Takes a set of test runs (all of the same test), and aggregates them into one element per date. function aggregateRuns(testRuns) { return testRuns // Group runs by the date it ran. .groupBy(run => run.date.getTime()) // Sort by run date, past to future. .sort((a, b) => a[0].date - b[0].date) // Map each group to all variables need to format the rows. .map(tests => ({ date: tests[0].date, // Get one of the dates from the tests (which will all be the same). flakeRate: tests.map(test => test.status === testStatus.FAILED ? 100 : 0).average(), // Compute average of runs where FAILED counts as 100%. duration: tests.map(test => test.duration).average(), // Compute average duration of runs. commitHashes: tests.map(test => ({ // Take all hashes, statuses, and durations of tests in this group. hash: test.commit, status: test.status, duration: test.duration })).groupBy(run => run.hash).map(runsWithSameHash => ({ hash: runsWithSameHash[0].hash, failures: runsWithSameHash.map(run => run.status === testStatus.FAILED ? 1 : 0).sum(), runs: runsWithSameHash.length, duration: runsWithSameHash.map(run => run.duration).average(), })) })); } const hashToLink = (hash, environment) => `https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube-builds/logs/master/${hash.substring(0,7)}/${environment}.html`; function displayTestAndEnvironmentChart(testData, testName, environmentName) { const data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', 'Flake Percentage'); data.addColumn({ type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', 'p': { 'html': true } }); data.addColumn('number', 'Duration'); data.addColumn({ type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', 'p': { 'html': true } }); const testRuns = testData // Filter to only contain unskipped runs of the requested test and requested environment. .filter(test => test.name === testName && test.environment === environmentName && test.status !== testStatus.SKIPPED); data.addRows( aggregateRuns(testRuns) .map(groupData => [ groupData.date, groupData.flakeRate, `
Flake Percentage: ${groupData.flakeRate.toFixed(2)}%
${groupData.commitHashes.map(({ hash, failures, runs }) => ` - ${hash} (Failures: ${failures}/${runs})`).join("
`, groupData.duration, `
Average Duration: ${groupData.duration.toFixed(2)}s
${groupData.commitHashes.map(({ hash, runs, duration }) => ` - ${hash} (Average of ${runs}: ${duration.toFixed(2)}s)`).join("
`, ]) ); const options = { title: `Flake rate and duration by day of ${testName} on ${environmentName}`, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, pointSize: 10, pointShape: "circle", series: { 0: { targetAxisIndex: 0 }, 1: { targetAxisIndex: 1 }, }, vAxes: { 0: { title: "Flake rate", minValue: 0, maxValue: 100 }, 1: { title: "Duration (seconds)" }, }, colors: ['#dc3912', '#3366cc'], tooltip: { trigger: "selection", isHtml: true } }; const chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); chart.draw(data, options); } function createRecentFlakePercentageTable(recentFlakePercentage, previousFlakePercentageMap, environmentName) { const createCell = (elementType, text) => { const element = document.createElement(elementType); element.innerHTML = text; return element; } const table = document.createElement("table"); const tableHeaderRow = document.createElement("tr"); tableHeaderRow.appendChild(createCell("th", "Rank")); tableHeaderRow.appendChild(createCell("th", "Test Name")).style.textAlign = "left"; tableHeaderRow.appendChild(createCell("th", "Recent Flake Percentage")); tableHeaderRow.appendChild(createCell("th", "Growth (since last 15 days)")); table.appendChild(tableHeaderRow); const tableBody = document.createElement("tbody"); for (let i = 0; i < recentFlakePercentage.length; i++) { const {testName, flakeRate} = recentFlakePercentage[i]; const row = document.createElement("tr"); row.appendChild(createCell("td", "" + (i + 1))).style.textAlign = "center"; row.appendChild(createCell("td", `${testName}`)); row.appendChild(createCell("td", `${flakeRate.toFixed(2)}%`)).style.textAlign = "right"; const growth = previousFlakePercentageMap.has(testName) ? flakeRate - previousFlakePercentageMap.get(testName) : 0; row.appendChild(createCell("td", ` 0 ? "red" : "green")}">${growth > 0 ? '+' + growth.toFixed(2) : growth.toFixed(2)}%`)); tableBody.appendChild(row); } table.appendChild(tableBody); new Tablesort(table); return table; } function displayEnvironmentChart(testData, environmentName) { // Number of days to use to look for "flaky-est" tests. const dateRange = 15; // Number of tests to display in chart. const topFlakes = 10; testData = testData // Filter to only contain unskipped runs of the requested environment. .filter(test => test.environment === environmentName && test.status !== testStatus.SKIPPED); const testRuns = testData .groupBy(test => test.name); const aggregatedRuns = new Map(testRuns.map(test => [ test[0].name, new Map(aggregateRuns(test) .map(runDate => [ runDate.date.getTime(), runDate ]))])); const uniqueDates = new Set(); for (const [_, runDateMap] of aggregatedRuns) { for (const [dateTime, _] of runDateMap) { uniqueDates.add(dateTime); } } const orderedDates = Array.from(uniqueDates).sort(); const recentDates = orderedDates.slice(-dateRange); const previousDates = orderedDates.slice(-2 * dateRange, -dateRange); const computeFlakePercentage = (runs, dates) => Array.from(runs).map(([testName, data]) => { const {flakeCount, totalCount} = dates.map(date => { const dateInfo = data.get(date); return dateInfo === undefined ? null : { flakeRate: dateInfo.flakeRate, runs: dateInfo.commitHashes.length }; }).filter(dateInfo => dateInfo != null) .reduce(({flakeCount, totalCount}, {flakeRate, runs}) => ({ flakeCount: flakeRate * runs + flakeCount, totalCount: runs + totalCount }), {flakeCount: 0, totalCount: 0}); return { testName, flakeRate: totalCount === 0 ? 0 : flakeCount / totalCount, }; }); const recentFlakePercentage = computeFlakePercentage(aggregatedRuns, recentDates) .sort((a, b) => b.flakeRate - a.flakeRate); const previousFlakePercentageMap = new Map( computeFlakePercentage(aggregatedRuns, previousDates) .map(({testName, flakeRate}) => [testName, flakeRate])); const recentTopFlakes = recentFlakePercentage .slice(0, topFlakes) .map(({testName}) => testName); const chartsContainer = document.getElementById('chart_div'); { const data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); for (const name of recentTopFlakes) { data.addColumn('number', `Flake Percentage - ${name}`); data.addColumn({ type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', 'p': { 'html': true } }); } data.addRows( orderedDates.map(dateTime => [new Date(dateTime)].concat(recentTopFlakes.map(name => { const data = aggregatedRuns.get(name).get(dateTime); return data !== undefined ? [ data.flakeRate, `
Flake Percentage: ${data.flakeRate.toFixed(2)}%
${data.commitHashes.map(({ hash, failures, runs }) => ` - ${hash} (Failures: ${failures}/${runs})`).join("
` ] : [null, null]; })).flat()) ); const options = { title: `Flake rate by day of top ${topFlakes} of recent test flakiness (past ${dateRange} days) on ${environmentName}`, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, pointSize: 10, pointShape: "circle", vAxes: { 0: { title: "Flake rate", minValue: 0, maxValue: 100 }, }, tooltip: { trigger: "selection", isHtml: true } }; const flakeRateContainer = document.createElement("div"); flakeRateContainer.style.width = "100vw"; flakeRateContainer.style.height = "100vh"; chartsContainer.appendChild(flakeRateContainer); const chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(flakeRateContainer); chart.draw(data, options); } { const data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); for (const name of recentTopFlakes) { data.addColumn('number', `Duration - ${name}`); data.addColumn({ type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', 'p': { 'html': true } }); } data.addRows( orderedDates.map(dateTime => [new Date(dateTime)].concat(recentTopFlakes.map(name => { const data = aggregatedRuns.get(name).get(dateTime); return data !== undefined ? [ data.duration, `
Average Duration: ${data.duration.toFixed(2)}s
${data.commitHashes.map(({ hash, duration, runs }) => ` - ${hash} (Average Duration: ${duration.toFixed(2)}s [${runs} runs])`).join("
` ] : [null, null]; })).flat()) ); const options = { title: `Average duration by day of top ${topFlakes} of recent test flakiness (past ${dateRange} days) on ${environmentName}`, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, pointSize: 10, pointShape: "circle", vAxes: { 0: { title: "Average Duration (s)" }, }, tooltip: { trigger: "selection", isHtml: true } }; const durationContainer = document.createElement("div"); durationContainer.style.width = "100vw"; durationContainer.style.height = "100vh"; chartsContainer.appendChild(durationContainer); const chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(durationContainer); chart.draw(data, options); } { // Group test runs by their date, then by their commit, and finally by test names. const testCountData = testData // Group by date. .groupBy(run => run.date.getTime()) .map(runDate => ({ date: runDate[0].date, commits: runDate // Group by commit .groupBy(run => run.commit) .map(commitRuns => commitRuns // Group by test name. .groupBy(commitRun => commitRun.name) // Consolidate tests of a single name into a single object. .reduce((accum, commitTestRuns) => ({ commit: commitTestRuns[0].commit, // The total number of times any test ran. sumTestCount: accum.sumTestCount + commitTestRuns.length, // The total number of times any test failed. sumFailCount: accum.sumFailCount + commitTestRuns.filter(run => run.status === testStatus.FAILED).length, // The most number of times any test name ran (this will be a proxy for the number of integration jobs were triggered). maxRunCount: Math.max(accum.maxRunCount, commitTestRuns.length), }), { sumTestCount: 0, sumFailCount: 0, maxRunCount: 0 })) })) .map(dateInfo => ({ ...dateInfo, // Use the commit data of each date to compute the average test count and average fail count for the day. testCount: dateInfo.commits.reduce( (accum, commitInfo) => accum + (commitInfo.sumTestCount / commitInfo.maxRunCount), 0) / dateInfo.commits.length, failCount: dateInfo.commits.reduce( (accum, commitInfo) => accum + (commitInfo.sumFailCount / commitInfo.maxRunCount), 0) / dateInfo.commits.length, })) .sort((a, b) => a.date - b.date); const data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('date', 'Date'); data.addColumn('number', 'Test Count'); data.addColumn({ type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', 'p': { 'html': true } }); data.addColumn('number', 'Failed Tests'); data.addColumn({ type: 'string', role: 'tooltip', 'p': { 'html': true } }); data.addRows( testCountData.map(dateInfo => [ dateInfo.date, dateInfo.testCount, `
Test Count (averaged): ${+dateInfo.testCount.toFixed(2)}
${dateInfo.commits.map(commit => ` - ${commit.commit} (Test count (averaged): ${+(commit.sumTestCount / commit.maxRunCount).toFixed(2)} [${commit.sumTestCount} tests / ${commit.maxRunCount} runs])`).join("
`, dateInfo.failCount, `
Fail Count (averaged): ${+dateInfo.failCount.toFixed(2)}
${dateInfo.commits.map(commit => ` - ${commit.commit} (Fail count (averaged): ${+(commit.sumFailCount / commit.maxRunCount).toFixed(2)} [${commit.sumFailCount} fails / ${commit.maxRunCount} runs])`).join("
`, ])); const options = { title: `Test count by day on ${environmentName}`, width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, pointSize: 10, pointShape: "circle", vAxes: { 0: { title: "Test Count" }, 1: { title: "Failed Tests" }, }, tooltip: { trigger: "selection", isHtml: true } }; const testCountContainer = document.createElement("div"); testCountContainer.style.width = "100vw"; testCountContainer.style.height = "100vh"; chartsContainer.appendChild(testCountContainer); const chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(testCountContainer); chart.draw(data, options); } document.body.appendChild( createRecentFlakePercentageTable( recentFlakePercentage, previousFlakePercentageMap, environmentName)); } async function init() { google.charts.load('current', { 'packages': ['corechart'] }); let testData; try { // Wait for Google Charts to load, and for test data to load. // Only store the test data (at index 1) into `testData`. testData = (await Promise.all([ new Promise(resolve => google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(resolve)), loadTestData() ]))[1]; } catch (err) { displayError(err); return; } const query = parseUrlQuery(window.location.search); const desiredTest = query.test, desiredEnvironment = query.env || ""; if (desiredTest === undefined) { displayEnvironmentChart(testData, desiredEnvironment); } else { displayTestAndEnvironmentChart(testData, desiredTest, desiredEnvironment); } } init();