#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script can take the following env variables # ARGS: args to pass into the make rule # ISO_BUCKET = the bucket location to upload the ISO (e.g. minikube-builds/PR_NUMBER) # ISO_VERSION = the suffix for the iso (i.e. minikube-$(ISO_VERSION).iso) set -x # Make sure gh is installed and configured ./hack/jenkins/installers/check_install_gh.sh # Make sure all required packages are installed sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install build-essential unzip rsync bc python2 p7zip-full if [[ -z $ISO_VERSION ]]; then release=false IV=$(egrep "ISO_VERSION \?=" Makefile | cut -d " " -f 3) now=$(date +%s) export ISO_VERSION=$IV-$now-$ghprbPullId export ISO_BUCKET=minikube-builds/$ghprbPullId else release=true export ISO_VERSION export ISO_BUCKET fi make release-iso # Abort with error message if above command failed ec=$? if [ $ec -gt 0 ]; then if [ "$release" = false ]; then gh pr comment ${ghprbPullId} --body "Hi ${ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention}, building a new ISO failed, please try again." fi exit $ec fi git config user.name "minikube-bot" git config user.email "minikube-bot@google.com" if [ "$release" = false ]; then # Update the user's PR with newly build ISO git remote add ${ghprbPullAuthorLogin} git@github.com:${ghprbPullAuthorLogin}/minikube.git git fetch ${ghprbPullAuthorLogin} git checkout -b ${ghprbPullAuthorLogin}-${ghprbSourceBranch} ${ghprbPullAuthorLogin}/${ghprbSourceBranch} sed -i "s/ISO_VERSION ?= .*/ISO_VERSION ?= ${ISO_VERSION}/" Makefile sed -i "s|isoBucket := .*|isoBucket := \"${ISO_BUCKET}\"|" pkg/minikube/download/iso.go make generate-docs git add Makefile pkg/minikube/download/iso.go site/content/en/docs/commands/start.md git commit -m "Updating ISO to ${ISO_VERSION}" git push ${ghprbPullAuthorLogin} HEAD:${ghprbSourceBranch} message="Hi ${ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention}, we have updated your PR with the reference to newly built ISO. Pull the changes locally if you want to test with them or update your PR further." if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then message="Hi ${ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention}, we failed to push the reference to the ISO to your PR. Please run the following command and push manually. sed -i 's/ISO_VERSION ?= .*/ISO_VERSION ?= ${ISO_VERSION}/' Makefile; sed -i 's|isoBucket := .*|isoBucket := "${ISO_BUCKET}"|' pkg/minikube/download/iso.go; make generate-docs; " fi gh pr comment ${ghprbPullId} --body "${message}" else # Release! branch=iso-release-${KIC_VERSION} git checkout -b ${branch} sed -i "s/ISO_VERSION ?= .*/ISO_VERSION ?= ${ISO_VERSION}/" Makefile sed -i "s|isoBucket := .*|isoBucket := \"${ISO_BUCKET}\"|" pkg/minikube/download/iso.go make generate-docs git add Makefile pkg/minikube/download/iso.go site/content/en/docs/commands/start.md git commit -m "Update ISO to ${ISO_VERSION}" git remote add minikube-bot git@github.com:minikube-bot/minikube.git git push -f minikube-bot ${branch} gh pr create --fill --base master --head minikube-bot:${branch} fi