#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script builds all the minikube binary for all 3 platforms as well as Windows-installer and .deb # This is intended to be run on a new release tag in order to build/upload the required files for a release # The script expects the following env variables: # VERSION_MAJOR: The major version of the tag to be released. # VERSION_MINOR: The minor version of the tag to be released. # VERSION_BUILD: The build version of the tag to be released. # BUCKET: The GCP bucket the build files should be uploaded to. # GITHUB_TOKEN: The Github API access token. Injected by the Jenkins credential provider. set -eux -o pipefail readonly VERSION="${VERSION_MAJOR}.${VERSION_MINOR}.${VERSION_BUILD}" readonly DEB_VERSION="${VERSION/-/\~}" readonly DEB_REVISION="0" readonly RPM_VERSION="${DEB_VERSION}" readonly RPM_REVISION="0" readonly TAGNAME="v${VERSION}" # Make sure the tag matches the Makefile grep -E "^VERSION_MAJOR \\?=" Makefile | grep "${VERSION_MAJOR}" grep -E "^VERSION_MINOR \\?=" Makefile | grep "${VERSION_MINOR}" grep -E "^VERSION_BUILD \\?=" Makefile | grep "${VERSION_BUILD}" # Force go packages to the Jekins home directory export GOPATH=$HOME/go # Verify ISO exists echo "Verifying ISO exists ..." make verify-iso # Build and upload env BUILD_IN_DOCKER=y \ make -j 16 \ all \ out/minikube-linux-arm64 \ out/minikube-linux-arm64.tar.gz \ out/minikube-darwin-arm64 \ out/minikube-darwin-arm64.tar.gz \ out/minikube-installer.exe \ "out/minikube_${DEB_VERSION}-${DEB_REVISION}_amd64.deb" \ "out/minikube_${DEB_VERSION}-${DEB_REVISION}_arm64.deb" \ "out/minikube_${DEB_VERSION}-${DEB_REVISION}_armhf.deb" \ "out/minikube_${DEB_VERSION}-${DEB_REVISION}_ppc64el.deb" \ "out/minikube_${DEB_VERSION}-${DEB_REVISION}_s390x.deb" \ "out/minikube-${RPM_VERSION}-${RPM_REVISION}.x86_64.rpm" \ "out/minikube-${RPM_VERSION}-${RPM_REVISION}.aarch64.rpm" \ "out/minikube-${RPM_VERSION}-${RPM_REVISION}.armv7hl.rpm" \ "out/minikube-${RPM_VERSION}-${RPM_REVISION}.ppc64le.rpm" \ "out/minikube-${RPM_VERSION}-${RPM_REVISION}.s390x.rpm" \ "out/docker-machine-driver-kvm2_${DEB_VERSION}-${DEB_REVISION}_amd64.deb" \ "out/docker-machine-driver-kvm2_${DEB_VERSION}-${DEB_REVISION}_arm64.deb" \ "out/docker-machine-driver-kvm2-${RPM_VERSION}-${RPM_REVISION}.x86_64.rpm" # check if 'commit: ' line contains '-dirty' commit suffix BUILT_VERSION=$("out/minikube-$(go env GOOS)-$(go env GOARCH)" version) echo ${BUILT_VERSION} COMMIT=$(echo ${BUILT_VERSION} | grep 'commit:' | awk '{print $2}') if (echo ${COMMIT} | grep -q dirty); then echo "'minikube version' reports dirty commit: ${COMMIT}" exit 1 fi # Don't upload temporary copies, avoid unused duplicate files in the release storage rm -f out/minikube-linux-x86_64 rm -f out/minikube-linux-i686 rm -f out/minikube-linux-aarch64 rm -f out/minikube-linux-armhf rm -f out/minikube-linux-armv7hl rm -f out/minikube-linux-ppc64el rm -f out/minikube-windows-amd64 make checksum # unversioned names to avoid updating upstream Kubernetes documentation each release cp "out/minikube_${DEB_VERSION}-0_amd64.deb" out/minikube_latest_amd64.deb cp "out/minikube_${DEB_VERSION}-0_arm64.deb" out/minikube_latest_arm64.deb cp "out/minikube-${RPM_VERSION}-0.x86_64.rpm" out/minikube-latest.x86_64.rpm cp "out/minikube-${RPM_VERSION}-0.aarch64.rpm" out/minikube-latest.aarch64.rpm gsutil -m cp out/* "gs://$BUCKET/releases/$TAGNAME/" # Update "latest" release for non-beta/non-alpha builds if ! [[ ${VERSION_BUILD} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "NOTE: ${VERSION} appears to be a non-standard release, not updating /releases/latest" exit 0 fi #echo "Updating Docker images ..." #make push-gvisor-addon-image push-storage-provisioner-manifest echo "Updating latest bucket for ${VERSION} release ..." gsutil cp -r "gs://${BUCKET}/releases/${TAGNAME}/*" "gs://${BUCKET}/releases/latest/"