# Your inspiring proposal title * First proposed: * Authors: $full_name (@github-handle), $full_name2 (@github_handle2) ## Reviewer Priorities Please review this proposal with the following priorities: * Does this fit with minikube's [principles](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/concepts/principles/)? * Are there other approaches to consider? * Could the implementation be made simpler? * Are there usability, reliability, or technical debt concerns? Please leave the above text in your proposal as instructions to the reader. ## Summary _(1 paragraph) What are you proposing, and why is it important to users and/or developers?_ ## Goals * _A bulleted list of specific goals for this proposal_ * _How will we know that this proposal has succeeded?_ ## Non-Goals * _A bulleted list of what is out of scope for this proposal_ * _Listing non-goals helps to focus the discussion_ ## Design Details _(2+ paragraphs) A short overview of your implementation idea, containing only as much detail as required to convey your idea._ _If you have multiple ideas, list them concisely._ _Include a testing plan to ensure that your enhancement is not broken by future changes._ ## Alternatives Considered _Alternative ideas that you are leaning against._