//go:build integration
// +build integration

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package integration

import (


// TestInsufficientStorage makes sure minikube status displays the correct info if there is insufficient disk space on the machine
func TestInsufficientStorage(t *testing.T) {
	if !KicDriver() {
		t.Skip("only runs with docker driver")
	profile := UniqueProfileName("insufficient-storage")
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), Minutes(5))
	defer Cleanup(t, profile, cancel)

	startArgs := []string{"start", "-p", profile, "--memory=2048", "--output=json", "--wait=true"}
	startArgs = append(startArgs, StartArgs()...)
	c := exec.CommandContext(ctx, Target(), startArgs...)
	// artificially set /var to 100% capacity
	c.Env = append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("%s=100", constants.TestDiskUsedEnv))

	rr, err := Run(t, c)
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected command to fail, but it succeeded: %v\n%v", rr.Command(), err)

	// make sure 'minikube status' has correct output
	stdout := runStatusCmd(ctx, t, profile, true)
	verifyClusterState(t, stdout)

	// try deleting events.json and make sure this still works
	eventsFile := path.Join(localpath.MiniPath(), "profiles", profile, "events.json")
	if err := os.Remove(eventsFile); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("removing %s", eventsFile)
	stdout = runStatusCmd(ctx, t, profile, true)
	verifyClusterState(t, stdout)

// runStatusCmd runs the status command and returns stdout
func runStatusCmd(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, profile string, increaseEnv bool) []byte {
	// make sure minikube status shows insufficient storage
	c := exec.CommandContext(ctx, Target(), "status", "-p", profile, "--output=json", "--layout=cluster")
	// artificially set /var to 100% capacity
	if increaseEnv {
		c.Env = append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("%s=100", constants.TestDiskUsedEnv))
	rr, err := Run(t, c)
	// status exits non-0 if status isn't Running
	if err == nil {
		t.Fatalf("expected command to fail, but it succeeded: %v\n%v", rr.Command(), err)
	return rr.Stdout.Bytes()

func verifyClusterState(t *testing.T, contents []byte) {
	var cs cmd.ClusterState
	if err := json.Unmarshal(contents, &cs); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unmarshalling: %v", err)
	// verify the status looks as we expect
	if cs.StatusCode != cmd.InsufficientStorage {
		t.Fatalf("incorrect status code: %v", cs.StatusCode)
	if cs.StatusName != "InsufficientStorage" {
		t.Fatalf("incorrect status name: %v", cs.StatusName)
	for _, n := range cs.Nodes {
		if n.StatusCode != cmd.InsufficientStorage {
			t.Fatalf("incorrect node status code: %v", cs.StatusCode)