/* Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package update import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io" "os/exec" "regexp" "text/template" "time" "github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4" "k8s.io/klog/v2" ) const ( // FSRoot is a relative (to scripts in subfolders) root folder of local filesystem repo to update FSRoot = "../../../" ) // init klog and check general requirements func init() { klog.InitFlags(nil) if err := flag.Set("logtostderr", "false"); err != nil { klog.Warningf("Unable to set flag value for logtostderr: %v", err) } if err := flag.Set("alsologtostderr", "true"); err != nil { klog.Warningf("Unable to set flag value for alsologtostderr: %v", err) } // used in update_kubeadm_constants.go flag.String("kubernetes-version", "latest", "kubernetes-version") flag.Parse() defer klog.Flush() } // Item defines Content where all occurrences of each Replace map key, // corresponding to GitHub TreeEntry.Path and/or local filesystem repo file path (prefixed with FSRoot), // would be swapped with its respective actual map value (having placeholders replaced with data), creating a concrete update plan. // Replace map keys can use RegExp and map values can use Golang Text Template. type Item struct { Content []byte Replace map[string]string } // apply updates Item Content by replacing all occurrences of Replace map's keys with their actual map values (with placeholders replaced with data). func (i *Item) apply(data interface{}) error { if i.Content == nil { return fmt.Errorf("unable to update content: nothing to update") } str := string(i.Content) for src, dst := range i.Replace { out, err := ParseTmpl(dst, data, "") if err != nil { return err } re := regexp.MustCompile(src) str = re.ReplaceAllString(str, out) } i.Content = []byte(str) return nil } // Apply applies concrete update plan (schema + data) to local filesystem repo func Apply(schema map[string]Item, data interface{}) { schema, pretty, err := GetPlan(schema, data) if err != nil { klog.Fatalf("Unable to parse schema: %v\n%s", err, pretty) } klog.Infof("The Plan:\n%s", pretty) changed, err := fsUpdate(FSRoot, schema, data) if err != nil { klog.Errorf("Unable to update local repo: %v", err) } else if !changed { klog.Infof("Local repo update skipped: nothing changed") } else { klog.Infof("Local repo successfully updated") } } // GetPlan returns concrete plan replacing placeholders in schema with actual data values, returns JSON-formatted representation of the plan and any error occurred. func GetPlan(schema map[string]Item, data interface{}) (plan map[string]Item, prettyprint string, err error) { plan = make(map[string]Item) for p, item := range schema { path, err := ParseTmpl(p, data, "") if err != nil { return plan, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", schema), err } plan[path] = item } for _, item := range plan { for src, dst := range item.Replace { out, err := ParseTmpl(dst, data, "") if err != nil { return plan, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", schema), err } item.Replace[src] = out } } str, err := json.MarshalIndent(plan, "", " ") if err != nil { return plan, fmt.Sprintf("%+v", schema), err } return plan, string(str), nil } // RunWithRetryNotify runs command cmd with stdin using exponential backoff for maxTime duration // up to maxRetries (negative values will make it ignored), // notifies about any intermediary errors and return any final error. // similar to pkg/util/retry/retry.go:Expo(), just for commands with params and also with context func RunWithRetryNotify(ctx context.Context, cmd *exec.Cmd, stdin io.Reader, maxTime time.Duration, maxRetries uint64) error { be := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff() be.Multiplier = 2 be.MaxElapsedTime = maxTime bm := backoff.WithMaxRetries(be, maxRetries) bc := backoff.WithContext(bm, ctx) notify := func(err error, wait time.Duration) { klog.Errorf("Temporary error running '%s' (will retry in %s): %v", cmd.String(), wait, err) } return backoff.RetryNotify(func() error { cmd.Stdin = stdin var stderr bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &stderr if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { time.Sleep(be.NextBackOff().Round(1 * time.Second)) return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", err, stderr.String()) } return nil }, bc, notify) } // Run runs command cmd with stdin func Run(cmd *exec.Cmd, stdin io.Reader) error { cmd.Stdin = stdin var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stderr = &out if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", err, out.String()) } return nil } // ParseTmpl replaces placeholders in text with actual data values func ParseTmpl(text string, data interface{}, name string) (string, error) { tmpl := template.Must(template.New(name).Parse(text)) buf := new(bytes.Buffer) if err := tmpl.Execute(buf, data); err != nil { return "", err } return buf.String(), nil }