#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script downloads the test files from the build bucket and makes some executable. # The script expects the following env variables: # OS_ARCH: The operating system and the architecture separated by a hyphen '-' (e.g. darwin-amd64, linux-amd64, windows-amd64) # VM_DRIVER: the driver to use for the test # EXTRA_START_ARGS: additional flags to pass into minikube start # EXTRA_TEST_ARGS: additional flags to pass into go test # JOB_NAME: the name of the logfile and check name to update on github readonly TEST_ROOT="${HOME}/minikube-integration" readonly TEST_HOME="${TEST_ROOT}/${OS_ARCH}-${VM_DRIVER}-${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}-$$-${COMMIT}" export GOPATH="$HOME/go" export KUBECONFIG="${TEST_HOME}/kubeconfig" export PATH=$PATH:"/usr/local/bin/:/usr/local/go/bin/:$GOPATH/bin" if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then # install lsof for finding none driver procs, psmisc to use pstree in cronjobs sudo apt-get -y install lsof psmisc fi # installing golang so we could do go get for gopogh sudo ./installers/check_install_golang.sh "1.15.5" "/usr/local" || true # install docker and kubectl if not present sudo ./installers/check_install_docker.sh docker rm -f -v $(docker ps -aq) >/dev/null 2>&1 || true docker volume prune -f || true docker system df || true echo ">> Starting at $(date)" echo "" echo "arch: ${OS_ARCH}" echo "build: ${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}" echo "driver: ${VM_DRIVER}" echo "job: ${JOB_NAME}" echo "test home: ${TEST_HOME}" echo "sudo: ${SUDO_PREFIX}" echo "kernel: $(uname -v)" echo "uptime: $(uptime)" # Setting KUBECONFIG prevents the version check from erroring out due to permission issues echo "kubectl: $(env KUBECONFIG=${TEST_HOME} kubectl version --client --short=true)" echo "docker: $(docker version --format '{{ .Client.Version }}')" echo "podman: $(sudo podman version --format '{{.Version}}' || true)" echo "go: $(go version || true)" case "${VM_DRIVER}" in kvm2) echo "virsh: $(virsh --version)" ;; virtualbox) echo "vbox: $(vboxmanage --version)" ;; esac echo "" mkdir -p out/ testdata/ # Install gsutil if necessary. if ! type -P gsutil >/dev/null; then if [[ ! -x "out/gsutil/gsutil" ]]; then echo "Installing gsutil to $(pwd)/out ..." curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/pub/gsutil.tar.gz | tar -C out/ -zxf - fi PATH="$(pwd)/out/gsutil:$PATH" fi # Add the out/ directory to the PATH, for using new drivers. PATH="$(pwd)/out/":$PATH export PATH echo "" echo ">> Downloading test inputs from ${MINIKUBE_LOCATION} ..." gsutil -qm cp \ "gs://minikube-builds/${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}/minikube-${OS_ARCH}" \ "gs://minikube-builds/${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}/docker-machine-driver"-* \ "gs://minikube-builds/${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}/e2e-${OS_ARCH}" out gsutil -qm cp -r "gs://minikube-builds/${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}/testdata"/* testdata/ gsutil -qm cp "gs://minikube-builds/${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}/gvisor-addon" testdata/ # Set the executable bit on the e2e binary and out binary export MINIKUBE_BIN="out/minikube-${OS_ARCH}" export E2E_BIN="out/e2e-${OS_ARCH}" chmod +x "${MINIKUBE_BIN}" "${E2E_BIN}" out/docker-machine-driver-* "${MINIKUBE_BIN}" version procs=$(pgrep "minikube-${OS_ARCH}|e2e-${OS_ARCH}" || true) if [[ "${procs}" != "" ]]; then echo "Warning: found stale test processes to kill:" ps -f -p ${procs} || true kill ${procs} || true kill -9 ${procs} || true fi # Quickly notice misconfigured test roots mkdir -p "${TEST_ROOT}" # Cleanup stale test outputs. echo "" echo ">> Cleaning up after previous test runs ..." for entry in $(ls ${TEST_ROOT}); do test_path="${TEST_ROOT}/${entry}" ls -lad "${test_path}" || continue echo "* Cleaning stale test path: ${test_path}" for tunnel in $(find ${test_path} -name tunnels.json -type f); do env MINIKUBE_HOME="$(dirname ${tunnel})" ${MINIKUBE_BIN} tunnel --cleanup || true done for home in $(find ${test_path} -name .minikube -type d); do env MINIKUBE_HOME="$(dirname ${home})" ${MINIKUBE_BIN} delete --all || true sudo rm -Rf "${home}" done for kconfig in $(find ${test_path} -name kubeconfig -type f); do sudo rm -f "${kconfig}" done # Be very specific to avoid accidentally deleting other items, like wildcards or devices if [[ -d "${test_path}" ]]; then rm -Rf "${test_path}" || true elif [[ -f "${test_path}" ]]; then rm -f "${test_path}" || true fi done # sometimes tests left over zombie procs that won't exit # for example: # jenkins 20041 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z Aug19 0:00 [minikube-linux-] zombie_defuncts=$(ps -A -ostat,ppid | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[$2]++ {print $2}') if [[ "${zombie_defuncts}" != "" ]]; then echo "Found zombie defunct procs to kill..." ps -f -p ${zombie_defuncts} || true kill ${zombie_defuncts} || true fi if type -P virsh; then virsh -c qemu:///system list --all --uuid \ | xargs -I {} sh -c "virsh -c qemu:///system destroy {}; virsh -c qemu:///system undefine {}" \ || true echo ">> virsh VM list after clean up (should be empty):" virsh -c qemu:///system list --all || true fi if type -P vboxmanage; then killall VBoxHeadless || true sleep 1 killall -9 VBoxHeadless || true for guid in $(vboxmanage list vms | grep -Eo '\{[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\}'); do echo "- Removing stale VirtualBox VM: $guid" vboxmanage startvm "${guid}" --type emergencystop || true vboxmanage unregistervm "${guid}" || true done ifaces=$(vboxmanage list hostonlyifs | grep -E "^Name:" | awk '{ print $2 }') for if in $ifaces; do vboxmanage hostonlyif remove "${if}" || true done echo ">> VirtualBox VM list after clean up (should be empty):" vboxmanage list vms || true echo ">> VirtualBox interface list after clean up (should be empty):" vboxmanage list hostonlyifs || true fi if type -P hdiutil; then hdiutil info | grep -E "/dev/disk[1-9][^s]" || true hdiutil info \ | grep -E "/dev/disk[1-9][^s]" \ | awk '{print $1}' \ | xargs -I {} sh -c "hdiutil detach {}" \ || true fi # cleaning up stale hyperkits if type -P hyperkit; then for pid in $(pgrep hyperkit); do echo "Killing stale hyperkit $pid" ps -f -p $pid || true kill $pid || true kill -9 $pid || true done fi if [[ "${VM_DRIVER}" == "hyperkit" ]]; then if [[ -e out/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit ]]; then sudo chown root:wheel out/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit || true sudo chmod u+s out/docker-machine-driver-hyperkit || true fi fi kprocs=$(pgrep kubectl || true) if [[ "${kprocs}" != "" ]]; then echo "error: killing hung kubectl processes ..." ps -f -p ${kprocs} || true sudo -E kill ${kprocs} || true fi # clean up none drivers binding on 8443 none_procs=$(sudo lsof -i :8443 | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $2}' || true) if [[ "${none_procs}" != "" ]]; then echo "Found stale api servers listening on 8443 processes to kill: " for p in $none_procs do echo "Kiling stale none driver: $p" sudo -E ps -f -p $p || true sudo -E kill $p || true sudo -E kill -9 $p || true done fi function cleanup_stale_routes() { local show="netstat -rn -f inet" local del="sudo route -n delete" if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then show="ip route show" del="sudo ip route delete" fi local troutes=$($show | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep || true) for route in ${troutes}; do echo "WARNING: deleting stale tunnel route: ${route}" $del "${route}" || true done } cleanup_stale_routes || true mkdir -p "${TEST_HOME}" export MINIKUBE_HOME="${TEST_HOME}/.minikube" # Build the gvisor image so that we can integration test changes to pkg/gvisor chmod +x ./testdata/gvisor-addon # skipping gvisor mac because ofg https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/5137 if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then # Should match GVISOR_IMAGE_VERSION in Makefile docker build -t gcr.io/k8s-minikube/gvisor-addon:2 -f testdata/gvisor-addon-Dockerfile ./testdata fi readonly LOAD=$(uptime | egrep -o "load average.*: [0-9]+" | cut -d" " -f3) if [[ "${LOAD}" -gt 2 ]]; then echo "" echo "********************** LOAD WARNING ********************************" echo "Load average is very high (${LOAD}), which may cause failures. Top:" if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then # Two samples, macOS does not calculate CPU usage on the first one top -l 2 -o cpu -n 5 | tail -n 15 else top -b -n1 | head -n 15 fi echo "********************** LOAD WARNING ********************************" echo "Sleeping 30s to see if load goes down ...." sleep 30 uptime fi readonly TEST_OUT="${TEST_HOME}/testout.txt" readonly JSON_OUT="${TEST_HOME}/test.json" readonly HTML_OUT="${TEST_HOME}/test.html" e2e_start_time="$(date -u +%s)" echo "" echo ">> Starting ${E2E_BIN} at $(date)" set -x if test -f "${TEST_OUT}"; then rm "${TEST_OUT}" || true # clean up previous runs of same build fi touch "${TEST_OUT}" ${SUDO_PREFIX}${E2E_BIN} \ -minikube-start-args="--driver=${VM_DRIVER} ${EXTRA_START_ARGS}" \ -test.timeout=70m -test.v \ ${EXTRA_TEST_ARGS} \ -binary="${MINIKUBE_BIN}" 2>&1 | tee "${TEST_OUT}" result=${PIPESTATUS[0]} # capture the exit code of the first cmd in pipe. set +x echo ">> ${E2E_BIN} exited with ${result} at $(date)" echo "" if [[ $result -eq 0 ]]; then status="success" echo "minikube: SUCCESS" else status="failure" echo "minikube: FAIL" fi ## caclucate the time took to finish running e2e binary test. e2e_end_time="$(date -u +%s)" elapsed=$(($e2e_end_time-$e2e_start_time)) min=$(($elapsed/60)) sec=$(tail -c 3 <<< $((${elapsed}00/60))) elapsed=$min.$sec SHORT_COMMIT=${COMMIT:0:7} JOB_GCS_BUCKET="minikube-builds/logs/${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}/${SHORT_COMMIT}/${JOB_NAME}" echo ">> Copying ${TEST_OUT} to gs://${JOB_GCS_BUCKET}out.txt" gsutil -qm cp "${TEST_OUT}" "gs://${JOB_GCS_BUCKET}out.txt" echo ">> Attmpting to convert test logs to json" if test -f "${JSON_OUT}"; then rm "${JSON_OUT}" || true # clean up previous runs of same build fi touch "${JSON_OUT}" # Generate JSON output echo ">> Running go test2json" go tool test2json -t < "${TEST_OUT}" > "${JSON_OUT}" || true if ! type "jq" > /dev/null; then echo ">> Installing jq" if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then curl -LO https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.6/jq-linux64 && sudo install jq-linux64 /usr/local/bin/jq else curl -LO https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.6/jq-osx-amd64 && sudo install jq-osx-amd64 /usr/local/bin/jq fi fi echo ">> Installing gopogh" if [ "$(uname)" != "Darwin" ]; then curl -LO https://github.com/medyagh/gopogh/releases/download/v0.3.0/gopogh-linux-amd64 && sudo install gopogh-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/gopogh else curl -LO https://github.com/medyagh/gopogh/releases/download/v0.3.0/gopogh-darwin-amd64 && sudo install gopogh-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/gopogh fi echo ">> Running gopogh" if test -f "${HTML_OUT}"; then rm "${HTML_OUT}" || true # clean up previous runs of same build fi touch "${HTML_OUT}" gopogh_status=$(gopogh -in "${JSON_OUT}" -out "${HTML_OUT}" -name "${JOB_NAME}" -pr "${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}" -repo github.com/kubernetes/minikube/ -details "${COMMIT}") || true fail_num=$(echo $gopogh_status | jq '.NumberOfFail') test_num=$(echo $gopogh_status | jq '.NumberOfTests') pessimistic_status="${fail_num} / ${test_num} failures" description="completed with ${status} in ${elapsed} minute(s)." if [ "$status" = "failure" ]; then description="completed with ${pessimistic_status} in ${elapsed} minute(s)." fi echo $description echo ">> uploading ${JSON_OUT}" gsutil -qm cp "${JSON_OUT}" "gs://${JOB_GCS_BUCKET}.json" || true echo ">> uploading ${HTML_OUT}" gsutil -qm cp "${HTML_OUT}" "gs://${JOB_GCS_BUCKET}.html" || true public_log_url="https://storage.googleapis.com/${JOB_GCS_BUCKET}.txt" if grep -q html "$HTML_OUT"; then public_log_url="https://storage.googleapis.com/${JOB_GCS_BUCKET}.html" fi echo ">> Cleaning up after ourselves ..." ${SUDO_PREFIX}${MINIKUBE_BIN} tunnel --cleanup || true ${SUDO_PREFIX}${MINIKUBE_BIN} delete --all --purge >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true cleanup_stale_routes || true ${SUDO_PREFIX} rm -Rf "${MINIKUBE_HOME}" || true ${SUDO_PREFIX} rm -f "${KUBECONFIG}" || true ${SUDO_PREFIX} rm -f "${TEST_OUT}" || true ${SUDO_PREFIX} rm -f "${JSON_OUT}" || true ${SUDO_PREFIX} rm -f "${HTML_OUT}" || true rmdir "${TEST_HOME}" || true echo ">> ${TEST_HOME} completed at $(date)" if [[ "${MINIKUBE_LOCATION}" == "master" ]]; then exit $result fi # retry_github_status provides reliable github status updates function retry_github_status() { local commit=$1 local context=$2 local state=$3 local token=$4 local target=$5 local desc=$6 # Retry in case we hit our GitHub API quota or fail other ways. local attempt=0 local timeout=2 local code=-1 while [[ "${attempt}" -lt 8 ]]; do local out=$(mktemp) code=$(curl -o "${out}" -s --write-out "%{http_code}" -L \ "https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/minikube/statuses/${commit}?access_token=${token}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST \ -d "{\"state\": \"${state}\", \"description\": \"Jenkins: ${desc}\", \"target_url\": \"${target}\", \"context\": \"${context}\"}" || echo 999) # 2xx HTTP codes if [[ "${code}" =~ ^2 ]]; then break fi cat "${out}" && rm -f "${out}" echo "HTTP code ${code}! Retrying in ${timeout} .." sleep "${timeout}" attempt=$(( attempt + 1 )) timeout=$(( timeout * 5 )) done } retry_github_status "${COMMIT}" "${JOB_NAME}" "${status}" "${access_token}" "${public_log_url}" "${description}" exit $result