The delete mechanism called by the --kill flag logic
inside the minikube mount command, relies on a .mount-process file
inside the .minikube dotfolder in home directory.
For this to work, the mount should've been instantiated
by some mechanism that also creates the file; like
To just add the local.WriteFile() logic from configureMounts()
is not enough for the usecase in #15778:
user's consequent "minikube mount" calls would break the cleaning
logic, since the file's content gets overwritten at each new call.
So on subsequent minikube mounts, a call to "minikube mount
--kill=true" would remove just the last pid, leaving the other
mounts unaltered, and no trace of them in any place...(leak?)
For the same mechanism to work here,
we should rely on some local.AppendFile() function, to add
separated pids consequently.
This way only "minikube mount" would use this new append logic,
leaving unaltered the other functions.
We now have a new behaviour for the .mount-process file,
in order to address this, we should modify the delete logic from
cmd/minikube/cmd/delete.go -- killProcess(),
so that we can both kill a single pid, as well as multiple
space-separated pids in the same way.
Ah yes..
we're slightly modifying the "minikube mount" RunE anon function,
in order to write the pid into the .mount-process file;
as well as modifying cluster.Mount()'s signature to accept the pid.
That should be more than safe, since cluster.Mount() is used only here