* Inconsistencies between godeps and vendor
* Update spf13/cobra to 9c28e4b
Previous HEAD position was f62e98d... Merge pull request #300 from
HEAD is now at 9c28e4b... Merge pull request #339 from bogem/fixes
* Update spf13/pflag to c7e63cf
Previous HEAD position was 1560c10... Bump Go versions in Travis config
HEAD is now at c7e63cf... Merge pull request #93 from bogem/flagStrings
* Update spf13/viper to ed0a967
Previous HEAD position was 382f87b... Remove expensive TRACE logging
HEAD is now at ed0a967... Fix retrieval of pflag stringSlice (#240)
* Update docker/machine to 91e368
go run cli/main.go start will bring up a VM with localkube
running and print out instructions on how to use it.
Lots to do still:
- This is not very safe to re-run, but it will attempt to reuse a VM
if it already exists
- Commands for stopping/restarting/deleting