extensions/v1beta1 are deprecated and will not be served with kubernetes 1.16
For Deployment,DaemonSet and StatefulSet the apps/v1 api has been present
since kubernetes 1.9.
See following blog post for details:
When a storage provider is enabled (storage-provisioner-glusterfile),
mark it "is-default" and set "is-default" to "false" in all other
There can only be one StorageClass be marked as default. When the
storage-provisioner-gluster addon is enabled, users expect it to be the
default StorageClass.
Instead of removing the "is-default" annotation from the other
StorageClasses, set it to "false". This leaves only the "glusterfile"
StorageClass as "is-default".
With this addon dynamic provisioning based on Gluster can be enabled:
$ minikube addons enable storage-provisioner-gluster
This will deploy several pods in a new 'storage-gluster' namespace:
- glusterfs, storage service with a 10GB sparse /srv/fake-disk.img
- heketi, a smart Gluster volume manager
- glusterfile-provisioner, external-storage provisioner
In addition, the StorageClass 'glusterfile' will be created. It is
currently not configured as default StorageClass, so PVCs need to refer
to the new StorageClass.