In the default installation I get the same error:
$ minikube addons open heapster
💣 This addon does not have an endpoint defined for the 'addons open' command.
You can add one by annotating a service with the label
This PR is simply implementing the suggested fix by adding the aforementioned label to the heapster service.
These two lint warnings still remain, after the cleanup:
"exported ... should have comment or be unexported"
"type name will be used as foo.FooBar by other packages,
and that stutters; consider calling this Bar"
To be able to use Kubernetes' IPVS proxy-mode, certain (IP Set) kernel modules
need to be enabled during kernel build time.
Building a new Minikube image with these modules enabled, will allow
others to switch kube-proxy in IPVS mode and experiment with it inside
According to Kernel documentation, support for Transparent Proxying (TPROXY)
requires 2 Netfilter modules to be installed: `xt_TPROXY` and `xt_socket`.
So far, Minikube had only `xt_TPROXY`.
Some users (especially for those in mainland China) may have issue
accessing the default image repository. This patchset allows users
to override the default image repository to a different
repository by specifying --image-repository option in the command
line as a simple workaround. Images will be pulled from the
specified image repository instead of the default ones.
Example (using mirror by Aliyun):
minikube start ...
Should use the proper name for display, even if we use a name more
suitable to naming classes and methods for the implementation...
Also use the --runtime=cri-o when testing, and update the github
repository now that cri-o has graduated from incubator to a sig.