diff --git a/translations/de.json b/translations/de.json index b782c32376..83cbbc3918 100644 --- a/translations/de.json +++ b/translations/de.json @@ -645,6 +645,7 @@ "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "Der KVM Standard-Netzwerk-Name. (Nur kvm2-Treiber)", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "Der KVM Treiber ist nicht in der Lage die alte VM erneut zu starten. Bitte starte 'minikube delete' um die VM zu löschen udn versuche es erneut.", "The KVM network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "Der KVM-Netzwerkname. (Nur kvm2-Treiber)", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "Der VM Treiber ist abgestürzt. Starte 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' um die Fehlermeldung des VM Treibers zu sehen", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "Der VM Treiber wurde mit Fehler beendet und ist möglicherweise defekt. Führe 'minikube start' mit --alsologtostderr -v=8 aus um den Fehler zu sehen", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "Die VM, für welche Minikube konfiguriert wurde, existiert nicht mehr. Führe 'minikube delete' aus", diff --git a/translations/es.json b/translations/es.json index cdcffc3cc4..17f83cb4ab 100644 --- a/translations/es.json +++ b/translations/es.json @@ -650,6 +650,7 @@ "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "", "The KVM network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "El nombre de la red de KVM (solo con el controlador de kvm2).", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "", diff --git a/translations/fr.json b/translations/fr.json index 53eb921644..8f96ac42b4 100644 --- a/translations/fr.json +++ b/translations/fr.json @@ -626,6 +626,7 @@ "The KVM QEMU connection URI. (kvm2 driver only)": "URI de connexion QEMU de la KVM (pilote kvm2 uniquement).", "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "Le nom de réseau par défaut de KVM. (pilote kvm2 uniquement)", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "Le pilote KVM est incapable de ressusciter cette ancienne VM. Veuillez exécuter `minikube delete` pour la supprimer et réessayer.", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "Le pilote VM s'est écrasé. Exécutez 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' pour voir le message d'erreur du pilote VM", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "Le pilote VM s'est terminé avec une erreur et est peut-être corrompu. Exécutez 'minikube start' avec --alsologtostderr -v=8 pour voir l'erreur", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "La machine virtuelle pour laquelle minikube est configuré n'existe plus. Exécutez 'minikube delete'", diff --git a/translations/ja.json b/translations/ja.json index 806a7a7605..2c9197d3d5 100644 --- a/translations/ja.json +++ b/translations/ja.json @@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "KVM デフォルトネットワーク名 (kvm2 ドライバーのみ)", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "KVM ドライバーはこの古い VM を復元できません。`minikube delete` で VM を削除して、再度試行してください。", "The KVM network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "KVM ネットワーク名 (kvm2 ドライバーのみ)", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "VM ドライバーがクラッシュしました。'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' を実行して、VM ドライバーのエラーメッセージを参照してください", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "VM ドライバーがエラー停止したため、破損している可能性があります。'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' を実行して、エラーを参照してください", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "minikube が設定された VM はもう存在しません。'minikube delete' を実行してください", diff --git a/translations/ko.json b/translations/ko.json index acc9d13afa..46004731ea 100644 --- a/translations/ko.json +++ b/translations/ko.json @@ -662,6 +662,7 @@ "The KVM QEMU connection URI. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "", diff --git a/translations/pl.json b/translations/pl.json index 78a3d7fa6e..bdba6947ab 100644 --- a/translations/pl.json +++ b/translations/pl.json @@ -664,6 +664,7 @@ "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "", "The KVM network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "Nazwa sieci KVM. (wspierane tylko przez kvm2)", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "", diff --git a/translations/ru.json b/translations/ru.json index b8c9e585d3..dddfc77e3e 100644 --- a/translations/ru.json +++ b/translations/ru.json @@ -605,6 +605,7 @@ "The KVM QEMU connection URI. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "", diff --git a/translations/strings.txt b/translations/strings.txt index 8dd453de3d..fd401e7651 100644 --- a/translations/strings.txt +++ b/translations/strings.txt @@ -605,6 +605,7 @@ "The KVM QEMU connection URI. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "", diff --git a/translations/zh-CN.json b/translations/zh-CN.json index 325f6dda19..665fc5a91f 100644 --- a/translations/zh-CN.json +++ b/translations/zh-CN.json @@ -753,6 +753,7 @@ "The KVM default network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "", "The KVM driver is unable to resurrect this old VM. Please run `minikube delete` to delete it and try again.": "", "The KVM network name. (kvm2 driver only)": "KVM 网络名称。(仅限 kvm2 驱动程序)", + "The OLM addon has stopped working, for more details visit: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/issues/2534": "", "The VM driver crashed. Run 'minikube start --alsologtostderr -v=8' to see the VM driver error message": "", "The VM driver exited with an error, and may be corrupt. Run 'minikube start' with --alsologtostderr -v=8 to see the error": "", "The VM that minikube is configured for no longer exists. Run 'minikube delete'": "",