Restructure code based on PR comments.
* When nil is returned from function just return back * Restructure the output so that it will make more sense for the userpull/5596/head
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package cmd
import (
@ -132,11 +133,11 @@ var (
type kubectlversion struct {
CVersion ClientVersion `json:"clientVersion"`
SVersion ClientVersion `json:"serverVersion"`
CVersion VersionInfo `json:"clientVersion"`
SVersion VersionInfo `json:"serverVersion"`
type ClientVersion struct {
type VersionInfo struct {
Major string `json:"major"`
Minor string `json:"minor"`
GitVersion string `json:"gitVersion"`
@ -491,55 +492,48 @@ func showVersionInfo(k8sVersion string, cr cruntime.Manager) {
Function to check for kubectl. The checking is to compare
the version reported by both the client and server. It is
that kubectl will be of the same version or 1 lower than
the kubernetes version.
the version reported by both the client and server. Checking
is based on what is outlined in Kubernetes document
func showKubectlConnectInfo(kcs *kubeconfig.Settings) {
var output []byte
clientVersion := kubectlversion{}
serverVersion := kubectlversion{}
path, err := exec.LookPath("kubectl")
if err != nil {
out.T(out.Tip, "For best results, install kubectl:")
} else {
glog.Infof("Kubectl found at the following location %s. Let's execute and get the result", path)
output, err = exec.Command(path, "version", "--output=json").Output()
// ...once we get something back do some version checking
if err == nil {
glog.Infof("Received output from kubectl %s", output)
// unmarshal both the {client}
clientjsonErr := json.Unmarshal(output, &clientVersion)
// ....... and {server} json
serverjsonErr := json.Unmarshal(output, &serverVersion)
if (clientjsonErr != nil) || (serverjsonErr != nil) {
glog.Infof("There was an error processing the json output")
} else {
// obtain the minor version for both
serverMinor, _ := strconv.Atoi(serverVersion.SVersion.Minor)
clientMinor, _ := strconv.Atoi(serverVersion.CVersion.Minor)
if clientMinor < serverMinor {
out.T(out.Tip, "The version of kubectl {{.kubectl}} installed is incompatible with your Kubernetes {{.kubernetes}} deployment. Please upgrade/downgrade as necessary, or use minikube kubectlto connect to your cluster",
out.V{"kubectl": clientVersion.CVersion.GitVersion, "kubernetes": serverVersion.SVersion.GitVersion})
} else {
out.T(out.Tip, "For best results, install kubectl:")
if kcs.KeepContext {
out.T(out.Kubectl, "To connect to this cluster, use: kubectl --context={{.name}}", out.V{"name": kcs.ClusterName})
} else {
out.T(out.Ready, `Done! kubectl is now configured to use "{{.name}}"`, out.V{"name": cfg.GetMachineName()})
path, err := exec.LookPath("kubectl")
// ...not found just print and return
if err != nil {
out.T(out.Tip, "For best results, install kubectl:")
output, err = exec.Command(path, "version", "--output=json").Output()
if err != nil {
glog.Infof("Received output from kubectl %s", output)
// unmarshal the json
output = []byte("Nanik")
clientjsonErr := json.Unmarshal(output, &clientVersion)
if clientjsonErr != nil {
glog.Infof("There was an error processing kubectl json output.")
// obtain the minor version for both client & server
serverMinor, _ := strconv.Atoi(clientVersion.SVersion.Minor)
clientMinor, _ := strconv.Atoi(clientVersion.CVersion.Minor)
if math.Abs(float64(clientMinor-serverMinor)) > 1 {
out.T(out.Tip, "{{.path}} is version {{.clientMinor}}, and is incompatible with your specified Kubernetes version. You will need to update {{.path}} or use 'minikube kubectl' to connect with this cluster",
out.V{"path": path, "clientMinor": clientMinor})
func selectDriver(oldConfig *cfg.Config) string {
Reference in New Issue