Merge pull request #15235 from ckannon/master

Added version.json and CHANGELOG to kicbase image and ISO. Added version validation to start.go.
Steven Powell 2022-11-18 10:43:38 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 6754740347
No known key found for this signature in database
21 changed files with 128 additions and 26 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ _testmain.go
@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ _testmain.go
#iso version file

View File

@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ KUBERNETES_VERSION ?= $(shell egrep "DefaultKubernetesVersion =" pkg/minikube/co
KIC_VERSION ?= $(shell egrep "Version =" pkg/drivers/kic/types.go | cut -d \" -f2)
# Default to .0 for higher cache hit rates, as build increments typically don't require new ISO versions
ISO_VERSION ?= v1.28.0-1668110411-15341
ISO_VERSION ?= v1.28.0-1668700269-15235
# Dashes are valid in semver, but not Linux packaging. Use ~ to delimit alpha/beta
DEB_VERSION ?= $(subst -,~,$(RAW_VERSION))
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ REGISTRY ?=
COMMIT_NO := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD 2> /dev/null || true)
COMMIT ?= $(if $(shell git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no),"${COMMIT_NO}-dirty","${COMMIT_NO}")
COMMIT_SHORT = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null || true)
COMMIT_NOQUOTES := $(patsubst "%",%,$(COMMIT))
# source code for image:
# latest from
# latest from
# update this only by running `make update-golint-version`
# Limit number of default jobs, to avoid the CI builds running out of memory
@ -159,6 +161,9 @@ HYPERKIT_LDFLAGS := -X$(VERSION) -
# autopush artefacts
# version file json
VERSION_JSON := "{\"iso_version\": \"$(ISO_VERSION)\", \"kicbase_version\": \"$(KIC_VERSION)\", \"minikube_version\": \"$(VERSION)\", \"commit\": \"$(COMMIT_NOQUOTES)\"}"
# don't ask for user confirmation
IN_CI := false
@ -286,6 +291,7 @@ minikube-iso-amd64: minikube-iso-x86_64
minikube-iso-arm64: minikube-iso-aarch64
minikube-iso-%: deploy/iso/minikube-iso/board/minikube/%/rootfs-overlay/usr/bin/auto-pause # build minikube iso
echo $(VERSION_JSON) > deploy/iso/minikube-iso/board/minikube/$*/rootfs-overlay/version.json
echo $(ISO_VERSION) > deploy/iso/minikube-iso/board/minikube/$*/rootfs-overlay/etc/VERSION
cp deploy/iso/minikube-iso/arch/$*/ deploy/iso/minikube-iso/
if [ ! -d $(BUILD_DIR)/buildroot ]; then \
@ -419,7 +425,7 @@ out/coverage.html: out/coverage.out
$(if $(quiet),@echo " COVER $@")
$(Q)go tool cover -html=$< -o $@
.PHONY: extract
.PHONY: extract
extract: ## extract internationalization words for translations
go run cmd/extract/extract.go
@ -562,13 +568,13 @@ out/minikube_$(DEB_VERSION)-$(DEB_REVISION)_%.deb: out/minikube-linux-%
sed -E -i 's/--ARCH--/'$*'/g' $(DEB_PACKAGING_DIRECTORY_$*)/DEBIAN/control
if [ "$*" = "amd64" ]; then \
sed -E -i 's/--RECOMMENDS--/virtualbox/' $(DEB_PACKAGING_DIRECTORY_$*)/DEBIAN/control; \
else \
sed -E -i '/Recommends: --RECOMMENDS--/d' $(DEB_PACKAGING_DIRECTORY_$*)/DEBIAN/control; \
mkdir -p $(DEB_PACKAGING_DIRECTORY_$*)/usr/bin
cp $< $(DEB_PACKAGING_DIRECTORY_$*)/usr/bin/minikube
fakeroot dpkg-deb --build $(DEB_PACKAGING_DIRECTORY_$*) $@
@ -714,7 +720,7 @@ update-cri-dockerd:
.PHONY: local-kicbase
local-kicbase: ## Builds the kicbase image and tags it local/kicbase:latest and local/kicbase:$(KIC_VERSION)-$(COMMIT_SHORT)
docker build -f ./deploy/kicbase/Dockerfile -t local/kicbase:$(KIC_VERSION) --build-arg COMMIT_SHA=${VERSION}-$(COMMIT) --cache-from $(KICBASE_IMAGE_GCR) .
docker build -f ./deploy/kicbase/Dockerfile -t local/kicbase:$(KIC_VERSION) --build-arg VERSION_JSON=$(VERSION_JSON) --build-arg COMMIT_SHA=${VERSION}-$(COMMIT_NOQUOTES) --cache-from $(KICBASE_IMAGE_GCR) .
docker tag local/kicbase:$(KIC_VERSION) local/kicbase:latest
docker tag local/kicbase:$(KIC_VERSION) local/kicbase:$(KIC_VERSION)-$(COMMIT_SHORT)
@ -729,9 +735,9 @@ local-kicbase-debug: local-kicbase ## Builds a local kicbase image and switches
.PHONY: build-kic-base-image
build-kic-base-image: docker-multi-arch-builder ## Build multi-arch local/kicbase:latest
env $(X_BUILD_ENV) docker buildx build -f ./deploy/kicbase/Dockerfile --builder $(X_DOCKER_BUILDER) --platform $(KICBASE_ARCH) $(addprefix -t ,$(KICBASE_IMAGE_REGISTRIES)) --load --build-arg COMMIT_SHA=${VERSION}-$(COMMIT) .
env $(X_BUILD_ENV) docker buildx build -f ./deploy/kicbase/Dockerfile --builder $(X_DOCKER_BUILDER) --platform $(KICBASE_ARCH) $(addprefix -t ,$(KICBASE_IMAGE_REGISTRIES)) --load --build-arg VERSION_JSON=$(VERSION_JSON) --build-arg COMMIT_SHA=${VERSION}-$(COMMIT_NOQUOTES) .
.PHONY: push-kic-base-image
.PHONY: push-kic-base-image
push-kic-base-image: docker-multi-arch-builder ## Push multi-arch local/kicbase:latest to all remote registries
docker login
@ -744,7 +750,7 @@ ifndef CIBUILD
$(call user_confirm, 'Are you sure you want to push $(KICBASE_IMAGE_REGISTRIES) ?')
./deploy/kicbase/ $(KICBASE_ARCH)
env $(X_BUILD_ENV) docker buildx build -f ./deploy/kicbase/Dockerfile --builder $(X_DOCKER_BUILDER) --platform $(KICBASE_ARCH) $(addprefix -t ,$(KICBASE_IMAGE_REGISTRIES)) --push --build-arg COMMIT_SHA=${VERSION}-$(COMMIT) --build-arg PREBUILT_AUTO_PAUSE=true .
env $(X_BUILD_ENV) docker buildx build -f ./deploy/kicbase/Dockerfile --builder $(X_DOCKER_BUILDER) --platform $(KICBASE_ARCH) $(addprefix -t ,$(KICBASE_IMAGE_REGISTRIES)) --push --build-arg VERSION_JSON=$(VERSION_JSON) --build-arg COMMIT_SHA=${VERSION}-$(COMMIT_NOQUOTES) --build-arg PREBUILT_AUTO_PAUSE=true .
go build -ldflags="$(MINIKUBE_LDFLAGS)" -o $@ ./hack/preload-images/*.go

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import (
cmdcfg ""
@ -79,6 +80,13 @@ import (
type versionJSON struct {
IsoVersion string `json:"iso_version"`
KicbaseVersion string `json:"kicbase_version"`
MinikubeVersion string `json:"minikube_version"`
Commit string `json:"commit"`
var (
registryMirror []string
insecureRegistry []string
@ -146,6 +154,7 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
exit.Message(reason.Usage, "error initializing tracing: {{.Error}}", out.V{"Error": err.Error()})
defer pkgtrace.Cleanup()
go download.CleanUpOlderPreloads()
@ -250,6 +259,8 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if existing != nil && driver.IsKIC(existing.Driver) {
if viper.GetBool(createMount) {
old := ""
@ -359,6 +370,24 @@ func provisionWithDriver(cmd *cobra.Command, ds registry.DriverState, existing *
}, nil
func validateBuiltImageVersion(r command.Runner) {
res, err := r.RunCmd(exec.Command("cat", "/version.json"))
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("Unable to open version.json: %s", err)
var versionDetails versionJSON
if err := json.Unmarshal(res.Stdout.Bytes(), &versionDetails); err != nil {
out.WarningT("Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}", out.V{"error": err, "json": res.Stdout.String()})
if versionDetails.MinikubeVersion != version.GetVersion() {
out.WarningT("Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -> Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}", out.V{"imageMinikubeVersion": versionDetails.MinikubeVersion, "minikubeVersion": version.GetVersion()})
func startWithDriver(cmd *cobra.Command, starter node.Starter, existing *config.ClusterConfig) (*kubeconfig.Settings, error) {
kubeconfig, err := node.Start(starter, true)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ RUN apt-get update \
mkisofs \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN mkdir /app
RUN chmod 777 /app
RUN localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias en_US.UTF-8
ENV LANG en_US.utf8

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ COPY deploy/addons ./deploy/addons
COPY translations/ ./translations
COPY third_party/ ./third_party
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ COPY deploy/kicbase/containerd.toml /etc/containerd/config.toml
COPY deploy/kicbase/containerd_docker_io_hosts.toml /etc/containerd/certs.d/
COPY deploy/kicbase/clean-install /usr/local/bin/clean-install
COPY deploy/kicbase/entrypoint /usr/local/bin/entrypoint
COPY --from=auto-pause /src/cmd/auto-pause/auto-pause-${TARGETARCH} /bin/auto-pause
# Install dependencies, first from apt, then from release tarballs.
# NOTE: we use one RUN to minimize layers.
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ RUN echo "Installing cri-dockerd" && \
# install system requirements from the regular distro repositories
RUN clean-install \
lz4 \
gnupg \
gnupg \
sudo \
openssh-server \
dnsutils \
@ -199,6 +200,10 @@ RUN export ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture | sed 's/ppc64el/ppc64le/') && \
echo "d /run/podman 0770 root podman" > /etc/tmpfiles.d/podman.conf && \
systemd-tmpfiles --create; fi
# install version.json
RUN echo "${VERSION_JSON}" > /version.json
# automount service
COPY deploy/kicbase/automount/minikube-automount /usr/sbin/minikube-automount
COPY deploy/kicbase/automount/minikube-automount.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/minikube-automount.service

hack/jenkins/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script can take the following env variables
# ARGS: args to pass into the make rule
# OUTPUT_LOCATION = the location to write the changelog file to
set -x -o pipefail
if (($# < 1)); then
echo "ERROR: given ! ($#) parameters but expected 1."
exit 1
gh search prs --merged --sort updated --limit 100 --repo kubernetes/minikube --json number,title,closedAt --template '{{range .}}{{tablerow (printf "#%v" .number | autocolor "green") .title (timeago .closedAt)}}{{end}}' > "${OUTPUT_LOCATION}"

View File

@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ set -x -o pipefail
# Make sure golang is installed and configured
./hack/jenkins/installers/ "/usr/local"
# Generate changelog for latest github PRs merged
./hack/jenkins/ deploy/iso/minikube-iso/board/minikube/aarch64/rootfs-overlay/CHANGELOG
./hack/jenkins/ deploy/iso/minikube-iso/board/minikube/x86_64/rootfs-overlay/CHANGELOG
# Make sure all required packages are installed
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential unzip rsync bc python3 p7zip-full
@ -37,7 +41,6 @@ if [[ -z $ISO_VERSION ]]; then
now=$(date +%s)
export ISO_VERSION=$IV-$now-$ghprbPullId
export ISO_BUCKET=minikube-builds/iso/$ghprbPullId
echo "#$ghprPullId - $ghprPullTitle" >> deploy/iso/minikube-iso/CHANGELOG
@ -109,4 +112,4 @@ else
git push -f minikube-bot ${branch}
gh pr create --fill --base master --head minikube-bot:${branch}

View File

@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
set -eux -o pipefail
echo "Installing latest version of gh"
curl -qLO ""
tar -xf gh_1.6.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz &&
sudo mv gh_1.6.2_linux_amd64/bin/gh /usr/local/bin/gh
rm gh_1.6.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf gh_1.6.2_linux_amd64
curl -qLO ""
tar -xf gh_2.18.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz &&
sudo mv gh_2.18.1_linux_amd64/bin/gh /usr/local/bin/gh
rm gh_2.18.1_linux_amd64.tar.gz
rm -rf gh_2.18.1_linux_amd64
echo "Authorizing bot with gh"
echo "${access_token}" | gh auth login --with-token

View File

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ docker login -u ${DOCKERHUB_USER} -p ${DOCKERHUB_PASS}
# Make sure golang is installed and configured
./hack/jenkins/installers/ "/usr/local" || true
./hack/jenkins/ ./deploy/kicbase/CHANGELOG
export GOBIN=/usr/local/go/bin

View File

@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ import (
const (
// Version is the current version of kic
Version = "v0.0.36"
Version = "v0.0.36-1668608737-15235"
// SHA of the kic base image
baseImageSHA = "8debc1b6a335075c5f99bfbf131b4f5566f68c6500dc5991817832e55fcc9456"
baseImageSHA = "471ca747fe53d13a0bc370cb0e5bc7d20f51d74c7a858907ffd6f321680cbfb8"
// The name of the GCR kicbase repository
gcrRepo = ""
gcrRepo = ""
// The name of the Dockerhub kicbase repository
dockerhubRepo = ""
dockerhubRepo = ""
var (

View File

@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ const fileScheme = "file"
// DefaultISOURLs returns a list of ISO URL's to consult by default, in priority order
func DefaultISOURLs() []string {
v := version.GetISOVersion()
isoBucket := "minikube-builds/iso/15341"
isoBucket := "minikube-builds/iso/15235"
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("", isoBucket, v, runtime.GOARCH),
fmt.Sprintf("", v, v, runtime.GOARCH),

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ minikube start [flags]
--apiserver-names strings A set of apiserver names which are used in the generated certificate for kubernetes. This can be used if you want to make the apiserver available from outside the machine
--apiserver-port int The apiserver listening port (default 8443)
--auto-update-drivers If set, automatically updates drivers to the latest version. Defaults to true. (default true)
--base-image string The base image to use for docker/podman drivers. Intended for local development. (default "")
--base-image string The base image to use for docker/podman drivers. Intended for local development. (default "")
--binary-mirror string Location to fetch kubectl, kubelet, & kubeadm binaries from.
--cache-images If true, cache docker images for the current bootstrapper and load them into the machine. Always false with --driver=none. (default true)
--cert-expiration duration Duration until minikube certificate expiration, defaults to three years (26280h). (default 26280h0m0s)

View File

@ -369,6 +369,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "Ignoriere invaliden Wertepaar-Eintrag {{.pair}}",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "Ignoriere unbekanntes Custom Image {{.name}}",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "Ignoriere unbekannte Custom Registry {{.name}}",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "Image Befehle:",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "Images, die durch dieses Addon verwendet werden. Durch Komma getrennt.",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "Um das Fallback Image zu verwenden, müssen Sie sich an der Github Package Registry anmelden",
@ -808,6 +809,7 @@
"Unable to load profile: {{.error}}": "Kann Profil nicht laden: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}": "\"{{.kubernetes_version}}\" kann nicht geparst werden: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "Kann Speicher nicht parsen: '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "Kann keinen Default-Treiber auswählen. Hier eine List der Treiber, die in Erwähgung gezogen wurden, in der Reihe ihrer Präferenz",
"Unable to pull images, which may be OK: {{.error}}": "Bilder können nicht abgerufen werden, was möglicherweise kein Problem darstellt: {{.error}}",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "Kann gecachete Image nicht veröffentlichen (push): {{.error}}",

View File

@ -377,6 +377,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "",
@ -809,6 +810,7 @@
"Unable to load profile: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}": "No se ha podido analizar la versión \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "",
"Unable to pull images, which may be OK: {{.error}}": "No se ha podido recuperar imágenes, que podrían estar en buen estado: {{.error}}",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "",

View File

@ -361,6 +361,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "Ignorer l'entrée de paire non valide {{.pair}}",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "Ignorer l'image personnalisée inconnue {{.name}}",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "Ignorer le registre personnalisé inconnu {{.name}}",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "Commandes d'images:",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "Images utilisées par ce module. Séparé par des virgules.",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "Pour utiliser l'image de secours, vous devez vous connecter au registre des packages github",
@ -783,6 +784,7 @@
"Unable to parse default Kubernetes version from constants: {{.error}}": "Impossible d'analyser la version Kubernetes par défaut à partir des constantes : {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "Impossible d'analyser la mémoire '{{.memory}}' : {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse oldest Kubernetes version from constants: {{.error}}": "Impossible d'analyser la version la plus ancienne de Kubernetes à partir des constantes : {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "Impossible de choisir un pilote par défaut. Voici ce qui a été considéré, par ordre de préférence :",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "Impossible de pousser les images mises en cache : {{.error}}",
"Unable to remove machine directory": "Impossible de supprimer le répertoire de la machine",

View File

@ -347,6 +347,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "無効なペアエントリー {{.pair}} を無視しています",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "未知のカスタムイメージ {{.name}} を無視しています",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "未知のカスタムレジストリー {{.name}} を無視しています",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "イメージ用コマンド:",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "このアドオンで使用するイメージ。複数の場合、カンマで区切ります。",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "予備イメージを使用するために、GitHub のパッケージレジストリーにログインする必要があります",
@ -750,6 +751,7 @@
"Unable to load profile: {{.error}}": "プロファイルを読み込めません: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}": "「{{.kubernetes_version}}」を解析できません: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "メモリー '{{.memory}}' を解析できません: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "デフォルトドライバーを採用できませんでした。こちらが可能性の高い順に考えられる事です:",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "キャッシュされたイメージを登録できません: {{.error}}",
"Unable to remove machine directory": "マシンディレクトリーを削除できません",

View File

@ -392,6 +392,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "이미지 명령어",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "",
@ -807,6 +808,7 @@
"Unable to load profile: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}": " \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\" 를 파싱할 수 없습니다: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to remove machine directory": "",

View File

@ -379,6 +379,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "",
@ -819,6 +820,7 @@
"Unable to load profile: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to remove machine directory": "",

View File

@ -345,6 +345,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "",
@ -746,6 +747,7 @@
"Unable to load profile: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to remove machine directory": "",

View File

@ -345,6 +345,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "",
@ -746,6 +747,7 @@
"Unable to load profile: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse \"{{.kubernetes_version}}\": {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to remove machine directory": "",

View File

@ -452,6 +452,7 @@
"Ignoring invalid pair entry {{.pair}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom image {{.name}}": "",
"Ignoring unknown custom registry {{.name}}": "",
"Image was not built for the current minikube version. To resolve this you can delete and recreate your minikube cluster using the latest images. Expected minikube version: {{.imageMinikubeVersion}} -\u003e Actual minikube version: {{.minikubeVersion}}": "",
"Images Commands:": "",
"Images used by this addon. Separated by commas.": "",
"In order to use the fall back image, you need to log in to the github packages registry": "",
@ -916,6 +917,7 @@
"Unable to parse default Kubernetes version from constants: {{.error}}": "无法从常量中解析默认的 Kubernetes 版本号: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse memory '{{.memory}}': {{.error}}": "",
"Unable to parse oldest Kubernetes version from constants: {{.error}}": "无法从常量中解析最旧的 Kubernetes 版本号: {{.error}}",
"Unable to parse version.json: {{.error}}, json: {{.json}}": "",
"Unable to pick a default driver. Here is what was considered, in preference order:": "",
"Unable to pull images, which may be OK: {{.error}}": "无法拉取镜像,有可能是正常状况:{{.error}}",
"Unable to push cached images: {{.error}}": "",