Allow building kicbase without pushing it

Otherwise it is the same as push-kic-base-image
Anders F Björklund 2021-07-30 17:50:21 +02:00
parent c4cd0dce2f
commit 60c9a3752c
1 changed files with 4 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -702,6 +702,10 @@ endif
local-kicbase-debug: local-kicbase ## Builds a local kicbase image and switches source code to point to it
$(SED) 's|Version = .*|Version = \"$(KIC_VERSION)-$(COMMIT_SHORT)\"|;s|baseImageSHA = .*|baseImageSHA = \"\"|;s|gcrRepo = .*|gcrRepo = \"local/kicbase\"|;s|dockerhubRepo = .*|dockerhubRepo = \"local/kicbase\"|' pkg/drivers/kic/types.go
.PHONY: build-kic-base-image
build-kic-base-image: docker-multi-arch-builder ## Build multi-arch local/kicbase:latest
env $(X_BUILD_ENV) docker buildx build -f ./deploy/kicbase/Dockerfile --builder $(X_DOCKER_BUILDER) --platform $(KICBASE_ARCH) $(addprefix -t ,$(KICBASE_IMAGE_REGISTRIES)) --load --build-arg COMMIT_SHA=${VERSION}-$(COMMIT) .
.PHONY: push-kic-base-image
push-kic-base-image: docker-multi-arch-builder ## Push multi-arch local/kicbase:latest to all remote registries