add all mount flags to start command
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import (
@ -43,11 +44,30 @@ import (
const (
// nineP is the value of --type used for the 9p filesystem.
nineP = "9p"
defaultMountVersion = "9p2000.L"
defaultMsize = 262144
nineP = "9p"
defaultMount9PVersion = "9p2000.L"
mount9PVersionDescription = "Specify the 9p version that the mount should use"
defaultMountGID = "docker"
mountGIDDescription = "Default group id used for the mount"
defaultMountIP = ""
mountIPDescription = "Specify the ip that the mount should be setup on"
defaultMountMode = 0o755
mountModeDescription = "File permissions used for the mount"
defaultMountMSize = 262144
mountMSizeDescription = "The number of bytes to use for 9p packet payload"
mountOptionsDescription = "Additional mount options, such as cache=fscache"
defaultMountPort = 0
mountPortDescription = "Specify the port that the mount should be setup on, where 0 means any free port."
defaultMountType = nineP
mountTypeDescription = "Specify the mount filesystem type (supported types: 9p)"
defaultMountUID = "docker"
mountUIDDescription = "Default user id used for the mount"
func defaultMountOptions() []string {
return []string{}
// placeholders for flag values
var (
mountIP string
@ -218,16 +238,16 @@ var mountCmd = &cobra.Command{
func init() {
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&mountIP, "ip", "", "Specify the ip that the mount should be setup on")
mountCmd.Flags().Uint16Var(&mountPort, "port", 0, "Specify the port that the mount should be setup on, where 0 means any free port.")
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&mountType, "type", nineP, "Specify the mount filesystem type (supported types: 9p)")
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&mountVersion, "9p-version", defaultMountVersion, "Specify the 9p version that the mount should use")
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&mountIP, constants.MountIPFlag, defaultMountIP, mountIPDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().Uint16Var(&mountPort, constants.MountPortFlag, defaultMountPort, mountPortDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&mountType, constants.MountTypeFlag, defaultMountType, mountTypeDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&mountVersion, constants.Mount9PVersionFlag, defaultMount9PVersion, mount9PVersionDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&isKill, "kill", false, "Kill the mount process spawned by minikube start")
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&uid, "uid", "docker", "Default user id used for the mount")
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&gid, "gid", "docker", "Default group id used for the mount")
mountCmd.Flags().UintVar(&mode, "mode", 0o755, "File permissions used for the mount")
mountCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&options, "options", []string{}, "Additional mount options, such as cache=fscache")
mountCmd.Flags().IntVar(&mSize, "msize", defaultMsize, "The number of bytes to use for 9p packet payload")
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&uid, constants.MountUIDFlag, defaultMountUID, mountUIDDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&gid, constants.MountGIDFlag, defaultMountGID, mountGIDDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().UintVar(&mode, constants.MountModeFlag, defaultMountMode, mountModeDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&options, constants.MountOptionsFlag, defaultMountOptions(), mountOptionsDescription)
mountCmd.Flags().IntVar(&mSize, constants.MountMSizeFlag, defaultMountMSize, mountMSizeDescription)
// getPort uses the requested port or asks the kernel for a free open port that is ready to use
@ -83,6 +83,15 @@ const (
imageRepository = "image-repository"
imageMirrorCountry = "image-mirror-country"
mountString = "mount-string"
mount9PVersion = "mount-9p-version"
mountGID = "mount-gid"
mountIPFlag = "mount-ip"
mountMode = "mount-mode"
mountMSize = "mount-msize"
mountOptions = "mount-options"
mountPortFlag = "mount-port"
mountTypeFlag = "mount-type"
mountUID = "mount-uid"
disableDriverMounts = "disable-driver-mounts"
cacheImages = "cache-images"
uuid = "uuid"
@ -153,6 +162,15 @@ func initMinikubeFlags() {
startCmd.Flags().String(containerRuntime, constants.DefaultContainerRuntime, fmt.Sprintf("The container runtime to be used (%s).", strings.Join(cruntime.ValidRuntimes(), ", ")))
startCmd.Flags().Bool(createMount, false, "This will start the mount daemon and automatically mount files into minikube.")
startCmd.Flags().String(mountString, constants.DefaultMountDir+":/minikube-host", "The argument to pass the minikube mount command on start.")
startCmd.Flags().String(mount9PVersion, defaultMount9PVersion, mount9PVersionDescription)
startCmd.Flags().String(mountGID, defaultMountGID, mountGIDDescription)
startCmd.Flags().String(mountIPFlag, defaultMountIP, mountIPDescription)
startCmd.Flags().Uint(mountMode, defaultMountMode, mountModeDescription)
startCmd.Flags().Int(mountMSize, defaultMountMSize, mountMSizeDescription)
startCmd.Flags().StringSlice(mountOptions, defaultMountOptions(), mountOptionsDescription)
startCmd.Flags().Uint16(mountPortFlag, defaultMountPort, mountPortDescription)
startCmd.Flags().String(mountTypeFlag, defaultMountType, mountTypeDescription)
startCmd.Flags().String(mountUID, defaultMountUID, mountUIDDescription)
startCmd.Flags().StringSlice(config.AddonListFlag, nil, "Enable addons. see `minikube addons list` for a list of valid addon names.")
startCmd.Flags().String(criSocket, "", "The cri socket path to be used.")
startCmd.Flags().String(networkPlugin, "", "Kubelet network plug-in to use (default: auto)")
@ -466,6 +484,15 @@ func generateNewConfigFromFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, k8sVersion string, drvName s
CertExpiration: viper.GetDuration(certExpiration),
Mount: viper.GetBool(createMount),
MountString: viper.GetString(mountString),
Mount9PVersion: viper.GetString(mount9PVersion),
MountGID: viper.GetString(mountGID),
MountIP: viper.GetString(mountIPFlag),
MountMode: viper.GetUint(mountMode),
MountMSize: viper.GetInt(mountMSize),
MountOptions: viper.GetStringSlice(mountOptions),
MountPort: uint16(viper.GetUint(mountPortFlag)),
MountType: viper.GetString(mountTypeFlag),
MountUID: viper.GetString(mountUID),
KubernetesConfig: config.KubernetesConfig{
KubernetesVersion: k8sVersion,
ClusterName: ClusterFlagValue(),
@ -675,6 +702,15 @@ func updateExistingConfigFromFlags(cmd *cobra.Command, existing *config.ClusterC
updateDurationFromFlag(cmd, &cc.CertExpiration, certExpiration)
updateBoolFromFlag(cmd, &cc.Mount, createMount)
updateStringFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountString, mountString)
updateStringFromFlag(cmd, &cc.Mount9PVersion, mount9PVersion)
updateStringFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountGID, mountGID)
updateStringFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountIP, mountIPFlag)
updateUintFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountMode, mountMode)
updateIntFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountMSize, mountMSize)
updateStringSliceFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountOptions, mountOptions)
updateUint16FromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountPort, mountPortFlag)
updateStringFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountType, mountTypeFlag)
updateStringFromFlag(cmd, &cc.MountUID, mountUID)
if cmd.Flags().Changed(kubernetesVersion) {
cc.KubernetesConfig.KubernetesVersion = getKubernetesVersion(existing)
@ -746,6 +782,20 @@ func updateDurationFromFlag(cmd *cobra.Command, v *time.Duration, key string) {
// updateUintFromFlag will update the existing uint from the flag.
func updateUintFromFlag(cmd *cobra.Command, v *uint, key string) {
if cmd.Flags().Changed(key) {
*v = viper.GetUint(key)
// updateUint16FromFlag will update the existing uint16 from the flag.
func updateUint16FromFlag(cmd *cobra.Command, v *uint16, key string) {
if cmd.Flags().Changed(key) {
*v = uint16(viper.GetUint(key))
// interpretWaitFlag interprets the wait flag and respects the legacy minikube users
// returns map of components to wait for
func interpretWaitFlag(cmd cobra.Command) map[string]bool {
@ -87,6 +87,15 @@ type ClusterConfig struct {
CertExpiration time.Duration
Mount bool
MountString string
Mount9PVersion string
MountGID string
MountIP string
MountMode uint
MountMSize int
MountOptions []string
MountPort uint16
MountType string
MountUID string
// KubernetesConfig contains the parameters used to configure the VM Kubernetes.
@ -124,6 +124,25 @@ const (
// DefaultCertExpiration is the amount of time in the future a certificate will expire in by default, which is 3 years
DefaultCertExpiration = time.Hour * 24 * 365 * 3
// Mount9PVersionFlag is the flag used to set the mount 9P version
Mount9PVersionFlag = "9p-version"
// MountGIDFlag is the flag used to set the mount GID
MountGIDFlag = "gid"
// MountIPFlag is the flag used to set the mount IP
MountIPFlag = "ip"
// MountMSizeFlag is the flag used to set the mount msize
MountMSizeFlag = "msize"
// MountModeFlag is the flag used to set the mount mode
MountModeFlag = "mode"
// MountOptionsFlag is the flag used to set the mount options
MountOptionsFlag = "options"
// MountPortFlag is the flag used to set the mount port
MountPortFlag = "port"
// MountTypeFlag is the flag used to set the mount type
MountTypeFlag = "type"
// MountUIDFlag is the flag used to set the mount UID
MountUIDFlag = "uid"
var (
@ -51,22 +51,20 @@ func showVersionInfo(k8sVersion string, cr cruntime.Manager) {
// configureMounts configures any requested filesystem mounts
func configureMounts(wg *sync.WaitGroup, mount bool, mountString string) {
func configureMounts(wg *sync.WaitGroup, cc config.ClusterConfig) {
defer wg.Done()
if !mount {
if !cc.Mount {
out.Step(style.Mounting, "Creating mount {{.name}} ...", out.V{"name": mountString})
out.Step(style.Mounting, "Creating mount {{.name}} ...", out.V{"name": cc.MountString})
path := os.Args[0]
mountDebugVal := 0
if klog.V(8).Enabled() {
mountDebugVal = 1
profile := viper.GetString("profile")
mountCmd := exec.Command(path, "mount", "-p", profile, fmt.Sprintf("--v=%d", mountDebugVal), mountString)
args := generateMountArgs(profile, cc)
mountCmd := exec.Command(path, args...)
mountCmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), constants.IsMinikubeChildProcess+"=true")
if klog.V(8).Enabled() {
mountCmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
@ -79,3 +77,34 @@ func configureMounts(wg *sync.WaitGroup, mount bool, mountString string) {
exit.Error(reason.HostMountPid, "Error writing mount pid", err)
func generateMountArgs(profile string, cc config.ClusterConfig) []string {
mountDebugVal := 0
if klog.V(8).Enabled() {
mountDebugVal = 1
args := []string{"mount", cc.MountString}
flags := []struct {
name string
value string
{"profile", profile},
{"v", fmt.Sprintf("%d", mountDebugVal)},
{constants.Mount9PVersionFlag, cc.Mount9PVersion},
{constants.MountGIDFlag, cc.MountGID},
{constants.MountIPFlag, cc.MountIP},
{constants.MountMSizeFlag, fmt.Sprintf("%d", cc.MountMSize)},
{constants.MountModeFlag, fmt.Sprintf("%d", cc.MountMode)},
{constants.MountPortFlag, fmt.Sprintf("%d", cc.MountPort)},
{constants.MountTypeFlag, cc.MountType},
{constants.MountUIDFlag, cc.MountUID},
for _, flag := range flags {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--%s",, flag.value)
for _, option := range cc.MountOptions {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--%s", constants.MountOptionsFlag), option)
return args
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ func Start(starter Starter, apiServer bool) (*kubeconfig.Settings, error) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
if !driver.IsKIC(starter.Cfg.Driver) {
go configureMounts(&wg, starter.Cfg.Mount, starter.Cfg.MountString)
go configureMounts(&wg, *starter.Cfg)
Reference in New Issue