diff --git a/site/content/en/docs/Concepts/principles.en.md b/site/content/en/docs/Concepts/principles.en.md
index 45e574b90a..7ba4e884ed 100644
--- a/site/content/en/docs/Concepts/principles.en.md
+++ b/site/content/en/docs/Concepts/principles.en.md
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@ date: 2019-06-18T15:31:58+08:00
 The primary goal of minikube is to make it simple to run Kubernetes locally, for day-to-day development workflows and learning purposes. Here are the guiding principles for minikube, in rough priority order:
-1. User-friendly and accessible
-2. Inclusive and community-driven
-3. Cross-platform
-4. Support all Kubernetes features
-5. High-fidelity
-6. Compatible with all supported Kubernetes releases
-7. Support for all Kubernetes-friendly container runtimes
-8. Stable and easy to debug
+1.  Inclusive and community-driven
+1.  User-friendly
+1.  Support all Kubernetes features
+1.  Cross-platform
+1.  Reliable
+1.  High Performance
+1.  Developer Focused
 Here are some specific minikube features that align with our goal:
diff --git a/site/content/en/docs/Contributing/roadmap.en.md b/site/content/en/docs/Contributing/roadmap.en.md
index af4ae9138f..2a7cf439af 100644
--- a/site/content/en/docs/Contributing/roadmap.en.md
+++ b/site/content/en/docs/Contributing/roadmap.en.md
@@ -3,54 +3,100 @@ title: "Roadmap"
 date: 2019-07-31
 weight: 4
 description: >
-  2019 Development Roadmap
+  Development Roadmap
 This roadmap is a living document outlining the major technical improvements which we would like to see in minikube during 2019, divided by how they apply to our [guiding principles](principles.md)
 Please send a PR to suggest any improvements to it.
-## (#1) User-friendly and accessible
+# 2019
-- [x] Creation of a user-centric minikube website for installation & documentation
-- [ ] Localized output to 5+ written languages
-- [x] Make minikube usable in environments with challenging connectivity requirements
-- [ ] Support lightweight deployment methods for environments where VM's are impractical
-- [x] Add offline support
-## (#2) Inclusive and community-driven
+## (#1) Inclusive and community-driven
 - [x] Increase community involvement in planning and decision making
-- [ ] Make the continuous integration and release infrastructure publicly available
 - [x] Double the number of active maintainers
+- [ ] Make the continuous integration and release infrastructure publicly available
-## (#3) Cross-platform
+## (#2) User-friendly and accessible
+- [x] Creation of a user-centric minikube website for installation & documentation
+- [x] Make minikube usable in environments with challenging connectivity requirements
+- [ ] Localized output to 5+ written languages
+## (#3) Support all Kubernetes features
+- [x] Continuous Integration testing across all supported Kubernetes releases
+- [x] Run all integration tests across all supported container runtimes
+- [ ] Add multi-node support
+- [ ] Automatic PR generation for updating the default Kubernetes release minikube uses
+## (#4) Cross-platform
 - [x] Simplified installation process across all supported platforms
 - [x] Users should never need to separately install supporting binaries
+- [ ] Support lightweight deployment methods for environments where VM's are impractical
-## (#4) Support all Kubernetes features
+## (#5) Reliable
-- [ ] Add multi-node support
+- [x] Pre-flight error checks for common connectivity and configuration errors
+- [x] Stabilize and improve profiles support (AKA multi-cluster)
+- [ ] Improve the `minikube status` command so that it can diagnose common issues
-## (#5) High-fidelity
+## (#6) High Performance
 - [ ] Reduce guest VM overhead by 50%
 - [x] Disable swap in the guest VM
-## (#6) Compatible with all supported Kubernetes releases
+## (#7) Developer focused
-- [x] Continuous Integration testing across all supported Kubernetes releases
-- [ ] Automatic PR generation for updating the default Kubernetes release minikube uses
+- [x] Add offline support
-## (#7) Support for all Kubernetes-friendly container runtimes
-- [x] Run all integration tests across all supported container runtimes
-- [ ] Support for Kata Containers (help wanted!)
+# 2020 (draft)
-## (#8) Stable and easy to debug
+## (#1) Inclusive and community-driven
-- [x] Pre-flight error checks for common connectivity and configuration errors
-- [ ] Improve the `minikube status` command so that it can diagnose common issues
-- [ ] Mark all features not covered by continuous integration as `experimental`
-- [x] Stabilize and improve profiles support (AKA multi-cluster)
+- [ ] Maintainers from 4 countries, 4 companies
+- [ ] Installation documentation in 5+ written languages
+- [ ] Enhancements approved by a community-driven process
+## (#2) User-friendly
+- [ ] Automatic installation of hypervisor dependencies
+- [ ] Graphical User Interface
+- [ ] Built-in 3rd Party ecosystem with 50+ entries
+## (#3) Support all Kubernetes features
+- [ ] Multi-node
+- [ ] IPv6
+- [ ] Usage documentation for 3 leading CNI providers
+- [ ] Automatically publish conformance test results after a release
+- [ ] Modernize the local path provisioner
+## (#4) Cross-platform
+- [ ] Windows as a first-class citizen
+- [ ] VM-free deployment to Docker
+- [ ] VM-free deployment to Podman
+- [ ] WSL2 support
+- [ ] Firecracker VM support
+## (#5) Reliable
+- [ ] Resource alerts
+- [ ] Time synchronization on HyperKit
+- [ ] Consistent IP across restarts
+- [ ] Investigate replacing libmachine with a maintained alternative
+## (#6) High Performance
+- [ ] Startup latency under 30s
+- [ ] Kernel-assisted mounts (CIFS, NFS) by default
+- [ ] Suspend and Resume
+- [ ] <25% CPU overhead on a single core
+## (#7) Developer Focused
+- [ ] Container build integration