add 'image ls' with format integration test

Piotr Resztak 2021-12-22 00:57:03 +01:00
parent c8117c5bfd
commit 43e81cfbca
1 changed files with 22 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -245,22 +245,13 @@ func tagAndLoadImage(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, profile, taggedImage str
checkImageExists(ctx, t, profile, taggedImage)
// validateImageCommands runs tests on all the `minikube image` commands, ex. `minikube image load`, `minikube image list`, etc.
func validateImageCommands(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, profile string) {
// docs(skip): Skips on `none` driver as image loading is not supported
if NoneDriver() {
t.Skip("image commands are not available on the none driver")
// docs(skip): Skips on GitHub Actions and macOS as this test case requires a running docker daemon
if GithubActionRunner() && runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
t.Skip("skipping on darwin github action runners, as this test requires a running docker daemon")
// runImageList is a helper function to run 'image ls' command test.
func runImageList(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, profile, testName, format string, expectedResult []string) {
// docs: Make sure image listing works by `minikube image ls`
t.Run("ImageList", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
rr, err := Run(t, exec.CommandContext(ctx, Target(), "-p", profile, "image", "ls"))
rr, err := Run(t, exec.CommandContext(ctx, Target(), "-p", profile, "image", "ls", "--format", format))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("listing image with minikube: %v\n%s", err, rr.Output())
@ -272,12 +263,29 @@ func validateImageCommands(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, profile string) {
list := rr.Output()
for _, theImage := range []string{"", ""} {
for _, theImage := range expectedResult {
if !strings.Contains(list, theImage) {
t.Fatalf("expected %s to be listed with minikube but the image is not there", theImage)
// validateImageCommands runs tests on all the `minikube image` commands, ex. `minikube image load`, `minikube image list`, etc.
func validateImageCommands(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, profile string) {
// docs(skip): Skips on `none` driver as image loading is not supported
if NoneDriver() {
t.Skip("image commands are not available on the none driver")
// docs(skip): Skips on GitHub Actions and macOS as this test case requires a running docker daemon
if GithubActionRunner() && runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
t.Skip("skipping on darwin github action runners, as this test requires a running docker daemon")
runImageList(ctx, t, profile, "ImageListShort", "short", []string{"", ""})
runImageList(ctx, t, profile, "ImageListTable", "table", []string{"|", "|"})
runImageList(ctx, t, profile, "ImageListJson", "json", []string{"[\"", "[\""})
runImageList(ctx, t, profile, "ImageListYaml", "yaml", []string{"-", "-"})
// docs: Make sure image building works by `minikube image build`
t.Run("ImageBuild", func(t *testing.T) {