Change console style string to enum
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ minikube addons list`, addonName)
exit.WithError("IsEnabled failed", err)
if !ok {
console.ErrStyle("conflict", `addon '%s' is currently not enabled.
console.ErrStyle(console.Conflict, `addon '%s' is currently not enabled.
To enable this addon run:
minikube addons enable %s`, addonName, addonName)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func IsValidDriver(string, driver string) error {
// RequiresRestartMsg returns the "requires restart" message
func RequiresRestartMsg(string, string) error {
console.OutStyle("warning", "These changes will take effect upon a minikube delete and then a minikube start")
console.OutStyle(console.WarningType, "These changes will take effect upon a minikube delete and then a minikube start")
return nil
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ var dashboardCmd = &cobra.Command{
cluster.EnsureMinikubeRunningOrExit(api, 1)
// Send status messages to stderr for folks re-using this output.
console.ErrStyle("enabling", "Enabling dashboard ...")
console.ErrStyle(console.Enabling, "Enabling dashboard ...")
// Enable the dashboard add-on
err = configcmd.Set("dashboard", "true")
if err != nil {
@ -91,19 +91,19 @@ var dashboardCmd = &cobra.Command{
ns := "kube-system"
svc := "kubernetes-dashboard"
console.ErrStyle("verifying", "Verifying dashboard health ...")
console.ErrStyle(console.Verifying, "Verifying dashboard health ...")
if err = util.RetryAfter(180, func() error { return service.CheckService(ns, svc) }, 1*time.Second); err != nil {
exit.WithCode(exit.Unavailable, "%s:%s is not running: %v", ns, svc, err)
console.ErrStyle("launch", "Launching proxy ...")
console.ErrStyle(console.Launch, "Launching proxy ...")
p, hostPort, err := kubectlProxy(kubectl)
if err != nil {
exit.WithError("kubectl proxy", err)
url := dashboardURL(hostPort, ns, svc)
console.ErrStyle("verifying", "Verifying proxy health ...")
console.ErrStyle(console.Verifying, "Verifying proxy health ...")
if err = util.RetryAfter(60, func() error { return checkURL(url) }, 1*time.Second); err != nil {
exit.WithCode(exit.Unavailable, "%s is not responding properly: %v", url, err)
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ var dashboardCmd = &cobra.Command{
if dashboardURLMode {
} else {
console.ErrStyle("celebrate", "Opening %s in your default browser...", url)
console.ErrStyle(console.Celebrate, "Opening %s in your default browser...", url)
if err = browser.OpenURL(url); err != nil {
console.Failure("failed to open browser: %v", err)
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ associated files.`,
if err == nil && cc.MachineConfig.VMDriver == "none" {
kc := cc.KubernetesConfig
bsName := viper.GetString(cmdcfg.Bootstrapper)
console.OutStyle("resetting", "Uninstalling Kubernetes %s using %s ...", kc.KubernetesVersion, bsName)
console.OutStyle(console.Resetting, "Uninstalling Kubernetes %s using %s ...", kc.KubernetesVersion, bsName)
clusterBootstrapper, err := GetClusterBootstrapper(api, viper.GetString(cmdcfg.Bootstrapper))
if err != nil {
console.ErrLn("Unable to get bootstrapper: %v", err)
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ associated files.`,
if err = cluster.DeleteHost(api); err != nil {
switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) {
case mcnerror.ErrHostDoesNotExist:
console.OutStyle("meh", "%q cluster does not exist", profile)
console.OutStyle(console.Meh, "%q cluster does not exist", profile)
exit.WithError("Failed to delete cluster", err)
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ associated files.`,
if err := os.Remove(constants.GetProfileFile(viper.GetString(pkg_config.MachineProfile))); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
console.OutStyle("meh", "%q profile does not exist", profile)
console.OutStyle(console.Meh, "%q profile does not exist", profile)
exit.WithError("Failed to remove profile", err)
console.OutStyle("crushed", "The %q cluster has been deleted.", profile)
console.OutStyle(console.Crushed, "The %q cluster has been deleted.", profile)
@ -142,29 +142,29 @@ var mountCmd = &cobra.Command{
cfg.Options[parts[0]] = parts[1]
console.OutStyle("mounting", "Mounting host path %s into VM as %s ...", hostPath, vmPath)
console.OutStyle("mount-options", "Mount options:")
console.OutStyle("option", "Type: %s", cfg.Type)
console.OutStyle("option", "UID: %s", cfg.UID)
console.OutStyle("option", "GID: %s", cfg.GID)
console.OutStyle("option", "Version: %s", cfg.Version)
console.OutStyle("option", "MSize: %d", cfg.MSize)
console.OutStyle("option", "Mode: %o (%s)", cfg.Mode, cfg.Mode)
console.OutStyle("option", "Options: %s", cfg.Options)
console.OutStyle(console.Mounting, "Mounting host path %s into VM as %s ...", hostPath, vmPath)
console.OutStyle(console.MountOptions, "Mount options:")
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "Type: %s", cfg.Type)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "UID: %s", cfg.UID)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "GID: %s", cfg.GID)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "Version: %s", cfg.Version)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "MSize: %d", cfg.MSize)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "Mode: %o (%s)", cfg.Mode, cfg.Mode)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "Options: %s", cfg.Options)
// An escape valve to allow future hackers to try NFS, VirtFS, or other FS types.
if !supportedFilesystems[cfg.Type] {
console.OutStyle("warning", "%s is not yet a supported filesystem. We will try anyways!", cfg.Type)
console.OutStyle(console.WarningType, "%s is not yet a supported filesystem. We will try anyways!", cfg.Type)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
if cfg.Type == nineP {
go func() {
console.OutStyle("fileserver", "Userspace file server: ")
console.OutStyle(console.Fileserver, "Userspace file server: ")
ufs.StartServer(net.JoinHostPort(ip.String(), strconv.Itoa(port)), debugVal, hostPath)
console.OutStyle("stopped", "Userspace file server is shutdown")
console.OutStyle(console.Stopped, "Userspace file server is shutdown")
@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ var mountCmd = &cobra.Command{
signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
for sig := range c {
console.OutStyle("unmount", "Unmounting %s ...", vmPath)
console.OutStyle(console.Unmount, "Unmounting %s ...", vmPath)
err := cluster.Unmount(runner, vmPath)
if err != nil {
console.ErrStyle("failure", "Failed unmount: %v", err)
console.ErrStyle(console.FailureType, "Failed unmount: %v", err)
exit.WithCode(exit.Interrupted, "Exiting due to %s signal", sig)
@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ var mountCmd = &cobra.Command{
if err != nil {
exit.WithError("mount failed", err)
console.OutStyle("success", "Successfully mounted %s to %s", hostPath, vmPath)
console.OutStyle(console.SuccessType, "Successfully mounted %s to %s", hostPath, vmPath)
console.OutStyle("notice", "NOTE: This process must stay alive for the mount to be accessible ...")
console.OutStyle(console.Notice, "NOTE: This process must stay alive for the mount to be accessible ...")
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var serviceListCmd = &cobra.Command{
serviceURLs, err := service.GetServiceURLs(api, serviceListNamespace, serviceURLTemplate)
if err != nil {
console.Fatal("Failed to get service URL: %v", err)
console.ErrStyle("notice", "Check that minikube is running and that you have specified the correct namespace (-n flag) if required.")
console.ErrStyle(console.Notice, "Check that minikube is running and that you have specified the correct namespace (-n flag) if required.")
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ assumes you have already installed one of the VM drivers: virtualbox/parallels/v
// runStart handles the executes the flow of "minikube start"
func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
console.OutStyle("happy", "minikube %s on %s (%s)", version.GetVersion(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
console.OutStyle(console.Happy, "minikube %s on %s (%s)", version.GetVersion(), runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
oldConfig, err := cfg.Load()
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if err := CacheImagesInConfigFile(); err != nil {
exit.WithError("Failed to cache images", err)
console.OutStyle("check", "Download complete!")
console.OutStyle(console.Check, "Download complete!")
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Makes minikube node ip to bypass http(s) proxy. since it is local traffic.
err = proxy.ExcludeIP(ip)
if err != nil {
console.ErrStyle("Failed to set NO_PROXY Env. please Use `export NO_PROXY=$NO_PROXY,%s`.", ip)
console.ErrStyle(console.FailureType, "Failed to set NO_PROXY Env. please Use `export NO_PROXY=$NO_PROXY,%s`.", ip)
// Save IP to configuration file for subsequent use
config.KubernetesConfig.NodeIP = ip
@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
cr := configureRuntimes(runner)
version, _ := cr.Version()
console.OutStyle(cr.Name(), "Configuring environment for Kubernetes %s on %s %s", k8sVersion, cr.Name(), version)
console.OutStyle(cr.Style(), "Configuring environment for Kubernetes %s on %s %s", k8sVersion, cr.Name(), version)
for _, v := range dockerOpt {
console.OutStyle("option", "opt %s", v)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "opt %s", v)
for _, v := range dockerEnv {
console.OutStyle("option", "env %s", v)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "env %s", v)
// prepareHostEnvironment uses the downloaded images, so we need to wait for background task completion.
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if config.MachineConfig.VMDriver == constants.DriverNone {
console.OutStyle("starting-none", "Configuring local host environment ...")
console.OutStyle(console.StartingNone, "Configuring local host environment ...")
@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ func runStart(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
func showKubectlConnectInfo(kubeconfig *pkgutil.KubeConfigSetup) {
if kubeconfig.KeepContext {
console.OutStyle("kubectl", "To connect to this cluster, use: kubectl --context=%s", kubeconfig.ClusterName)
console.OutStyle(console.Kubectl, "To connect to this cluster, use: kubectl --context=%s", kubeconfig.ClusterName)
} else {
console.OutStyle("ready", "Done! kubectl is now configured to use %q", cfg.GetMachineName())
console.OutStyle(console.Ready, "Done! kubectl is now configured to use %q", cfg.GetMachineName())
_, err := exec.LookPath("kubectl")
if err != nil {
console.OutStyle("tip", "For best results, install kubectl:")
console.OutStyle(console.Tip, "For best results, install kubectl:")
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ func generateConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, k8sVersion string) (cfg.Config, error) {
repository := viper.GetString(imageRepository)
mirrorCountry := strings.ToLower(viper.GetString(imageMirrorCountry))
if strings.ToLower(repository) == "auto" || mirrorCountry != "" {
console.OutStyle("connectivity", "checking main repository and mirrors for images")
console.OutStyle(console.Connectivity, "checking main repository and mirrors for images")
found, autoSelectedRepository, err := selectImageRepository(mirrorCountry, k8sVersion)
if err != nil {
exit.WithError("Failed to check main repository and mirrors for images for images", err)
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ func generateConfig(cmd *cobra.Command, k8sVersion string) (cfg.Config, error) {
if repository != "" {
console.OutStyle("success", "using image repository %s", repository)
console.OutStyle(console.SuccessType, "using image repository %s", repository)
cfg := cfg.Config{
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ func prepareNone() {
console.Warning("The 'none' driver provides limited isolation and may reduce system security and reliability.")
console.Warning("For more information, see:")
console.OutStyle("url", "")
console.OutStyle(console.Url, "")
@ -503,11 +503,11 @@ func prepareNone() {
console.Warning("need to relocate them. For example, to overwrite your own settings:")
console.OutStyle("command", "sudo mv %s/.kube %s/.minikube $HOME", home, home)
console.OutStyle("command", "sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.kube $HOME/.minikube")
console.OutStyle(console.Command, "sudo mv %s/.kube %s/.minikube $HOME", home, home)
console.OutStyle(console.Command, "sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.kube $HOME/.minikube")
console.OutStyle("tip", "This can also be done automatically by setting the env var CHANGE_MINIKUBE_NONE_USER=true")
console.OutStyle(console.Tip, "This can also be done automatically by setting the env var CHANGE_MINIKUBE_NONE_USER=true")
if err := pkgutil.MaybeChownDirRecursiveToMinikubeUser(constants.GetMinipath()); err != nil {
@ -548,10 +548,10 @@ func validateNetwork(h *host.Host) string {
for _, k := range proxy.EnvVars {
if v := os.Getenv(k); v != "" {
if !optSeen {
console.OutStyle("internet", "Found network options:")
console.OutStyle(console.Internet, "Found network options:")
optSeen = true
console.OutStyle("option", "%s=%s", k, v)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "%s=%s", k, v)
ipExcluded := proxy.IsIPExcluded(ip) // Skip warning if minikube ip is already in NO_PROXY
if (k == "HTTP_PROXY" || k == "HTTPS_PROXY") && !ipExcluded && !warnedOnce {
console.Warning("You appear to be using a proxy, but your NO_PROXY environment does not include the minikube IP (%s). Please see for more details", ip)
@ -587,11 +587,11 @@ func validateKubernetesVersions(old *cfg.Config) (string, bool) {
if nvs.LT(ovs) {
nv = version.VersionPrefix + ovs.String()
console.ErrStyle("conflict", "Kubernetes downgrade is not supported, will continue to use %v", nv)
console.ErrStyle(console.Conflict, "Kubernetes downgrade is not supported, will continue to use %v", nv)
return nv, isUpgrade
if nvs.GT(ovs) {
console.OutStyle("thumbs-up", "minikube will upgrade the local cluster from Kubernetes %s to %s", ovs, nvs)
console.OutStyle(console.ThumbsUp, "minikube will upgrade the local cluster from Kubernetes %s to %s", ovs, nvs)
isUpgrade = true
return nv, isUpgrade
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ func prepareHostEnvironment(api libmachine.API, kc cfg.KubernetesConfig) bootstr
exit.WithError("Failed to get bootstrapper", err)
for _, eo := range extraOptions {
console.OutStyle("option", "%s.%s=%s", eo.Component, eo.Key, eo.Value)
console.OutStyle(console.Option, "%s.%s=%s", eo.Component, eo.Key, eo.Value)
// Loads cached images, generates config files, download binaries
if err := bs.UpdateCluster(kc); err != nil {
@ -666,21 +666,21 @@ func bootstrapCluster(bs bootstrapper.Bootstrapper, r cruntime.Manager, runner b
bsName := viper.GetString(cmdcfg.Bootstrapper)
if isUpgrade || !preexisting {
console.OutStyle("pulling", "Pulling images ...")
console.OutStyle(console.Pulling, "Pulling images ...")
if err := bs.PullImages(kc); err != nil {
console.OutStyle("failure", "Unable to pull images, which may be OK: %v", err)
console.OutStyle(console.FailureType, "Unable to pull images, which may be OK: %v", err)
if preexisting {
console.OutStyle("restarting", "Relaunching Kubernetes %s using %s ... ", kc.KubernetesVersion, bsName)
console.OutStyle(console.Restarting, "Relaunching Kubernetes %s using %s ... ", kc.KubernetesVersion, bsName)
if err := bs.RestartCluster(kc); err != nil {
exit.WithLogEntries("Error restarting cluster", err, logs.FindProblems(r, bs, runner))
console.OutStyle("launch", "Launching Kubernetes ... ")
console.OutStyle(console.Launch, "Launching Kubernetes ... ")
if err := bs.StartCluster(kc); err != nil {
exit.WithLogEntries("Error starting cluster", err, logs.FindProblems(r, bs, runner))
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ func configureMounts() {
console.OutStyle("mounting", "Creating mount %s ...", viper.GetString(mountString))
console.OutStyle(console.Mounting, "Creating mount %s ...", viper.GetString(mountString))
path := os.Args[0]
mountDebugVal := 0
if glog.V(8) {
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ itself, leaving all files intact. The cluster can be started again with the "sta
err = cluster.StopHost(api)
switch err := errors.Cause(err).(type) {
case mcnerror.ErrHostDoesNotExist:
console.OutStyle("meh", "%q VM does not exist, nothing to stop", profile)
console.OutStyle(console.Meh, "%q VM does not exist, nothing to stop", profile)
nonexistent = true
return nil
@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ itself, leaving all files intact. The cluster can be started again with the "sta
exit.WithError("Unable to stop VM", err)
if !nonexistent {
console.OutStyle("stopped", "%q stopped.", profile)
console.OutStyle(console.Stopped, "%q stopped.", profile)
if err := cmdUtil.KillMountProcess(); err != nil {
console.OutStyle("warning", "Unable to kill mount process: %s", err)
console.OutStyle(console.WarningType, "Unable to kill mount process: %s", err)
machineName := pkg_config.GetMachineName()
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ var updateContextCmd = &cobra.Command{
exit.WithError("update config", err)
if updated {
console.OutStyle("celebrate", "%s IP has been updated to point at %s", machineName, ip)
console.OutStyle(console.Celebrate, "%s IP has been updated to point at %s", machineName, ip)
} else {
console.OutStyle("meh", "%s IP was already correctly configured for %s", machineName, ip)
console.OutStyle(console.Meh, "%s IP was already correctly configured for %s", machineName, ip)
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ func (k *Bootstrapper) WaitCluster(k8s config.KubernetesConfig) error {
// by a CNI plugin which is usually started after minikube has been brought
// up. Otherwise, minikube won't start, as "k8s-app" pods are not ready.
componentsOnly := k8s.NetworkPlugin == "cni"
console.OutStyle("waiting-pods", "Verifying:")
console.OutStyle(console.WaitingPods, "Verifying:")
client, err := util.GetClient()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "k8s client")
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ func StartHost(api libmachine.API, config cfg.MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error)
console.Warning("Alternatively, you may delete the existing VM using `minikube delete -p %s`", cfg.GetMachineName())
} else if exists && cfg.GetMachineName() == constants.DefaultMachineName {
console.OutStyle("tip", "Tip: Use 'minikube start -p <name>' to create a new cluster, or 'minikube delete' to delete this one.")
console.OutStyle(console.Tip, "Tip: Use 'minikube start -p <name>' to create a new cluster, or 'minikube delete' to delete this one.")
s, err := h.Driver.GetState()
@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ func StartHost(api libmachine.API, config cfg.MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error)
if s == state.Running {
console.OutStyle("running", "Re-using the currently running %s VM for %q ...", h.Driver.DriverName(), cfg.GetMachineName())
console.OutStyle(console.Running, "Re-using the currently running %s VM for %q ...", h.Driver.DriverName(), cfg.GetMachineName())
} else {
console.OutStyle("restarting", "Restarting existing %s VM for %q ...", h.Driver.DriverName(), cfg.GetMachineName())
console.OutStyle(console.Restarting, "Restarting existing %s VM for %q ...", h.Driver.DriverName(), cfg.GetMachineName())
if err := h.Driver.Start(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "start")
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ func StartHost(api libmachine.API, config cfg.MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error)
// configureHost handles any post-powerup configuration required
func configureHost(h *host.Host, e *engine.Options) error {
// Slightly counter-intuitive, but this is what DetectProvisioner & ConfigureAuth block on.
console.OutStyle("waiting", "Waiting for SSH access ...")
console.OutStyle(console.Waiting, "Waiting for SSH access ...")
if len(e.Env) > 0 {
h.HostOptions.EngineOptions.Env = e.Env
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ func trySSHPowerOff(h *host.Host) {
console.OutStyle("shutdown", "Powering off %q via SSH ...", cfg.GetMachineName())
console.OutStyle(console.Shutdown, "Powering off %q via SSH ...", cfg.GetMachineName())
out, err := h.RunSSHCommand("sudo poweroff")
// poweroff always results in an error, since the host disconnects.
glog.Infof("poweroff result: out=%s, err=%v", out, err)
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ func StopHost(api libmachine.API) error {
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "load")
console.OutStyle("stopping", "Stopping %q in %s ...", cfg.GetMachineName(), host.DriverName)
console.OutStyle(console.Stopping, "Stopping %q in %s ...", cfg.GetMachineName(), host.DriverName)
if err := host.Stop(); err != nil {
alreadyInStateError, ok := err.(mcnerror.ErrHostAlreadyInState)
if ok && alreadyInStateError.State == state.Stopped {
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ func DeleteHost(api libmachine.API) error {
console.OutStyle("deleting-host", "Deleting %q from %s ...", cfg.GetMachineName(), host.DriverName)
console.OutStyle(console.DeletingHost, "Deleting %q from %s ...", cfg.GetMachineName(), host.DriverName)
if err := host.Driver.Remove(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "host remove")
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ To disable this message, run [minikube config set WantShowDriverDeprecationNotif
func createHost(api libmachine.API, config cfg.MachineConfig) (*host.Host, error) {
console.OutStyle("starting-vm", "Creating %s VM (CPUs=%d, Memory=%dMB, Disk=%dMB) ...", config.VMDriver, config.CPUs, config.Memory, config.DiskSize)
console.OutStyle(console.StartingVm, "Creating %s VM (CPUs=%d, Memory=%dMB, Disk=%dMB) ...", config.VMDriver, config.CPUs, config.Memory, config.DiskSize)
def, err := registry.Driver(config.VMDriver)
if err != nil {
if err == registry.ErrDriverNotFound {
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import (
// console.SetOutFile(os.Stdout)
// console.Out("Starting up!")
// console.OutStyle("status-change", "Configuring things")
// console.OutStyle(console.StatusChange, "Configuring things")
// console.SetErrFile(os.Stderr)
// console.Fatal("Oh no, everything failed.")
@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ type fdWriter interface {
// HasStyle checks if a style exists
func HasStyle(style string) bool {
func HasStyle(style StyleEnum) bool {
return hasStyle(style)
// OutStyle writes a stylized and formatted message to stdout
func OutStyle(style, format string, a ...interface{}) {
func OutStyle(style StyleEnum, format string, a ...interface{}) {
outStyled, err := applyStyle(style, useColor, format, a...)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("applyStyle(%s): %v", style, err)
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func OutLn(format string, a ...interface{}) {
// ErrStyle writes a stylized and formatted error message to stderr
func ErrStyle(style, format string, a ...interface{}) {
func ErrStyle(style StyleEnum, format string, a ...interface{}) {
format, err := applyStyle(style, useColor, format, a...)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("applyStyle(%s): %v", style, err)
@ -134,22 +134,22 @@ func ErrLn(format string, a ...interface{}) {
// Success is a shortcut for writing a styled success message to stdout
func Success(format string, a ...interface{}) {
OutStyle("success", format, a...)
OutStyle(SuccessType, format, a...)
// Fatal is a shortcut for writing a styled fatal message to stderr
func Fatal(format string, a ...interface{}) {
ErrStyle("fatal", format, a...)
ErrStyle(FatalType, format, a...)
// Warning is a shortcut for writing a styled warning message to stderr
func Warning(format string, a ...interface{}) {
ErrStyle("warning", format, a...)
ErrStyle(WarningType, format, a...)
// Failure is a shortcut for writing a styled failure message to stderr
func Failure(format string, a ...interface{}) {
ErrStyle("failure", format, a...)
ErrStyle(FailureType, format, a...)
// SetPreferredLanguageTag configures which language future messages should use.
@ -50,19 +50,19 @@ func (f *fakeFile) String() string {
func TestOutStyle(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
style string
style StyleEnum
message string
params []interface{}
want string
wantASCII string
{"happy", "Happy", nil, "😄 Happy\n", "* Happy\n"},
{"option", "Option", nil, " ▪ Option\n", " - Option\n"},
{"warning", "Warning", nil, "⚠️ Warning\n", "! Warning\n"},
{"fatal", "Fatal: %v", []interface{}{"ugh"}, "💣 Fatal: ugh\n", "X Fatal: ugh\n"},
{"waiting-pods", "wait", nil, "⌛ wait", "* wait"},
{"issue", "http://i/%d", []interface{}{10000}, " ▪ http://i/10000\n", " - http://i/10000\n"},
{"usage", "raw: %s %s", []interface{}{"'%'", "%d"}, "💡 raw: '%' %d\n", "* raw: '%' %d\n"},
{Happy, "Happy", nil, "😄 Happy\n", "* Happy\n"},
{Option, "Option", nil, " ▪ Option\n", " - Option\n"},
{WarningType, "Warning", nil, "⚠️ Warning\n", "! Warning\n"},
{FatalType, "Fatal: %v", []interface{}{"ugh"}, "💣 Fatal: ugh\n", "X Fatal: ugh\n"},
{WaitingPods, "wait", nil, "⌛ wait", "* wait"},
{Issue, "http://i/%d", []interface{}{10000}, " ▪ http://i/10000\n", " - http://i/10000\n"},
{Usage, "raw: %s %s", []interface{}{"'%'", "%d"}, "💡 raw: '%' %d\n", "* raw: '%' %d\n"},
for _, tc := range tests {
for _, override := range []bool{true, false} {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ func TestErrStyle(t *testing.T) {
os.Setenv(OverrideEnv, "1")
f := newFakeFile()
ErrStyle("fatal", "error: %s", "%s%%%d")
ErrStyle(FatalType, "error: %s", "%s%%%d")
got := f.String()
want := "💣 error: %s%%%d\n"
if got != want {
@ -47,67 +47,67 @@ type style struct {
// styles is a map of style name to style struct
// For consistency, ensure that emojis added render with the same width across platforms.
var styles = map[string]style{
"happy": {Prefix: "😄 "},
"success": {Prefix: "✅ "},
"failure": {Prefix: "❌ "},
"conflict": {Prefix: "💥 ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
"fatal": {Prefix: "💣 ", LowPrefix: lowError},
"notice": {Prefix: "📌 "},
"ready": {Prefix: "🏄 "},
"running": {Prefix: "🏃 "},
"provisioning": {Prefix: "🌱 "},
"restarting": {Prefix: "🔄 "},
"reconfiguring": {Prefix: "📯 "},
"stopping": {Prefix: "✋ "},
"stopped": {Prefix: "🛑 "},
"warning": {Prefix: "⚠️ ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
"waiting": {Prefix: "⌛ "},
"waiting-pods": {Prefix: "⌛ ", OmitNewline: true},
"usage": {Prefix: "💡 "},
"launch": {Prefix: "🚀 "},
"sad": {Prefix: "😿 "},
"thumbs-up": {Prefix: "👍 "},
"option": {Prefix: " ▪ ", LowPrefix: lowIndent}, // Indented bullet
"command": {Prefix: " ▪ ", LowPrefix: lowIndent}, // Indented bullet
"log-entry": {Prefix: " "}, // Indent
"crushed": {Prefix: "💔 "},
"url": {Prefix: "👉 ", LowPrefix: lowIndent},
"documentation": {Prefix: "📘 "},
"issues": {Prefix: "⁉️ "},
"issue": {Prefix: " ▪ ", LowPrefix: lowIndent}, // Indented bullet
"check": {Prefix: "✔️ "},
var styles = map[StyleEnum]style{
Happy: {Prefix: "😄 "},
SuccessType: {Prefix: "✅ "},
FailureType: {Prefix: "❌ "},
Conflict: {Prefix: "💥 ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
FatalType: {Prefix: "💣 ", LowPrefix: lowError},
Notice: {Prefix: "📌 "},
Ready: {Prefix: "🏄 "},
Running: {Prefix: "🏃 "},
Provisioning: {Prefix: "🌱 "},
Restarting: {Prefix: "🔄 "},
Reconfiguring: {Prefix: "📯 "},
Stopping: {Prefix: "✋ "},
Stopped: {Prefix: "🛑 "},
WarningType: {Prefix: "⚠️ ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
Waiting: {Prefix: "⌛ "},
WaitingPods: {Prefix: "⌛ ", OmitNewline: true},
Usage: {Prefix: "💡 "},
Launch: {Prefix: "🚀 "},
Sad: {Prefix: "😿 "},
ThumbsUp: {Prefix: "👍 "},
Option: {Prefix: " ▪ ", LowPrefix: lowIndent}, // Indented bullet
Command: {Prefix: " ▪ ", LowPrefix: lowIndent}, // Indented bullet
LogEntry: {Prefix: " "}, // Indent
Crushed: {Prefix: "💔 "},
Url: {Prefix: "👉 ", LowPrefix: lowIndent},
Documentation: {Prefix: "📘 "},
Issues: {Prefix: "⁉️ "},
Issue: {Prefix: " ▪ ", LowPrefix: lowIndent}, // Indented bullet
Check: {Prefix: "✔️ "},
// Specialized purpose styles
"iso-download": {Prefix: "💿 "},
"file-download": {Prefix: "💾 "},
"caching": {Prefix: "🤹 "},
"starting-vm": {Prefix: "🔥 "},
"starting-none": {Prefix: "🤹 "},
"resetting": {Prefix: "🔄 "},
"deleting-host": {Prefix: "🔥 "},
"copying": {Prefix: "✨ "},
"connectivity": {Prefix: "📶 "},
"internet": {Prefix: "🌐 "},
"mounting": {Prefix: "📁 "},
"celebrate": {Prefix: "🎉 "},
"container-runtime": {Prefix: "🎁 "},
"Docker": {Prefix: "🐳 "},
"CRI-O": {Prefix: "🎁 "}, // This should be a snow-flake, but the emoji has a strange width on macOS
"containerd": {Prefix: "📦 "},
"permissions": {Prefix: "🔑 "},
"enabling": {Prefix: "🔌 "},
"shutdown": {Prefix: "🛑 "},
"pulling": {Prefix: "🚜 "},
"verifying": {Prefix: "🤔 "},
"verifying-noline": {Prefix: "🤔 ", OmitNewline: true},
"kubectl": {Prefix: "💗 "},
"meh": {Prefix: "🙄 ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
"embarrassed": {Prefix: "🤦 ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
"tip": {Prefix: "💡 "},
"unmount": {Prefix: "🔥 "},
"mount-options": {Prefix: "💾 "},
"fileserver": {Prefix: "🚀 ", OmitNewline: true},
IsoDownload: {Prefix: "💿 "},
FileDownload: {Prefix: "💾 "},
Caching: {Prefix: "🤹 "},
StartingVm: {Prefix: "🔥 "},
StartingNone: {Prefix: "🤹 "},
Resetting: {Prefix: "🔄 "},
DeletingHost: {Prefix: "🔥 "},
Copying: {Prefix: "✨ "},
Connectivity: {Prefix: "📶 "},
Internet: {Prefix: "🌐 "},
Mounting: {Prefix: "📁 "},
Celebrate: {Prefix: "🎉 "},
ContainerRuntime: {Prefix: "🎁 "},
Docker: {Prefix: "🐳 "},
Crio: {Prefix: "🎁 "}, // This should be a snow-flake, but the emoji has a strange width on macOS
Containerd: {Prefix: "📦 "},
Permissions: {Prefix: "🔑 "},
Enabling: {Prefix: "🔌 "},
Shutdown: {Prefix: "🛑 "},
Pulling: {Prefix: "🚜 "},
Verifying: {Prefix: "🤔 "},
VerifyingNoLine: {Prefix: "🤔 ", OmitNewline: true},
Kubectl: {Prefix: "💗 "},
Meh: {Prefix: "🙄 ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
Embarrassed: {Prefix: "🤦 ", LowPrefix: lowWarning},
Tip: {Prefix: "💡 "},
Unmount: {Prefix: "🔥 "},
MountOptions: {Prefix: "💾 "},
Fileserver: {Prefix: "🚀 ", OmitNewline: true},
// Add a prefix to a string
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func applyPrefix(prefix, format string) string {
return prefix + format
func hasStyle(style string) bool {
func hasStyle(style StyleEnum) bool {
_, exists := styles[style]
return exists
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func lowPrefix(s style) string {
// Apply styling to a format string
func applyStyle(style string, useColor bool, format string, a ...interface{}) (string, error) {
func applyStyle(style StyleEnum, useColor bool, format string, a ...interface{}) (string, error) {
p := message.NewPrinter(preferredLanguage)
for i, x := range a {
if _, ok := x.(int); ok {
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package console
type StyleEnum int
const (
Happy StyleEnum = iota
func (style StyleEnum) String() string {
var s = []string{"Happy",
if style > Fileserver{
return "Unknown"
return s[style]
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
// Containerd contains containerd runtime state
@ -34,6 +35,10 @@ func (r *Containerd) Name() string {
return "containerd"
func (r *Containerd) Style() console.StyleEnum {
return console.Containerd
// Version retrieves the current version of this runtime
func (r *Containerd) Version() (string, error) {
ver, err := r.Runner.CombinedOutput("containerd --version")
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
// CRIO contains CRIO runtime state
@ -34,6 +35,11 @@ func (r *CRIO) Name() string {
return "CRI-O"
// Name is a human readable name for CRIO
func (r *CRIO) Style() console.StyleEnum {
return console.Crio
// Version retrieves the current version of this runtime
func (r *CRIO) Version() (string, error) {
ver, err := r.Runner.CombinedOutput("crio --version")
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
// CommandRunner is the subset of bootstrapper.CommandRunner this package consumes
@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ type Manager interface {
Active() bool
// Available returns an error if it is not possible to use this runtime on a host
Available() error
// Style is an associated StyleEnum for Name()
Style() console.StyleEnum
// KubeletOptions returns kubelet options for a runtime.
KubeletOptions() map[string]string
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func TestName(t *testing.T) {
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("Name(%s) = %q, want: %q", tc.runtime, got, tc.want)
if !console.HasStyle(got) {
if !console.HasStyle(r.Style()) {
t.Fatalf("console.HasStyle(%s): %v", got, false)
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
// Docker contains Docker runtime state
@ -35,6 +36,11 @@ func (r *Docker) Name() string {
return "Docker"
// Name is a human readable name for Docker
func (r *Docker) Style() console.StyleEnum {
return console.Docker
// Version retrieves the current version of this runtime
func (r *Docker) Version() (string, error) {
// Note: the server daemon has to be running, for this call to return successfully
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ const (
// Usage outputs a usage error and exits with error code 64
func Usage(format string, a ...interface{}) {
console.ErrStyle("usage", format, a...)
console.ErrStyle(console.Usage, format, a...)
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ func WithProblem(msg string, p *problem.Problem) {
console.ErrStyle("sad", "If the above advice does not help, please let us know: ")
console.ErrStyle("url", "")
console.ErrStyle(console.Sad, "If the above advice does not help, please let us know: ")
console.ErrStyle(console.Url, "")
@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ func WithLogEntries(msg string, err error, entries map[string][]string) {
displayError(msg, err)
for name, lines := range entries {
console.OutStyle("failure", "Problems detected in %q:", name)
console.OutStyle(console.FailureType, "Problems detected in %q:", name)
if len(lines) > MaxLogEntries {
lines = lines[:MaxLogEntries]
for _, l := range lines {
console.OutStyle("log-entry", l)
console.OutStyle(console.LogEntry, l)
@ -101,6 +101,6 @@ func displayError(msg string, err error) {
console.Fatal(msg+": %v", err)
console.ErrStyle("sad", "Sorry that minikube crashed. If this was unexpected, we would love to hear from you:")
console.ErrStyle("url", "")
console.ErrStyle(console.Sad, "Sorry that minikube crashed. If this was unexpected, we would love to hear from you:")
console.ErrStyle(console.Url, "")
@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ func FindProblems(r cruntime.Manager, bs bootstrapper.Bootstrapper, runner boots
// OutputProblems outputs discovered problems.
func OutputProblems(problems map[string][]string, maxLines int) {
for name, lines := range problems {
console.OutStyle("failure", "Problems detected in %q:", name)
console.OutStyle(console.FailureType, "Problems detected in %q:", name)
if len(lines) > maxLines {
lines = lines[len(lines)-maxLines:]
for _, l := range lines {
console.OutStyle("log-entry", l)
console.OutStyle(console.LogEntry, l)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func CacheBinary(binary, version, osName, archName string) (string, error) {
options.Checksum = constants.GetKubernetesReleaseURLSHA1(binary, version, osName, archName)
options.ChecksumHash = crypto.SHA1
console.OutStyle("file-download", "Downloading %s %s", binary, version)
console.OutStyle(console.FileDownload, "Downloading %s %s", binary, version)
if err := download.ToFile(url, targetFilepath, options); err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrapf(err, "Error downloading %s %s", binary, version)
@ -51,21 +51,21 @@ type match struct {
// Display problem metadata to the console
func (p *Problem) Display() {
console.ErrStyle("failure", "Error: [%s] %v", p.ID, p.Err)
console.ErrStyle("tip", "Advice: %s", p.Advice)
console.ErrStyle(console.FailureType, "Error: [%s] %v", p.ID, p.Err)
console.ErrStyle(console.Tip, "Advice: %s", p.Advice)
if p.URL != "" {
console.ErrStyle("documentation", "Documentation: %s", p.URL)
console.ErrStyle(console.Documentation, "Documentation: %s", p.URL)
if len(p.Issues) == 0 {
console.ErrStyle("issues", "Related issues:")
console.ErrStyle(console.Issues, "Related issues:")
issues := p.Issues
if len(issues) > 3 {
issues = issues[0:3]
for _, i := range issues {
console.ErrStyle("issue", "%s/%d", issueBase, i)
console.ErrStyle(console.Issue, "%s/%d", issueBase, i)
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ func WaitAndMaybeOpenService(api libmachine.API, namespace string, service strin
if urlMode || !isHTTPSchemedURL {
} else {
console.OutStyle("celebrate", "Opening kubernetes service %s/%s in default browser...", namespace, service)
console.OutStyle(console.Celebrate, "Opening kubernetes service %s/%s in default browser...", namespace, service)
if err := browser.OpenURL(urlString); err != nil {
console.Err("browser failed to open url: %v", err)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ func (f DefaultDownloader) CacheMinikubeISOFromURL(isoURL string) error {
options.ChecksumHash = crypto.SHA256
console.OutStyle("iso-download", "Downloading Minikube ISO ...")
console.OutStyle(console.IsoDownload, "Downloading Minikube ISO ...")
if err := download.ToFile(isoURL, f.GetISOCacheFilepath(isoURL), options); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, isoURL)
Reference in New Issue