Update auto-generated docs and translations
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
"- Ensure your {{.driver_name}} daemon has access to enough CPU/memory resources.": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der {{.driver_name}} Daemon genug CPU/RAM Resourcen zur Verfügung hat.",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes": "- Unnötige {{.driver_name}} Images, Volumes, Netzwerke und nicht mehr verwendete Container aufräumen.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes",
"- Restart your {{.driver_name}} service": "Starten Sie den {{.driver_name}} Service neu",
"- {{.logPath}}": "",
"--container-runtime must be set to \\\"containerd\\\" or \\\"cri-o\\\" for rootless": "--container-runtime muss für rootless auf \\\"containerd\\\" oder \\\"cri-o\\\" gesetzt sein",
"--kvm-numa-count range is 1-8": "Der Wertebereich für --kvm-numa-count ist 1-8",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman and KVM drivers, it will be ignored": "Der Parameter --network kann nur mit dem docker/podman und den KVM Treibern verwendet werden, er wird ignoriert werden",
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "1. Klicken Sie auf das \"Docker für Desktop\" Menu Icon\n\t\t\t2. Klicken Sie auf \"Einstellungen\"\n\t\t\t3. Klicken Sie auf \"Resourcen\"\n\t\t\t4. Erhöhen Sie den Wert von \"Speicher\" auf {{.recommend}} oder mehr\n\t\t\t5. Klicken Sie auf \"Anwenden \u0026 Neustarten\"",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "1. Öffnen Sie \"Docker Desktop\" indem Sie das Docker Icon im System Tray anklicken\n\t\t2. Klicken Sie auf \"Einstellungen\"\n\t\t3. Klicken Sie auf \"Resourcen\"\n\t\t4. Erhöhen Sie den Wert von \"CPUs\" auf 2 oder mehr\n\t\t\t5. Klicken Sie auf \"Anwenden \u0026 Neustarten\"",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "\"1. Öffnen Sie \\\"Docker Desktop\\\" indem Sie das Docker Icon im System Tray anklicken\\n\\t\\t2. Klicken Sie auf \"Einstellungen\"\n\t\t\t3. Klicken Sie auf \"Resourcen\"\n\t\t\t4. Erhöhen Sie den Wert von \"Speicher\" auf {{.recommend}} oder mehr\n\t\t\t5. Klicken Sie auf \"Anwenden \u0026 Neustarten\"",
"": "",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==": "",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==": "==\u003e Letzter Start \u003c==",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/": "Ein VPN oder eine Firewall beeinflussen den HTTP Zugriff zur Minikube VM. Versuchen Sie alternativ einen anderen VM Treiber zu verwenden: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/",
@ -979,7 +977,6 @@
"zsh completion failed": "zsh completion fehlgeschlagen",
"zsh completion.": "",
"{{ .name }}: Suggestion: {{ .suggestion}}": "{{ .name }}: Vorschlag: {{ .suggestion}}",
"{{ .name }}: {{ .rejection }}": "",
"{{.Driver}} is currently using the {{.StorageDriver}} storage driver, consider switching to overlay2 for better performance": "{{.Driver}} verwendet derzeit den {{.StorageDriver}} Storage Treiber, erwäge zu overlay2 zu wechseln für bessere Performance",
"{{.count}} node{{if gt .count 1}}s{{end}} stopped.": "{{.count}} Node{{if get .count 1}}s{{end}} angehalten.",
"{{.driver_name}} \"{{.cluster}}\" {{.machine_type}} is missing, will recreate.": "{{.driver_name}} \"{{.cluster}}\" {{.machine_type}} fehlt, wird neu erstellt.",
@ -987,8 +984,6 @@
"{{.driver_name}} has less than 2 CPUs available, but Kubernetes requires at least 2 to be available": "{{.driver_name}} verfügt über weniger als 2 CPUs, aber Kubernetes benötigt mindestens 2 verfügbare CPUs",
"{{.driver_name}} has only {{.container_limit}}MB memory but you specified {{.specified_memory}}MB": "{{.driver_name}} hat nur {{.container_limit}}MB Speicher aber spezifiziert wurden {{.specified_memory}}MB",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "{{.driver}} hat nur {{.size}}MiB verfügbar, weniger als die für Kubernetes notwendigen {{.req}}MiB",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "{{.name}} hat keine Images.",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "{{.name}} hat die folgenden Images:",
"{{.name}} has no available configuration options": "{{.name}} hat keine verfügbaren Konfigurations-Optionen",
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
"- Ensure your {{.driver_name}} daemon has access to enough CPU/memory resources.": "Garantiza que {{.driver_name}} posee suficientes recursos de CPU/Memoria",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes": "- Recorta las imágenes, volumenes, redes y contenedores abandonados de {{.driver_name}}.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes",
"- Restart your {{.driver_name}} service": "- Reinicia el servicio {{.driver_name}}",
"- {{.logPath}}": "",
"--container-runtime must be set to \\\"containerd\\\" or \\\"cri-o\\\" for rootless": "--container-runtime debe ser configurado a \\\"containerd\\\" o \\\"crio-o\\\" para no usar usuario root",
"--kvm-numa-count range is 1-8": "--kvm-numa-count el rango es 1-8",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman and KVM drivers, it will be ignored": "el flag --network es válido solamente con docker/podman y KVM, será ignorado",
@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"": "",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==": "",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==": "",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/": "Una VPN o cortafuegos está interfiriendo con el acceso HTTP a la máquina virtual de minikube. Alternativamente prueba otro controlador: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/",
@ -993,8 +991,6 @@
"{{.driver_name}} has less than 2 CPUs available, but Kubernetes requires at least 2 to be available": "",
"{{.driver_name}} has only {{.container_limit}}MB memory but you specified {{.specified_memory}}MB": "",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "",
"{{.name}} has no available configuration options": "",
@ -998,7 +998,6 @@
"zsh completion failed": "zsh のコマンド補完に失敗しました",
"zsh completion.": "zsh のコマンド補完です。",
"{{ .name }}: Suggestion: {{ .suggestion}}": "{{ .name }}: 提案: {{ .suggestion}}",
"{{ .name }}: {{ .rejection }}": "",
"{{.Driver}} is currently using the {{.StorageDriver}} storage driver, consider switching to overlay2 for better performance": "{{.Driver}} は現在 {{.StorageDriver}} ストレージドライバーを使用しています。性能向上のため overlay2 への切替を検討してください",
"{{.cluster}} IP has been updated to point at {{.ip}}": "{{.cluster}} の IP アドレスは {{.ip}} に更新されました",
"{{.cluster}} IP was already correctly configured for {{.ip}}": "{{.cluster}} の IP アドレスはすでに {{.ip}} に設定されています",
@ -1011,8 +1010,6 @@
"{{.driver}} does not appear to be installed": "{{.driver}} がインストールされていないようです",
"{{.driver}} does not appear to be installed, but is specified by an existing profile. Please run 'minikube delete' or install {{.driver}}": "{{.driver}} がインストールされていないようですが、既存のプロファイルから指定されています。'minikube delete' を実行するか、{{.driver}} をインストールしてください",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "{{.driver}} は Kubernetes に必要な {{.req}}MiB 未満の {{.size}}MiB しか使用できません",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "{{.name}} はイメージがありません。",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "{{.name}} は次のイメージがあります:",
"{{.name}} has no available configuration options": "{{.name}} には利用可能な設定オプションがありません",
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"- Ensure your {{.driver_name}} daemon has access to enough CPU/memory resources.": "- {{.driver_name}} 데몬이 충분한 CPU/메모리 리소스에 액세스할 수 있는지 확인합니다.",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes": "",
"- Restart your {{.driver_name}} service": "{{.driver_name}} 서비스를 다시 시작하세요",
"- {{.logPath}}": "",
"--container-runtime must be set to \\\"containerd\\\" or \\\"cri-o\\\" for rootless": "",
"--kvm-numa-count range is 1-8": "--kvm-numa-count 범위는 1부터 8입니다",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman and KVM drivers, it will be ignored": "",
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"": "",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==": "",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==": "",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/": "",
@ -995,7 +993,6 @@
"zsh completion failed": "zsh 완성이 실패하였습니다",
"zsh completion.": "",
"{{ .name }}: Suggestion: {{ .suggestion}}": "",
"{{ .name }}: {{ .rejection }}": "",
"{{.Driver}} is currently using the {{.StorageDriver}} storage driver, consider switching to overlay2 for better performance": "",
"{{.count}} nodes stopped.": "{{.count}}개의 노드가 중지되었습니다.",
"{{.count}} node{{if gt .count 1}}s{{end}} stopped.": "",
@ -1005,8 +1002,6 @@
"{{.driver_name}} has only {{.container_limit}}MB memory but you specified {{.specified_memory}}MB": "",
"{{.driver}} does not appear to be installed": "{{.driver}} 가 설치되지 않았습니다",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} cluster does not exist": "{{.name}} 클러스터가 존재하지 않습니다",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "{{.name}} 이미지가 없습니다.",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "{{.name}}에는 다음과 같은 이미지가 있습니다.",
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
"- Ensure your {{.driver_name}} daemon has access to enough CPU/memory resources.": "",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes": "",
"- Restart your {{.driver_name}} service": "",
"- {{.logPath}}": "",
"--container-runtime must be set to \\\"containerd\\\" or \\\"cri-o\\\" for rootless": "",
"--kvm-numa-count range is 1-8": "",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman and KVM drivers, it will be ignored": "",
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"": "",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==": "==\u003e Audyt \u003c==",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==": "==\u003e Ostatni start \u003c==",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/": "VPN lub zapora sieciowa przeszkadza w komunikacji protokołem HTTP z maszyną wirtualną minikube. Spróbuj użyć innego sterownika: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/",
@ -997,7 +995,6 @@
"zsh completion failed": "autouzupełnianie zsh nie powiodło się",
"zsh completion.": "autouzupełnianie zsh",
"{{ .name }}: Suggestion: {{ .suggestion}}": "",
"{{ .name }}: {{ .rejection }}": "",
"{{.Driver}} is currently using the {{.StorageDriver}} storage driver, consider switching to overlay2 for better performance": "",
"{{.addonName}} was successfully enabled": "{{.addonName}} został aktywowany pomyślnie",
"{{.count}} node{{if gt .count 1}}s{{end}} stopped.": "",
@ -1006,8 +1003,6 @@
"{{.driver_name}} has less than 2 CPUs available, but Kubernetes requires at least 2 to be available": "",
"{{.driver_name}} has only {{.container_limit}}MB memory but you specified {{.specified_memory}}MB": "",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "sterownik {{.driver}} ma tylko {{.size}}MiB dostępnej przestrzeni dyskowej, to mniej niż wymagane {{.req}}MiB dla Kubernetesa",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} cluster does not exist": "Klaster {{.name}} nie istnieje",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "{{.name}} nie ma obrazów.",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "{{.name}} ma następujące obrazy:",
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
"- Ensure your {{.driver_name}} daemon has access to enough CPU/memory resources.": "",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes": "",
"- Restart your {{.driver_name}} service": "",
"- {{.logPath}}": "",
"--container-runtime must be set to \\\"containerd\\\" or \\\"cri-o\\\" for rootless": "",
"--kvm-numa-count range is 1-8": "",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman and KVM drivers, it will be ignored": "",
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "1. Кликните на иконку \"Docker for Desktop\"\n\t\t\t2. Выберите \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Нажмите \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Увеличьте кол-во \"emory\" до {{.recommend}} или выше\n\t\t\t5. Нажмите \"Apply \u0026 Перезапуск\"",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"": "",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==": "",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==": "",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/": "",
@ -920,7 +918,6 @@
"zsh completion failed": "",
"zsh completion.": "",
"{{ .name }}: Suggestion: {{ .suggestion}}": "",
"{{ .name }}: {{ .rejection }}": "",
"{{.Driver}} is currently using the {{.StorageDriver}} storage driver, consider switching to overlay2 for better performance": "",
"{{.count}} node{{if gt .count 1}}s{{end}} stopped.": "Остановлено узлов: {{.count}}.",
"{{.driver_name}} \"{{.cluster}}\" {{.machine_type}} is missing, will recreate.": "",
@ -928,8 +925,6 @@
"{{.driver_name}} has less than 2 CPUs available, but Kubernetes requires at least 2 to be available": "",
"{{.driver_name}} has only {{.container_limit}}MB memory but you specified {{.specified_memory}}MB": "",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "",
"{{.name}} has no available configuration options": "",
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
"- Ensure your {{.driver_name}} daemon has access to enough CPU/memory resources.": "",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes": "",
"- Restart your {{.driver_name}} service": "",
"- {{.logPath}}": "",
"--container-runtime must be set to \\\"containerd\\\" or \\\"cri-o\\\" for rootless": "",
"--kvm-numa-count range is 1-8": "",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman and KVM drivers, it will be ignored": "",
@ -26,7 +25,6 @@
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"": "",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==": "",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==": "",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/": "",
@ -920,7 +918,6 @@
"zsh completion failed": "",
"zsh completion.": "",
"{{ .name }}: Suggestion: {{ .suggestion}}": "",
"{{ .name }}: {{ .rejection }}": "",
"{{.Driver}} is currently using the {{.StorageDriver}} storage driver, consider switching to overlay2 for better performance": "",
"{{.count}} node{{if gt .count 1}}s{{end}} stopped.": "",
"{{.driver_name}} \"{{.cluster}}\" {{.machine_type}} is missing, will recreate.": "",
@ -928,8 +925,6 @@
"{{.driver_name}} has less than 2 CPUs available, but Kubernetes requires at least 2 to be available": "",
"{{.driver_name}} has only {{.container_limit}}MB memory but you specified {{.specified_memory}}MB": "",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "",
"{{.name}} has no available configuration options": "",
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"- Ensure your {{.driver_name}} daemon has access to enough CPU/memory resources.": "- 确保你的 {{.driver_name}} 守护程序有权访问足够的 CPU 和内存资源。",
"- Prune unused {{.driver_name}} images, volumes, networks and abandoned containers.\n\n\t\t\t\t{{.driver_name}} system prune --volumes": "",
"- Restart your {{.driver_name}} service": "- 重启你的 {{.driver_name}} 服务",
"- {{.logPath}}": "",
"--container-runtime must be set to \\\"containerd\\\" or \\\"cri-o\\\" for rootless": "",
"--kvm-numa-count range is 1-8": "",
"--network flag is only valid with the docker/podman and KVM drivers, it will be ignored": "",
@ -33,7 +32,6 @@
"1. Click on \"Docker for Desktop\" menu icon\n\t\t\t2. Click \"Preferences\"\n\t\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"CPUs\" slider bar to 2 or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"1. Open the \"Docker Desktop\" menu by clicking the Docker icon in the system tray\n\t\t2. Click \"Settings\"\n\t\t3. Click \"Resources\"\n\t\t4. Increase \"Memory\" slider bar to {{.recommend}} or higher\n\t\t5. Click \"Apply \u0026 Restart\"": "",
"": "",
"==\u003e Audit \u003c==": "",
"==\u003e Last Start \u003c==": "",
"A VPN or firewall is interfering with HTTP access to the minikube VM. Alternatively, try a different VM driver: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/": "VPN 或者防火墙正在干扰对 minikube 虚拟机的 HTTP 访问。或者,您可以使用其它的虚拟机驱动:https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/",
@ -1110,7 +1108,6 @@
"zsh completion failed": "",
"zsh completion.": "",
"{{ .name }}: Suggestion: {{ .suggestion}}": "",
"{{ .name }}: {{ .rejection }}": "",
"{{.Driver}} is currently using the {{.StorageDriver}} storage driver, consider switching to overlay2 for better performance": "",
"{{.count}} node{{if gt .count 1}}s{{end}} stopped.": "",
"{{.driver_name}} \"{{.cluster}}\" {{.machine_type}} is missing, will recreate.": "",
@ -1120,8 +1117,6 @@
"{{.driver}} does not appear to be installed": "似乎并未安装 {{.driver}}",
"{{.driver}} does not appear to be installed, but is specified by an existing profile. Please run 'minikube delete' or install {{.driver}}": "似乎并未安装 {{.driver}},但已被当前的配置文件指定。请执行 'minikube delete' 或者安装 {{.driver}}",
"{{.driver}} only has {{.size}}MiB available, less than the required {{.req}}MiB for Kubernetes": "",
"{{.err}}": "",
"{{.extra_option_component_name}}.{{.key}}={{.value}}": "",
"{{.name}} doesn't have images.": "",
"{{.name}} has following images:": "",
"{{.name}} has no available configuration options": "",
Reference in New Issue