Replace single preload cache with a preload map cache. Also add tests.

Andriy Dzikh 2021-07-02 10:26:23 -07:00
parent 3960a8ee6f
commit 25ba31a2b5
2 changed files with 77 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ func TestDownload(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("ImageToDaemon", testImageToDaemon)
t.Run("PreloadNotExists", testPreloadNotExists)
t.Run("PreloadChecksumMismatch", testPreloadChecksumMismatch)
t.Run("PreloadExistsCaching", testPreloadExistsCaching)
// Returns a mock function that sleeps before incrementing `downloadsCounter` and creates the requested file.
@ -197,3 +198,42 @@ func testImageToDaemon(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("Expected only 1 download attempt but got %v!", downloadNum)
// Validates that preload existence checks correctly caches values retrieved by remote checks.
func testPreloadExistsCaching(t *testing.T) {
checkCache = func(file string) (fs.FileInfo, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache not found")
doesPreloadExist := false
checkCalled := false
checkRemotePreloadExists = func(k8sVersion, containerRuntime string) bool {
checkCalled = true
setPreloadState(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, doesPreloadExist)
return doesPreloadExist
existence := PreloadExists("v1", "c1", "docker", true)
if existence || !checkCalled {
t.Errorf("Expected preload not to exist and a check to be performed. Existence: %v, Check: %v", existence, checkCalled)
checkCalled = false
existence = PreloadExists("v1", "c1", "docker", true)
if existence || checkCalled {
t.Errorf("Expected preload not to exist and no check to be performed. Existence: %v, Check: %v", existence, checkCalled)
doesPreloadExist = true
checkCalled = false
existence = PreloadExists("v2", "c1", "docker", true)
if !existence || !checkCalled {
t.Errorf("Expected preload to exist and a check to be performed. Existence: %v, Check: %v", existence, checkCalled)
checkCalled = false
existence = PreloadExists("v2", "c2", "docker", true)
if !existence || !checkCalled {
t.Errorf("Expected preload to exist and a check to be performed. Existence: %v, Check: %v", existence, checkCalled)
checkCalled = false
existence = PreloadExists("v2", "c2", "docker", true)
if !existence || checkCalled {
t.Errorf("Expected preload to exist and no check to be performed. Existence: %v, Check: %v", existence, checkCalled)

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@ -48,15 +48,8 @@ const (
PreloadBucket = "minikube-preloaded-volume-tarballs"
// Enumeration for preload existence cache.
const (
preloadUnknown = iota // Value when preload status has not been checked.
preloadMissing // Value when preload has been checked and is missing.
preloadPresent // Value when preload has been checked and is present.
var (
preloadState int = preloadUnknown
preloadStates map[string]map[string]bool = make(map[string]map[string]bool)
// TarballName returns name of the tarball
@ -99,6 +92,36 @@ func remoteTarballURL(k8sVersion, containerRuntime string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("", PreloadBucket, TarballName(k8sVersion, containerRuntime))
func setPreloadState(k8sVersion, containerRuntime string, value bool) {
cRuntimes, ok := preloadStates[k8sVersion]
if !ok {
cRuntimes = make(map[string]bool)
preloadStates[k8sVersion] = cRuntimes
cRuntimes[containerRuntime] = value
var checkRemotePreloadExists = func(k8sVersion, containerRuntime string) bool {
url := remoteTarballURL(k8sVersion, containerRuntime)
resp, err := http.Head(url)
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("%s fetch error: %v", url, err)
setPreloadState(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, false)
return false
// note: err won't be set if it's a 404
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
klog.Warningf("%s status code: %d", url, resp.StatusCode)
setPreloadState(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, false)
return false
klog.Infof("Found remote preload: %s", url)
setPreloadState(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, true)
return true
// PreloadExists returns true if there is a preloaded tarball that can be used
func PreloadExists(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, driverName string, forcePreload ...bool) bool {
// TODO (#8166): Get rid of the need for this and viper at all
@ -116,36 +139,20 @@ func PreloadExists(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, driverName string, forcePreload
// If the preload existence is cached, just return that value.
if preloadState != preloadUnknown {
return preloadState == preloadPresent
preloadState, ok := preloadStates[k8sVersion][containerRuntime]
if ok {
return preloadState
// Omit remote check if tarball exists locally
targetPath := TarballPath(k8sVersion, containerRuntime)
if _, err := checkCache(targetPath); err == nil {
klog.Infof("Found local preload: %s", targetPath)
preloadState = preloadPresent
setPreloadState(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, true)
return true
url := remoteTarballURL(k8sVersion, containerRuntime)
resp, err := http.Head(url)
if err != nil {
klog.Warningf("%s fetch error: %v", url, err)
preloadState = preloadMissing
return false
// note: err won't be set if it's a 404
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
klog.Warningf("%s status code: %d", url, resp.StatusCode)
preloadState = preloadMissing
return false
klog.Infof("Found remote preload: %s", url)
preloadState = preloadPresent
return true
return checkRemotePreloadExists(k8sVersion, containerRuntime)
var checkPreloadExists = PreloadExists
@ -209,7 +216,7 @@ func Preload(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, driverName string) error {
// If the download was successful, mark off that the preload exists in the cache.
preloadState = preloadPresent
setPreloadState(k8sVersion, containerRuntime, true)
return nil