-X POST -d "{\"body\": \"Hi ${ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention}, your kicbase info is out of date. Please rebase.\"}""https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/minikube/issues/$ghprbPullId/comments"
-X POST -d "{\"body\": \"Hi ${ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention}, building a new kicbase image failed, please try again.\"}""https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/minikube/issues/$ghprbPullId/comments"
message="Hi ${ghprbPullAuthorLoginMention},\\n\\nA new kicbase image is available, please update your PR with the new tag and SHA.\\nIn pkg/drivers/kic/types.go:\\n\\n\\t// Version is the current version of kic\\n\\tVersion = \\\"${KIC_VERSION}\\\"\\n\\t// SHA of the kic base image\\n\\tbaseImageSHA = \\\"${sha}\\\"\\n\\t// The name of the GCR kicbase repository\\n\\tgcrRepo = \\\"${GCR_REPO}\\\"\\n\\t// The name of the Dockerhub kicbase repository\\n\\tdockerhubRepo = \\\"${DH_REPO}\\\"\\nThen run \`make generate-docs\` to update our documentation to reference the new image.\n\nAlternatively, run the following command and commit the changes:\\n\`\`\`\\n sed 's|Version = .*|Version = \\\"${KIC_VERSION}\\\"|;s|baseImageSHA = .*|baseImageSHA = \\\"${sha}\\\"|;s|gcrRepo = .*|gcrRepo = \\\"${GCR_REPO}\\\"|;s|dockerhubRepo = .*|dockerhubRepo = ${DH_REPO}|' pkg/drivers/kic/types.go > new-types.go; mv new-types.go pkg/drivers/kic/types.go; make generate-docs\\n\`\`\`"